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The debt crisis in Greece has sparked lively debates about the origins of the crisis and policy measures to be adopted in order to fix it. The authors offer the first original and comprehensive narrative on Greece.
An original analysis of the integration of Greece into the European Union, assessing the impact of EU membership on different sectors of the Greek economy. It examines the relationship from 1961, through its freezing as a result of the authoritarian Greek regime in 1967 and the negotiation of full membership in 1981. The book focusses on interest politics and shows how Greek sectoral corporatism has been transformed, largely as a result of EU membership. It draws on new institutionalist approaches to politics and political economy and neofunctionalist theories of EU integration.
The debt crisis in Greece has sparked lively debates about the origins of the crisis and policy measures to be adopted in order to fix it. The authors offer the first original and comprehensive narrative on Greece.
The book “The Greek Economy and the Crisis. Challenges and Responses” targets all those who think about the present and future of this (culturally) long-lived small geographic region (Greece), to form a personal view of its social and economic problems. A society that repeats the same types of behaviour over the centuries does not do so due to random mistakes. It contains intrinsic forces that affect it. These should be understood, to allow us to delineate future developments. However, the manner in which the social and economic process is perceived must be comprehensive and multidisciplinary: Economics, politics, social psychology and organizational psychology are essential to this analysis. Thus, the book is useful to those seeking information for their professional, scientific and personal development, allowing them to shape their social attitude. It is also useful to those responsible for taking decisions at national, European or enterprise level, in relation to the social and economic problems of Greece.
A #1 Sunday Times bestseller [UK] A titanic battle is being waged for Europe's integrity and soul, with the forces of reason and humanism losing out to growing irrationality, authoritarianism, and malice, promoting inequality and austerity. The whole world has a stake in a victory for rationality, liberty, democracy, and humanism. In January 2015, Yanis Varoufakis, an economics professor teaching in Austin, Texas, was elected to the Greek parliament with more votes than any other member of parliament. He was appointed finance minister and, in the whirlwind five months that followed, everything he had warned about-the perils of the euro's faulty design, the European Union's shortsighted austerity policies, financialized crony capitalism, American complicity and rising authoritarianism-was confirmed as the "troika" (the European Central Bank, International Monetary Fund, and European Commission) stonewalled his efforts to resolve Greece's economic crisis. Here, Varoufakis delivers a fresh look at the history of Europe's crisis and America's central role in it. He presents the ultimate case against austerity, proposing concrete policies for Europe that are necessary to address its crisis and avert contagion to America, China, and the rest of the world. With passionate, informative, and at times humorous prose, he warns that the implosion of an admittedly crisis-ridden and deeply irrational European monetary union should, and can, be avoided at all cost.
Bachelor Thesis from the year 2012 in the subject Business economics - Banking, Stock Exchanges, Insurance, Accounting, grade: A, The University of Chicago, language: English, abstract: In 2008, the world witnessed economic turndown of the most dangerous nature since the Great Depression of the 1930s. It all began in 2007 when high home prices in the United States turned downward that spread quickly to the entire US financial sector and then to financial markets globally. The overall casualty in the United States included the biggest insurance company, the entire investment banking industry, the largest mortgage lender, two of the largest commercial banks and the largest savings and loan. The impact of downfall in the United States had a huge impact globally and specifically the European countries. The worst hit country by financial turn down was Greece (Salas et al, 2010). Greece even before joining the Euro was living beyond its means. After adopting single currency, public spending soared. Between 1999 and 2007, public wages increased by 50%, faster than most of the countries in Eurozone. The government also hosted 2004 Athens Olympics and piled up debt. The debt in Greece kept soaring till the point where the country was no longer able to repay its debts. Greece was forced to ask for help from the IMF and European parts in the form of massive loans (Shiller, 2008). This research analyzes the global financial crisis and its impacts on Greece. It analyzes the austerity measures taken up by Greece and its impacts on the country. The research analyzes the bail outs that were granted to Greece to save the country from defaulting. IMF, World Bank and European Central Bank helped Greece by providing loans along with strict austerity measures by the economy of Greece had continuously shrank and the situation is not getting any better. The aims and objectives of the research include: • Analyzing the current financial crisis in Greece • Analyzing if there is any opportunity present in Greece for economic revival • Proposing a plan for revival of Greece’s economy For analyzing the financial situation of Greece, secondary data was used for extensive and in-depth analysis. The secondary research data sources included books, case studies, articles and literature review. With this methodology, the research investigated and analyzed the weaknesses and strengths of steps that were taken in Greece in order to counter the financial crisis. The analysis revealed that it was the poor taxation policies and economic structure that contributed to the worsening financial situation of Greece.
Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2014 im Fachbereich VWL - Geldtheorie, Geldpolitik, , Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Once famous for their beauty, friendliness and culture, Greece – the land of gods – was climbing up the Olymp quickly. But the successes of “Rehakles” and the Olympic Games in 2004 have blurred the reality. Greece has nowadays a new profile: Excessive national debts, Recession, a suffering society and for most people a missing perspective. The current situation is the result after decades of bad economic decision-making and wrong governmental leading. Tina Gries and Dominik Ganswohl examined the Greek Crisis, analysed previously initiated measures and shaped strategies for Greece to get out of the current economic, financial and sovereign debt crisis – back to their old face.
This expanded and enlarged third edition of Theodore Pelagidis and Michael Mitsopoulos’ popular Who’s to Blame for Greece? covers almost a decade of Greece's economic crisis from 2009 to 2019, as well as recent developments in the first months of 2020. It provides an overview of recent developments in the Greek economy and outlines the most important obstacles to a return to robust and sustainable growth rates. It considers the new optimism being developed in Greece after the crisis, but also the policy challenges facing Greece emanating from a deeply hurt economy in the aftermath of the crisis and the structural problems that persist. The book covers the most recent issues that affect the Greek economy including, the migration crisis at the borders with Turkey as well as a faltering global economy hit by the Covid-19 pandemic. This book will appeal to researchers, practitioners and policy makers interested in the EU and the political economy of Greece and offers valuable updates on the second edition.
The euro was generally considered a success in its first decade. Nevertheless, the “unanticipated” financial crisis in the summer of 2007 has developed gradually into the worst global economic crisis in post-war economic history and a sovereign debt crisis, calling into question the endurance of positive externalities under the current form of European economic integration. The experience of double-dip recessions in the core of the euro-area and the occurrence of a deflationary spiral in its southern periphery brings into question the wisdom of fiscal consolidation via austerity in the adjustment programmes adopted to exit the crisis. They also put into doubt the adequacy and efficiency of the European Economic and Monetary Union’s core elements, its political instruments and macroeconomic assumptions, as can be seen in the role of the Stability and Growth Pact and the stance of the European Central Bank. The title of this collective volume refers to the country where the European sovereign debt crisis began, while its contents concentrate on the extent to which this crisis should be a national or a European concern. Moreover, the focus on Greece stimulates discussion about the neglected factor of the shadow economy and the potential to boost government revenue through its successful transfer to the formal economy. The chapters address the inefficiencies of both euro-area institutions and policies adopted to exit the current predicament. Experts from several disciplines review the literature and critically evaluate the existence of issues such as contagion effects, domino effects, deflationary spirals, institutional efficiency and the reality of the option to exit the euro-area.
Banking historiography often does not sufficiently take into account bankers’ deliberations of their decision making, but rather limits investigation to considerations of profit maximisation. This book shows that the decision-making processes of nineteenth-century bankers contemplating high-risk financial markets like Greece are just as complex as present-day investment decisions. The book, now published in English after a first German edition, offers in-depth studies of decision making in concrete historical situations, considering political and economic circumstances and also the individual background of the actors concerned, including a reflection on the influence of cultural movements such as Philhellenism. Employing methodological inspirations from the field of behavioural finance, the book analyses a broad range of published and unpublished English, French, Greek, German and Swiss sources on European investment in Greece between 1821 and the Balkan wars. Additionally, rich insights into Greek economic history, the economic integration of the country into Europe and long-lasting European stereotypes of Southern Europe and Greece are provided; this furthers understanding of the historical background of the Greek financial crisis after 2009. In combining the perspectives of financial, economic, political and cultural history, this book is primarily significant for students of various fields of historiography. Due to its strong awareness of methodological questions, it is also of great interest to academic historians. In addition, the strong public interest in the Greek financial crisis after 2009 and its consequences for Europe will, thirdly, attract the interest of a broader public.