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Overcoming Emotional Trauma: Life Beyond Survival Mode is a balance of personal stories and perspective that is interwoven, and it works! Travis humanizes how trauma can play out in an individual for a deeper understanding. This book will help you look at other factors, besides just behaviors and symptoms. Overcoming Emotional Trauma is not only for professionals working with those who have experienced trauma, but for those who have experienced trauma themselves. The information included in this book can also have a wide spread application for the many systems we navigate in our daily lives, and for anyone who is interested in self-awareness and growth. Travis' story encapsulates what many of those operating in "survival mode" are actively living, which is sometimes difficult to put into words or describe. ~Alyssa Shepard, LMSW, Children and Family Therapist -Iowa
Growth is a continuous process that begins at conception. Come, let us review the history events from a past life. As we take this walk together through time, think with expectation of a growing process.
'Beyond Survival' breaks new ground in the ongoing debate about health finance and financial protection from the costs of health care. The evidence and discussion support the need to consider financial protection, in addition to health status, as a policy objective when setting priorities for health systems. This book reviews the Latin American experience with health reform in the last 20 years and the fundamentals of health system financing, using new evidence to show the magnitude and mechanisms that determine the impoverishing effects of health events (diseases, accidents, and those of the life cycle). It provides options for policy makers on how to protect, and help household to protect themselves,against this impoverishment. The authors use empirical evidence from six case studies commissioned for this report, on Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Honduras, and Mexico. This book provides policy makers with a solid conceptual basis for decisions on the contents of mandatory health insurance benefit packages, choices of financing mechanisms, and the roles of public policy in this field. 'Beyond Survival' provides an in-depth analysis of, and organizational alternatives for, risk pooling and health insurance for financial protection. It analyzes the urgent need to extend risk pooling to the informal sector, the challenges for current social insurance arrangements, and options for policy makers to effectively extend risk pooling to the informal sector.
This gives me an immense pleasure to announce that ‘RED’SHINE Publication, Inc’ is coming out with its third volume of peer reviewed, international journal named as ‘The International Journal of Indian Psychology. IJIP Journal of Studies‘is a humble effort to come out with an affordable option of a low cost publication journal and high quality of publication services, at no profit no loss basis, with the objective of helping young, genius, scholars and seasoned academicians to show their psychological research works to the world at large and also to fulfill their academic aspirations.
One part theory (borrowed from business world), one part practice (including detailed case studies of the University of Pittsburgh and the University of Arizona), one part inspiration: Beyond Survival offers ideas about how academic libraries can not only survive in the short term, but take advantage of emergent opportunities by judiciously adopting the same organizational development tools and concepts espoused by the business world. While there is a great deal of anecdotal evidence that significant organizational changes are taking place in academic libraries, the literature suggests that most of these changes take the form of evolutionary, or incremental improvement. But what happens when libraries find themselves in a society characterized by increased information availability compression of time and space, and growing turbulence and unpredictability? These are conditions with which the business world has been grappling for years, conditions that require not an evolutionary approach, but nimbleness and rapid response. One part theory (borrowed from business world), one part practice (including detailed case studies of the University of Pittsburgh and the University of Arizona), one part inspiration, Beyond Survival shows you how the transition tactics and strategies developed by businesses can be adapted to academic libraries. By judiciously adopting the same organizational development tools and concepts espoused by the business world, academic libraries can not only survive in the short term, but can take advantage of emergent opportunities to ensure long-term excellence.
Contains 11 essays which explore labour's decline, and avenues for its revitalization. Included are case studies drawn from the coal mining, manufacturing, and motor vehicle industries. Discusses changing labour relations in the workplace which effectively diminish trade union power. A common thread linking the essays is the "recognition of the fundamental antagonism between capital and labor."
Have you ever asked yourselfshouldnt life be better than this? Of course there is more to life than the daily grind or whirlwind of chaos you may feel yourself in right now. However, the models for living that have been taught and practiced for ages are all about how to survive and barely keep your head above water. That is only one option. There is also the option to practice a new model, one that involves thriving in every aspect of life. Derived from experiences with emotional intelligence, appreciative inquiry, and other disciplines, Thriving beyond Survival offers a new model for living that supports you in harnessing the natural, graceful flow of daily life, achieve your goals, and really have fun along the way. As you read, you are invited to shift your perceptions, see a wider picture, and follow a roadmap that can help you move out of feeling trapped in a life that, deep down, you know should be more wonderful. Thriving beyond Survival is all about going beyond just surviving and finally living your life the way it was designed to be livedthriving. Are you ready? Lets go!