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Praise for Gravity Drive: “I started reading Gravity Drive - Key to the Cosmos after dinner, figuring I'd get a couple chapters into it just to see how it started...and couldn't put it down. I read the whole thing straight through. Well done! I thoroughly enjoyed the story and the characters. I loved the aliens.” Jerry Oltion - Nebula Award winning author of over 15 novels and 150 published stories, including numerous Authorized Star Trek novels. Author's comments: If you’re reading this, then hopefully you’ve already read the first two books in the Gravity Drive trilogy. Thank you for returning for Book 3. If you haven’t read the first two then please understand that Gravity Drive 3 - The Scattering was not written as a stand alone novel. It’s the conclusion to the story of a long and difficult path humanity must travel if it wishes to survive for all eternity in the cosmos. It’s the story behind the creation of a revolutionary new deep space propulsion system and the vast impact it has not only on the space program but on humanity and all life on Earth. Warning: Spoiler Alert. Unless you really enjoy spoilers, I suggest you just read the book and let the adventure take over. As I’ve already implied, this third book picks up right were we left off at the end of Gravity Drive 2 - Jason’s Ark. There should be a lot of snoring on The Ark, and the smell should be something awful, but everyone is in deep deep sleep. So all’s well. Wish I could say the same for Mother Earth. The Universe just isn’t quite done with her yet, and it’s not looking promising. It’s looking pretty nice on Mars though. Maybe time for a vacation there? Or maybe Earth’s Moon? Don’t forget about our buddies Al and Taka, floating out there all alone in the darkness of space with just their old music and a sarcastic computer to keep them company. These two are just destined to get into trouble, but see some really cool things along the way (think: what’s your favorite all time life form?). I guarantee it. Anyway, it’s about time for humanity to start doing some serious space exploration and maybe make some new friends out there, or at least see some really cool sights and interesting life forms. Oh, you’re going to love some of our new friends and I’m pretty sure my fans will be writing to tell me how one of them definitely kept them up at night. So for those people I say, you’re going to enjoy spending some serious time with your old friends the Paxians again. If only everyone was as quietly brilliant, kind and easy going as these guys. Can you tell that I’m trying really hard to give you an idea of what might happen without spoiling all the fun surprises waiting for you? So let me just say, you’re really going to love how the story wraps up, and it might even surprise you. Thanks for coming back for the finale of the Gravity Drive Trilogy. Paul
Praise for Gravity Drive: “I started reading Gravity Drive - Key to the Cosmos after dinner, figuring I'd get a couple chapters into it just to see how it started...and couldn't put it down. I read the whole thing straight through. Well done! I thoroughly enjoyed the story and the characters. I loved the aliens.” Jerry Oltion - Nebula Award winning author of over 15 novels and 150 published stories, including numerous Authorized Star Trek novels. Since the invention of rockets, their propulsion systems have gone essentially unchanged. We still depend on blasting some type of propellant out the rear to shoot the rocket forward (Newton’s Third Law - check it out). There’s two main problems with this method: propellant is always in limited supply, and therefore you can’t really go very fast. This is why we use gravitational assist from planets and the Sun, to get us places. It still takes years, and that’s just inside our solar system. What if we could go to our Moon in hours or Mars in a couple days, and even turn around mid-flight if we forgot our toothbrush? This is the story behind the development of the Gravity Drive propulsion system. WAIT Spoiler Alert (Author’s note: I’ve always hated spoilers. Can’t believe I have to write one). Howard, the hero of our story (well, he’s not really a hero so much as an engineer) has a close encounter of the,.... well,..... close kind. He realizes he’s far more interested in how the ship moves than who might be inside. Through a series of unusual life experiences, he dedicates himself to duplicating the alien craft’s drive system, which he believes centers around the ability to create a gravity well for propulsion, which is really consistent with the bulk of UFO (UAP) sightings. Our story takes us back to 1947 Roswell (yeah that place), where we learn what really happened that night, and the surprising reason the government wants to keep it quiet. We go forward in time and meet a pair of trouble making engineers with unfortunate last names, who are in charge of protecting and uncovering the secrets from the crashed alien craft. And then they meet our hero, Howard, who brings the knowledge that finally helps our engineers discover how the alien craft works. Actually, how it worked, cause not so much now. Together, our now three heroes convince NASA to build the first Gravity Drive space ship, and off they fly on an adventure that takes them to meet friendly aliens and a bio-engineered, snarky AI computer. We explore our solar system and discover short cuts through space and time that give us the key to exploring the Cosmos (hence the title of the book, in case you missed that). Our three heroes come back after a long journey through space and time to bring hope to the life on Earth. In other words, as it turns out, advanced civilizations in our galaxy really hate having violent species invading their peaceful space. So we’re given an ultimatum, along with some really nice gifts, that humans need to get their shit together, stop making war, and clean up their planet or else! That pretty much says it. But hey, there’s lots of fun along with way, and one really smart dog that you’re going to love. Whenever possible the book emphasizes science over fiction. So, you can read this to your kids and they might actually learn something. The book was written for everyone from rocket scientists and engineers, to young people who dream of someday being one of those two. It’s also written for Vegans (the vegetarian type, not the ones from Vega), peaceful environmental activists, and dog lovers. If you’re looking for a book that doesn’t rely on violence to keep you turning pages, and proves that science and exploration can be fun while also being educational, then you’ve found your next great book. Did I mention there’s also lots of beer and pizza (basic nutrients for your everyday engineer)? If you enjoy this book, please keep in mind it’s the first in the Gravity Drive trilogy. Don’t miss the sequels: Gravity Drive 2 - Jason’s Ark, and of course the third book, which is why they call these trilogies: Gravity Drive 3 - The Scattering. Thank you. And if you buy this book it just proves you have really great taste in authors.
Praise for Gravity Drive: “I started reading Gravity Drive-Key to the Cosmos after dinner, figuring I'd get a couple chapters into it just to see how it started...and couldn't put it down. I read the whole thing straight through. Well done! I thoroughly enjoyed the story and the characters. I loved the aliens.” Jerry Oltion - Nebula Award winning author of over 15 novels and 150 published stories, including numerous Authorized Star Trek novels. Note-This is a work of fiction: Gravity Drive 2 - Jason's Ark continues where the first book, Gravity Drive - Key to the Cosmos ends. Well sort of. The story picks up from book one but it's about 6,000 years later. Humanity got it's act together, stopped the senseless wars between countries and cultures, and together healed the ecosystems of Earth. Amazing what you can accomplish when you stop hosting wars. OK...we're getting into SPOILER ALERT territory, so you've been warned. So there's this wandering black hole left over from when our Milky Way Galaxy ripped off another smaller Galaxy a really long time ago as it came cruising by, minding it's own business, but not paying attention to where it was going. That's what happens when you don't pay attention. That powerful little bugger really does a number on Earth and it's life when it comes looking for a bit of payback (not really of course. It's a black hole. It doesn't care. It's totally indifferent as is the rest of the Universe). Then, just when you think things are going to get better, WRONG. The Universe isn't done with us yet. Things get much worse for Earth. Mars is starting to look pretty nice though. Good time for a visit. Anyway, as things really start to go downhill, the hero from our first book (not Howard he's just a smart engineer, but our real hero) Jason, comes up with a plan to save the day (assuming a day is all eternity). This is the part where you look at the title of the book and go "Ahhhhhh, I get it." OK, I'm going to stop now because I really hate the idea of ruining the best parts of the story for you. I've done enough damage so please forgive me and I hope you enjoy reading book 2 as much as I enjoyed writing it. And thank you again for your excellent taste in authors. You readers are the best. Paul
This book provides a comprehensive, pedagogical introduction to scattering amplitudes in gauge theory and gravity for graduate students.
The twenty-first century is marked by mass migration. Massive population movements of the last century have radically challenged our study and practice of mission. Where the church once rallied to go out into “the regions beyond,” Christian mission is currently required to respond and adapt to “missions around.” As a result, leaders in this field have been developing diaspora missiology to provide a missiological framework for understanding and participating in God’s redemptive mission among peoples living outside their places of origin. In this volume, experts in diaspora missiology from across the globe analyze the development of missions to migrants and add to our understanding of the contemporary church’s opportunities and responsibilities for mission amongst diaspora groups.
This is the first book to bring together the increasingly complex radar automotive technologies and tools being explored and utilized in the development of fully autonomous vehicles – technologies and tools now understood to be an essential need for the field to fully mature. The book presents state-of-the-art knowledge as shared by the best and brightest experts working in the automotive radar industry today -- leaders who have “been there and done that.” Each chapter is written as a standalone "master class" with the authors, seeing the topic through their eyes and experiences. Where beneficial, the chapters reference one another but can otherwise be read in any order desired, making the book an excellent go-to reference for a particular topic or review you need to understand. You’ll get a big-picture tour of the key radar needs for fully autonomous vehicles, and how achieving these needs is complicated by the automotive environment’s dense scenes, number of possible targets of interest, and mix of very large and very small returns. You’ll then be shown the challenges from – and mitigations to – radio frequency interference (RFI), an ever-increasing challenge as the number of vehicles with radars – and radars per vehicle grow. The book also dives into the impacts of weather on radar performance, providing you with insights gained from extensive real-world testing. You are then taken through the integration and systems considerations, especially regarding safety, computing needs, and testing. Each of these areas is influenced heavily by the needs of fully autonomous vehicles and are open areas of research and development. With this authoritative volume you will understand: * How to engage with radar designers (from a system integrator / OEM standpoint); * How to structure and set requirements for automotive radars; * How to address system safety needs for radars in fully autonomous vehicles; * How to assess weather impact on the radar and its ability to support autonomy; * How to include weather effects into specifications for radars. This is an essential reference for engineers currently in the autonomous vehicle arena and/or working in automotive radar development, as well as engineers and leaders in adjacent radar fields needing to stay abreast of the rapid developments in this exciting and dynamic field of research and development.