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L’ouvrage aborde l’ensemble des outils et pratiques de la GRH (recrutement, formation, appréciation de la performance, rémunération, gestion des emplois, etc.). Il explique le fonctionnement de la représentation des salariés et décrit les outils et pratiques du dialogue social dans les organisations. Quels sont les enjeux qui animent la relation d’emploi ? Quelle perspective adopter face au(x) conflit(s) au travail ? Comment concilier engagement, implication, motivation, avec une logique d’évaluation, de rentabilité et de flexibilité ? Dans quelle mesure la gestion des ressources humaines et les relations de travail sont-elles des cadres d’analyse utiles à la compréhension de ces phénomènes ? Ce sont les questions qui animent cet ouvrage. Sa problématique centrale repose sur l’identification d’une tension, qui nous semble refléter le dilemme contemporain de la Gestion des Ressources Humaines. D’une part, la GRH, dans sa version stratégique, cherche à susciter l’engagement et l’implication des salariés. D’autre part, les logiques de flexibilité et de retour sur investissement en capital humain créent un contexte aux incertitudes nombreuses pouvant saper les bases nécessaires à l’établissement d’une confiance dans la durée, pourtant impérative pour générer engagement et implication. De surcroît, le développement de l’économie numérique provoque un certain nombre de mutations profondes qui affectent le travail et son organisation, la nature de l’emploi et de la relation d’emploi, ainsi que rôle de la GRH. Cet ouvrage propose de croiser les apports théoriques de la GRH et des relations industrielles afin d’offrir des éléments de réponse à ce dilemme.
Dans la première section, chaque notice comprend la traduction anglaise et une définition du terme et son contexte. Plusieurs annexes : sigles et abréviations; conventions et recommandations de l'OIT, Charte canadienne des droits et libertés, Charte québécoise des droits et libertés de la personne, des textes de législation du travail, les événements marquants en relation de travail au pays et des statistiques syndicales. Plus de 2500 termes et quelque 600 locutions et maximes latines ajoutés à cette édition.
Established as the standard reference for a worldwide readership of students, scholars and practitioners in international agencies, governments, companies and unions, this text offers a systematic overview of international employment relations. Chapters cover the UK, USA, Canada, Australia, Italy, France, Germany, Denmark, Japan, South Korea, China, India and South Africa. Experts examine the context of employment relations in each country: economic, historical, legal, social and political. They consider the roles of the major players and outline the various processes of employment relations, including collective bargaining and arbitration, consultation and employee involvement. The seventh edition has been thoroughly updated with new examples and discussion questions to engage students and encourage critical thinking. A revamped set of online resources includes PowerPoint slides for lecturers to use in their teaching, as well as useful web links to enhance learning.
Thisbook is the fruit of a number of years of assimilating another culture and learning about the evolution of its institutions, altogether an incr- iblyrich andrewarding experience. Ihopetopassonto the reader some of that richness in the belief that, even in a “globalizing” context, learning about other nations and cultures is more and more necessary. The reasons andvalues behind this belief are perhaps evident,but I amconvincedthat they bear repeating here. To begin with, the hasty generalizations that often liebehind the cynicism—and ultimately the violence—of ethnocentrism and xe- phobia are still being aired today and still need to be fought, even in “unified and advanced” regions of the world like Europe and the United States. The historical and social sciences disciplines need to be solicited constantly in this combat, even though they themselves are terrains of controversy and contestation. I personally have not lost faith in their “progressive” potential and character. Second, my belief is that only through this process of appeal to these disciplines and their findings can we resist a dangerous contemporary slide into simplisticand sensation- ist pictures of the world—viewpoints often associated with an implicit assumption that social and economic change are linear processes, so- how unfolding according to the same neat “logic” wherever they are at work.
This Handbook provides evidence-based information to the reader regarding the dynamics of HRM in this important region. The book is developed into three parts – contextual and functional issues such as societal and cultural perspectives, performance management and talent management; country-specific HRM covering the GCC, Levant and North African nations; and emerging themes such as HR issues related to domestic workers, labour localisation, expatriate management, CSR, Wasta, foreign and public sector firms. Covered under 23 chapters, the systematic analysis highlights the main forces determining HRM systems in the region.
This book presents the HRM scenario in a number of countries in the Middle East, highlighting the growth of the personnel/HR function, the dominant HRM system(s) in the area and the challenges faced.
Examines changes which have occured in the system of industrial relations of industrial countries from 1944 to 1992. Focuses on patterns of collective bargaining in the service and public sectors in Quebec.