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This book focuses on the need for and development of a rigorous Nonequilibrium Thermodynamic Theory, as a foundation on which to construct a relativistic particle theory that in turn serves as a self-consistent basis for our reasoning in the quantum, cosmological and life sciences, at the farthest extremes of organized complexity ? and the farthest removes from equilibrium. In Part I, Dr. Hamilton develops general principles and laws, extending those of Classical Thermodynamics, which govern the origin and evolution of systems far from equilibrium. And he shows that these principles act collectively with Heisenberg?s indeterminacy principle, as a Nonequilibrium Thermodynamic Imperative (NTI), a creative driving force in the expansion and evolution of the Universe. In Part II, he proposes fundamental assumptions, alternatives to those in the Standard Model, that lead, seamlessly and self-consistently, to the origin and evolution of the quantum Universe and its transition to the scalar expansion of the Cosmos, in which the force of gravity plays a central role. On this foundation, Part III develops a rational quantum theory in which Gravitational and Symmetry Bound Photons (GSBP) constitute the most fundamental particles in the Universe as dimensional composite fermions (quarks, electrons and positrinos) and bosons, and enabling a GSBP-Schroedinger enhanced description of the dynamics of atomic and molecular systems. And in Part IV, Dr. Hamilton develops a physical, molecular theory of the origin and evolution of life on the early Earth which accounts in natural geophysical terms for the critically important homochirality of all the amino acids in present-day living cells. The Nonequilibrium Thermodynamic Imperative drives and undergirds all creative action, at all levels, from quantum to cosmological, in the expanding Universe, including the Darwinian Natural Selection of species on Earth in which the NTI plays a fundamental physical role.
This book seeks to present a new way of thinking about the interaction of gravitational fields with quantum systems. Despite the massive amounts of research and experimentation, the myriad meetings, seminars and conferences, all of the articles, treatises and books, and the seemingly endless theorization, quantization and just plain speculation that have been engaged in regarding our evolving understanding of the quantum world, that world remains an enigma, even to the experts. The usefulness of general relativity in this regard has proven to be imperfect at best, but there is a new approach. We do not simply have to accept the limitations of Einstein's most celebrated theorem in regard to quantum theory; we can also embrace them, and thereby utilize them, to reveal new facts about the behavior of quantum systems within inertial and gravitational fields, and therefore about the very structure of space–time at the quantum level. By taking existing knowledge of the essential functionality of spin (along with the careful identification of the omnipresent inertial effects) and applying it to the quantum world, the book gives the reader a much clearer picture of the difference between the classical and quantum behaviors of a particle, shows that Einstein's ideas may not be as incompatible within this realm as many have come to believe, sparks new revelations of the way in which gravity affects quantum systems and brings a new level of efficiency—quantum efficiency, if you will—to the study of gravitational theory.
Energy and Mass in Relativity Theory presents about 30 pedagogical papers published by the author over the last 20 years. They deal with concepts central to relativity theory: energy E, rest energy E0, momentum p, mass m, velocity v of particles of matter, including massless photons for which v = c. Other related subjects are also discussed.According to Einstein's equation E0= mc2, a massive particle at rest contains rest energy which is partly liberated in the nuclear reactions in the stars and the Sun, as well as in nuclear reactors and bombs on the Earth. The mass entering Einstein's equation does not depend on velocity of a body. This concept of mass is used in the physics of elementary particles and is gradually prevailing in the modern physics textbooks.This is the first book in which Einstein's equation is explicitly compared with its popular though not correct counterpart E = mc2, according to which mass increases with velocity. The book will be of interest to researchers in theoretical, atomic and nuclear physics, to historians of science as well as to students and teachers interested in relativity theory.
The present volume aims to be a comprehensive survey on the derivation of the equations of motion, both in General Relativity as well as in alternative gravity theories. The topics covered range from the description of test bodies, to self-gravitating (heavy) bodies, to current and future observations. Emphasis is put on the coverage of various approximation methods (e.g., multipolar, post-Newtonian, self-force methods) which are extensively used in the context of the relativistic problem of motion. Applications discussed in this volume range from the motion of binary systems -- and the gravitational waves emitted by such systems -- to observations of the galactic center. In particular the impact of choices at a fundamental theoretical level on the interpretation of experiments is highlighted. This book provides a broad and up-do-date status report, which will not only be of value for the experts working in this field, but also may serve as a guideline for students with background in General Relativity who like to enter this field.
This is a revised edition of a classic and highly regarded book, first published in 1981, describing the status of theory and experiment in general relativity. The book provides all the necessary theoretical background, and covers all the important experimental tests. A new chapter has been added to cover recent important experimental tests, and the bibliography has been brought right up to date. Reviews of the previous edition: ' ... consolidates much of the literature on experimental gravity and should be invaluable to researchers in gravitation ...' Science ' ... a concise and meaty book ... and a most useful reference work ... researchers and serious students of gravitation should be pleased with it ...' Nature
The revised and updated 2nd edition of this established textbook provides a self-contained introduction to the general theory of relativity, describing not only the physical principles and applications of the theory, but also the mathematics needed, in particular the calculus of differential forms. Updated throughout, the book contains more detailed explanations and extended discussions of several conceptual points, and strengthened mathematical deductions where required. It includes examples of work conducted in the ten years since the first edition of the book was published, for example the pedagogically helpful concept of a "river of space" and a more detailed discussion of how far the principle of relativity is contained in the general theory of relativity. Also presented is a discussion of the concept of the 'gravitational field' in Einstein's theory, and some new material concerning the 'twin paradox' in the theory of relativity. Finally, the book contains a new section about gravitational waves, exploring the dramatic progress in this field following the LIGO observations. Based on a long-established masters course, the book serves advanced undergraduate and graduate level students, and also provides a useful reference for researchers.
The contemporary theoretical physics consists, by and large, of two independent parts. The rst is the quantum theory describing the micro-world of elementary p- ticles, the second is the theory of gravity that concerns properties of macroscopic systems such as stars, galaxies, and the universe. The relativistic theory of gr- itation which is known as general relativity was created, at the beginning of the last century, by more or less a single man from pure idea combinations and bold guessing. The task was to “marry” the theory of gravity with the theory of special relativity. The rst attempts were aimed at considering the gravitational potential as a eld in Minkowski space–time. All those attempts failed; it took 10 years until Einstein nally solved the problem. The dif culty was that the old theory of gravity as well as the young theory of special relativity had to be modi ed. The next 50 years were dif cult for this theory because its experimental basis remained weak and its complicated mathematical structure was not well understood. However, in the subsequent period this theory ourished. Thanks to improvements in the te- nology and to the big progress in the methods of astronomical observations, the amount of observable facts to which general relativity is applicable was consid- ably enlarged. This is why general relativity is, today, one of the best experimentally tested theories while many competing theories could be disproved. Also the conc- tual and mathematical fundamentals are better understood now.
This monograph explains and analyzes the principles of a quantum-geometric framework for the unification of general relativity and quantum theory. By taking advantage of recent advances in areas like fibre and superfibre bundle theory, Krein spaces, gauge fields and groups, coherent states, etc., these principles can be consistently incorporated into a framework that can justifiably be said to provide the foundations for a quantum extrapolation of general relativity. This volume aims to present this approach in a way which places as much emphasis on fundamental physical ideas as on their precise mathematical implementation. References are also made to the ideas of Einstein, Bohr, Born, Dirac, Heisenberg and others, in order to set the work presented here in an appropriate historical context.