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El propósito de este libro es mostrar la trama del confl icto y las iniciativas de quietud que se han dado en la sociedad contemporánea. Como el lector tendrá ocasión de comprobar en los capítulos que se consignan, la guerra tiene mayor presencia que las aptitudes de paz. No ha sido este hecho premeditado sino que tras el llamamiento que se ha realizado a los especialistas que aquí aparecen, éstos han sido los espontáneos resultados. Lo cual muestra el predominio del drama frente a la concordia internacional. Muchas razones se suelen aducir para dar comienzo al lenguaje de las armas, desde la tesis de Maquiavelo según la cual los cimientos principales de todos los Estados son las buenas leyes y las buenas armas, y que no puede haber buenas leyes donde no hay buenas armas, hasta la de Adolf Hitler quien llega a afi rmar que los ingenios más crueles son más humanitarios pues aceleran la consecución de la victoria. Los planteamientos de Joseph Stalin, en la II Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), tampoco son nada halagüeños cuando llevó a su pueblo a la muerte de veintidós millones de soldados para conseguir la expansión territorial jamás soñada por dirigente ruso alguno. El confl icto que ahora acotamos, el más sangriento de la historia de la humanidad, se repudia por su propia naturaleza autodestructiva, y enlaza con la Gran Guerra de 1914-1918. No nos gusta el culto a los héroes pese a que Thomas Carlyle los sacralizara en el siglo XIX, ni creemos que, como insistiera el general prusiano Helmut Von Moltke, la paz perdurable es un sueño, y ni siquiera un sueño hermoso. No entendemos cómo pudo afi rmar que la guerra forma parte del orden creado por Dios o que en ella se magnifi can las virtudes más negras del hombre: el valor y la abnegación al espíritu del deber y el sacrifi cio de sí mismos, sin la guerra –añade– el mundo se hundiría en el materialismo.
El contenido de este texto dice relación directa con las investigaciones que presentaron diferentes académicos nacionales y extranjeros en el V Congreso Chile España, que se desarrolló en la Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción durante el año 2018. Las temáticas que se consideraron en dicha actividad, tuvieron directa relación con la Historia de las Relaciones Internacionales y se iniciaron con el origen y rol de la Sociedad de Naciones el año 1919, culminando con la iniciativa americana en este campo, representada por UNASUR y su actual condición.
The Italian Far Right from 1945 to the Russia–Ukraine Conflict provides a comprehensive account of the postwar parliamentary and extra parliamentary far right in Italy. This book explores the ideology, movements and activism of the extreme right and neo- fascists. The recent victory in the Italian parliamentary elections of the ‘post-fascist’ party Fratelli d’Italia and its leader Giorgia Meloni highlights the importance of such research. The book examines why some of these movements participated with CIA- backing in the ‘Strategy of Tension’ in the years of the Cold War where terrorist actions aimed to keep Italy in NATO and prevent the Communist Party from coming to power, while other extreme- right groups vehemently opposed this and what they considered the dangerous ‘Americanization’ of the country. It debunks the myth that there was a unified postwar fascist movement in Italy, but instead excavates the complex battles within the extreme right as well as with their opponents from the left, and the authorities. This study is necessary to clarify the history and ideological dynamics of a political area still too often shrouded in mystery and whose geopolitical role is still poorly understood and generally underestimated. The analysis is contextualized in the present day by looking at the different perspectives of the Italian far right on the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The book will be of interest to researchers of political history, the Cold War and Italian history and politics.
This work covers the international importance of the War in Spain through the two organizations that marked the multilateral action towards the conflict: The League of Nations and the Non-Intervention Committee. France and the United Kingdom diverted both deliberations as well as decision-making processes and mechanisms from Geneva. Non-intervention was appeasement’s specific variable applied to Spain. Despite its name, it meant an intervention, depriving the Spanish government from its own defense while the fascist governments provided massive and regular support to the rebels. The League was damaged in its authority through the violation of its Covenant in Manchuria and Abyssinia. Once the War in Spain began, non-intervention was articulated with the main objective to confine the conflict to the Spanish borders. To this end, the designation of the conflict as a civil war (not a mere nominal nor anecdotal issue) in both London and Geneva was essential. By abandoning the Spanish democracy and foreclosing the collective security system, European democracies were also removing all that stood between their own societies and another world war. The failure of the collective security system that the League was supposed to safeguard, prompted by the impossibility of reconciling the British-led policy of appeasement with active anti-fascism, led to a climate of collective insecurity, during which arose a Second World War. This was precisely the main objective to avoid in the international order established in 1919 after the major collective catastrophe on a worldwide scale – soon to be overcome as that. The scholarship herein will prove essential for scholars of the interwar years’ crisis, twentieth-century Spanish history and international relations.
El número V de la colección Ius Cogens, titulado Desafíos del multilateralismo y de la paz, recoge 17 contribuciones arbitradas y que, según su temática, componen las cuatro secciones de este volumen. La primera dedicada a los debates inacabados del derecho internacional. La segunda se ocupa de las discusiones sobre el multilateralismo. La tercera está dedicada a la regionalización e integración. La cuarta, y última sección, trata de experiencias que desafían la guerra.
The reporter and columnist recounts her life as one of the last reporters to attack cartels and expose Colombia's drug traffickers.
Violence on both large and small scales has a tremendous impact on society. The causes and impacts of violence have been under study for decades; however, in the modern era, it is important to remain knowledgeable of the current research on violence. As tragic events flood news headlines around the world, it is essential to evaluate violence, its causes, and its impact on society in order to mitigate and prevent violence globally. The Research Anthology on Modern Violence and Its Impact on Society discusses the causes, ideologies, and perceptions of modern violence and examines its impact on society. It presents emerging research on modern violence in multiple dimensions from interpersonal to mass violence. Covering topics such as gun violence, radicalization, and victim-offender overlap, this major reference work is an essential resource for sociologists, politicians, government officials, law enforcement, community leaders, educators and administrators of both K-12 and higher education, students of higher education, psychologists, criminologists, victimologists, researchers, and academicians.