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El libro describe las consecuencias de la pandemia de la COVID-19 sobre la salud mental, cómo entenderlas y cómo lidiar con ellas. El 2020 siempre será recordado como el año de la pandemia de la COVID-19. El número de infectados y fallecidos se monitoriza ansiosamente. Los números reflejan una tragedia evidente. Pero, más allá de las duras estadísticas se halla el mayor, y menos tangible, impacto de la afección mental. La afección mental tiene más alcance y es incluso más ”viral” que el propio virus. El libro de 68 páginas del Dr. Paul Valent, La Salud Mental en Tiempos de la Pandemia, explora y sintetiza este importante tema; asimismo, ofrece soluciones prácticas para profesionales de la salud y para el público general. - El Dr. Valent presenta su ciencia del estrés y el trauma, desarrollada durante décadas de investigación y trabajo clínico, para explicar la variedad e impacto de la angustia pandémica. - Facilita ejemplos clínicos y un marco que ofrece una visión de los tan extendidos síntomas biológicos, psicológicos y sociales de la pandemia. - Más allá del estrés y la depresión, de la violencia doméstica y el suicidio, el Dr. Valent dilucida los efectos muchas veces inesperados de la pandemia sobre la salud mental. - Explica el camino del impacto mental, que se extiende de individuos a naciones enteras y pasa de ser un instinto a ser un significado existencial. - Los lectores se verán reflejados a sí mismos y también verán reflejado su entorno en este manual, que promueve un nuevo entendimiento y una forma de protegerse respecto a desastres generalizados. - El manual es sencillo de leer y está indicado tanto para profesionales como para un público más amplio. Translator: M. L. Mario PUBLISHER: TEKTIME
Especially with the deleterious impact of Covid 19 on students' mental health and social emotional wellbeing, schools need to help parents and caregivers understand and address the issues that can affect their children's mental health. This concise yet comprehensive Spanish-language guide provides parents of secondary students with quick and easy access to critical information, including factors that affect children’s mental health; warning signs that may indicate their child is suffering from a mental health issue; strategies they can employ to develop their child’s self-esteem and resilience; a handy mental health checklist as a reference for monitoring children's mental health.
This work tries to bring us closer to understanding what is happening to us on a psychological level as protagonists of a crisis derived from the COVID-19 pandemic. Beyond fear, the emotions that move in a crisis like this span a broader spectrum. What are the other emotions that invade us and what role are they playing? The only thing that can be said for sure about crises... is that there will be more.
Especially with the deleterious impact of Covid 19 on students' mental health and social emotional wellbeing, schools need to help parents and caregivers understand and address the issues that can affect their children's mental health. This concise yet comprehensive Spanish-language guide provides parents of secondary students with quick and easy access to critical information, including factors that affect children’s mental health; warning signs that may indicate their child is suffering from a mental health issue; strategies they can employ to develop their child’s self-esteem and resilience; a handy mental health checklist as a reference for monitoring children's mental health.
Gina Tarditi Psicóloga, desarrollista humana y tanatóloga. Se ha especializado en el área de cuidados paliativos y manejo de duelo tanto en México como en Estados Unidos, España y Canadá, donde ha tenido varias estancias. Cuenta con veintisiete años de experiencia trabajando con enfermos crónicos, así como con sus familias. Es autora de Las Emociones y el cáncer. Mitos y Realidades; El Duelo. Cómo integrar la pérdida en nuestra biografía y coautora de Cuidados Paliativos. Medicina que apuesta por la calidad de vida.
Aprenda a desarrollar, implementar y sostener un ministerio de cuidado congregacional en su iglesia, sin importar el tamaño, su forma o a la denominación a la cual pertenezca. Los pastores y líderes de la iglesia realmente quieren cuidar a las personas en sus congregaciones y comunidades. No obstante, ellos no pueden cuidar a una iglesia por sí solos. Además, la mayoría del liderato laico no tiene la capacitación requerida para ejercer este ministerio de cuidado. El Ministerio del Cuidado Congregacional es un modelo del cuidado de persona a persona, el cual su efectividad ha sido comprobada en iglesias pequeñas y grandes en los EE. UU. Es un ministerio centrado en el servicio del laicado. Estos líderes reciben una capacitación rigurosa, y luego son comisionados para servir como ministros del cuidado congregacional (MCC), para brindar el cuidado en sus congregaciones y comunidades extendidas. Este notable enfoque del cuidado congregacional fue primeramente desarrollado, por la autora, Karen Lampe, junto con su equipo, en la Iglesia Metodista Unida de la Resurrección, en Kansas City. El mismo ha sido probado, refinado y fortalecido, y ahora se está adaptando a todo tipo de contextos congregacionales. Una de las primeras adaptadoras de este modelo fue la coautora, Melissa Gepford, quien desarrolló un Ministerio del Cuidado Congregacional en su iglesia rural. Juntas han creado esta guía, inmensamente práctica, para cualquier pastor/pastora o líder que busque desarrollar un Ministerio del Cuidado Congregacional. Este libro presenta el modelo de ministerio, y explica los cinco pasos esenciales que establecen el fundamento para el ministerio. Es extremadamente práctico, lleno de listas de verificación y otras herramientas para ayudar a los pastores y a otros líderes a comprender (y explicar) esta forma de brindar el cuidado congregacional. El libro también incluye una sección enfocada en el componente vital de este ministerio: el ministro/la ministra del cuidado congregacional, o el/la MCC. Esta sección describe completamente las características de los MCC, tales como: reclutar personas para este ministerio; cómo discernir quiénes son los candidatos idóneos para el ministerio, y cómo llevar a cabo la capacitación de los MCC durante un período de varias semanas. Detalla, además, información importante que los MCC deben saber y los comportamientos y hábitos que deben practicar para ser efectivos en el desempeño del ministerio. Learn to build, launch, and sustain a congregational care ministry in your church–no matter the size, type, or denomination. Pastors and church leaders genuinely want to care for people in their congregations and communities. But pastors cannot care for an entire church, and most laypersons don't have the training to do it. The Caring Congregation Ministry is a model for person-to-person care that's been proven to work in small and large churches across the U.S. It is a laity-centered ministry, where laypersons receive rigorous training and then are commissioned to serve as Congregational Care Ministers, caring for others in their own congregation and their extended community. This remarkable approach to congregational care was first developed by author Karen Lampe and her team at The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection in Kansas City. It has been tested, refined, and strengthened, and is now being adapted in all sorts of congregational settings. One early adapter was co-author Melissa Gepford, who launched a Caring Congregation Ministry in her own rural church. Together, they have created this immensely practical guide for any pastor or leader seeking to create a congregational care ministry. This book introduces the ministry model and explains the Five Essentials that form the ministry's foundation. It is extremely practical, full of checklists and other tools to help pastors and other leaders understand (and explain) this way of providing congregational care. The book also includes a section focused on the crucial component of this ministry–the Congregational Care Minister, or CCM. This section fully describes the characteristics of CCMs, how to recruit people to this ministry, how to discern if candidates are a good fit, and how to conduct the CCM training over a multi-week period. It details the critical information CCMs must know, and the behaviors and habits they must practice in order to be effective.
This book focuses on how to formulate a mental health response with respect to the unique elements of pandemic outbreaks. Unlike other disaster psychiatry books that isolate aspects of an emergency, this book unifies the clinical aspects of disaster and psychosomatic psychiatry with infectious disease responses at the various levels, making it an excellent resource for tackling each stage of a crisis quickly and thoroughly. The book begins by contextualizing the issues with a historical and infectious disease overview of pandemics ranging from the Spanish flu of 1918, the HIV epidemic, Ebola, Zika, and many other outbreaks. The text acknowledges the new infectious disease challenges presented by climate changes and considers how to implement systems to prepare for these issues from an infection and social psyche perspective. The text then delves into the mental health aspects of these crises, including community and cultural responses, emotional epidemiology, and mental health concerns in the aftermath of a disaster. Finally, the text considers medical responses to situation-specific trauma, including quarantine and isolation-associated trauma, the mental health aspects of immunization and vaccination, survivor mental health, and support for healthcare personnel, thereby providing guidance for some of the most alarming trends facing the medical community. Written by experts in the field, Psychiatry of Pandemics is an excellent resource for infectious disease specialists, psychiatrists, psychologists, immunologists, hospitalists, public health officials, nurses, and medical professionals who may work patients in an infectious disease outbreak.
The mhGAP Intervention Guide (IG) is a clinical guide on mental neurological and substance use disorders for general health care workers who work in non-specialized health care settings particularly in low- and middle-income countries. These health care workers include general physicians family physicians nurses and clinical officers. The mhGAP programme provides a range of tools to support the work of health care providers as well as health policy makers and planners The proposed guide is an adaptation of the mhGAP Intervention Guide to be used in humanitarian settings. These settings include a broad range of acute and chronic emergency situations arising from armed conflicts natural disasters and industrial disasters and may include mass displacement of populations (eg refugees and/or internally displaced people).
As an evidence-based practice, Housing First has not only been proven to be successful in ending homelessness, but is also embraced as the most cost-effective solution. Today, the Housing First model is being implemented in hundreds of communities across the United States, Canada and Europe. As the model evolves one thing remains constant: Housing First ends homelessness. Housing First is simple: provide housing first, and then combine that housing with supportive treatment services in mental and physical health, substance abuse, education, and employment.Housing First details:solid, actionable information about the program's philosophy, operations, and administrationthe composition, staffing structures, and day-to-day operations of the clinical and support servicespractices in client assessment and engagementproperty management operationsthe best protocols for assisting clients with the search for housing, relationships with landlords, and the overall "settling in" processthe research evidence for the effectiveness of the Pathways modelThe Pathways model has been remarkably successful in ending chronic homelessness. Since its founding, housing retention rates have remained at 85 – 90 percent even among individuals who have not succeeded in other programs. Not only is Housing First effective at keeping people housed and working toward recovery, it has also proven to be incredibly cost-effective.