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This collection of four generations of family favorites offers us the meals that southern moms once prepared every day of the week. When food was better, the world was safer, and family life was treasured.
Staying at Grannys is a story about a little girl called Nikki who loves spending time at her grannys because Granny always had something new, Granny always had something to do and Granny always had a story to tell. Granny has acquired a Blue tongue lizard as a garden pet. Nikki finds out all the information she needs to have a blue tongue lizard as her own garden pet.
Growing up in the 50s with a single mother and no father, Hope is a loner with a wonderful imagination. The letters she writes to her imaginary friend, Grace, help her cope with the difficult times in her life - her mother's sad days, their money worries, the pressures of not fitting in. On her eleventh birthday, Hope is shocked to learn that Grace is real. Hope decides that by finding Grace, their family will be healed. But, like most adventures, things do not go exactly as she hopes.
In 1954 the author, aged 18, spent a year as an “au pair” in a French chateau. From there she went to East Berlin at the height of the Cold War to work for two years as a translator. During these two years she travelled to Moscow and across Siberia and Mongolia to China. In 1958 she spent seven months in South Sudan and from there she travelled to Aswan in Upper Egypt by paddle steamer on the Nile. In Aswan she was arrested, locked up for a few days and returned to Khartoum, Sudan. In 1959 she embarked on a four year course at a Scottish University. There was further travel in East Africa in the 1960s. In later life she spent four years in Tanzania, Bulgaria and Poland. The final chapter tells us something about her childhood during World War II.
Have you wondered if you were just born unlucky? Even at the early age of three, I knew my life was not "normal". Throughout my childhood, I looked at my friends and their families and their lives, and mine certainly didn't match any of those! Sometimes you really do have to get to the other side to see what God has brought you through. I once heard a wise old man refer to "unlucky families," and I thought for sure that was my niche. I felt like the poster child for unclaimed baggage. In fact I had spent years just trying to recreate my life into one that I wanted. A life that was "normal" and so I learned to just let people think my life was perfect and I had relatively no problems. And then I felt God stirring in the very fibers of my soul with a message-a message I did not want to hear, a message I ran from until I was physically and emotionally exhausted. I could find no peace until one day, I just threw up my hands and said, "Okay, God, You win. I will write the book." Writing a book about your life means having to relive so many things you had hoped to forget. Many tears were shed at the keyboard. This book is for someone. I hope it is you, and I hope you find solace in my words and God's direction. He will truly never leave you or forsake you. Be still and know. He is God.
It was 1958, and back in the day, the old folks still seemed to have a saying for everything, especially in Suffolk, Virginia. One such saying was that if a baby took eleven months to arrive on this side of the hereafter, that same baby would meet its guardian angel face-to-face and be guarded and protected for the childs lifetime. Believe it or not, theres something else the old folks use to say about such a mystic birth, and that was that if the baby was born with a thin membrane covering the face, not only would that child be able to actually see its guardian angel one day, but also will have the gift of predicting the future. The guardian angel bit of news was of particular importance because that child experienced the death of a loved one and numerous harsh circumstances in life as well.
National treasure Lorraine Kelly has been great company for years: a sunny, vivacious and loveable presence in your home. Now it's possible to get to know her even better as, for the first time, she opens up about her eventful life and tells her story in her own words. From her working-class childhood growing up in one of the toughest areas of Glasgow, to her early career in journalism during which she covered heartbreaking tragedies such as Dunblane and Lockerbie, and her gradual emergence as the undisputed Queen of Morning TV, Lorraine reveals a life like no other with characteristic warmth and charm. Entertaining, funny and a little bit mischievous, her anecdotes are garnered from a lifetime of meeting, greeting and interrogating the famous and infamous. Full of gossip, glamour and Lorraines inimitable good sense, LORRAINE: BETWEEN YOU AND ME is a book to settle on the sofa with.
Meet John Gullivan, age thirteen, obsessed with the moles that dot most of his body. Meet his brother Gully, who can't stop laughing at them. Now meet the brothers ten years later, in the middle of the most ferocious blizzard anyone can remember. Set in an Irish working-class suburb of Boston in the 1960s and 1970s, Puff centers on a quest as the soon-to-be-orphaned brothers, posing as rescue personnel, attempt to steer their dilapidated van through insurmountable snow, all to score a bag of pot. Trapped in their own ruse and forced to act the part of the saviors they are pretending to be, the brothers run into an endless stream of foes and obstacles: the cops, their childhood priest, a knife-wielding maniac, and the ill all stand in the way of their elusive high. A raucous caper, Puff is as hilarious as it is heartfelt and will resonate with old and young alike.
Sue started keeping a journal at a young age and found that others likes to read what she wrote. After Journalism School at the University of Missouri, she began writing her "stories" and selling thm to magazines such as the Farm Journal and Betters Homes and Gardens. These are the tales of granny who has lived a busy, happy, productive life for 84 years. Full of energy and zest for life, Sue has passed on many of life's lessons to her family, students, friends and now you.