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Grandma’s Household Hints and Recipes Using Time Tested Economical Tips in Your Home Time tested old tips and recipes for a 21st Century Householder TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction In the Kitchen Spreading hard butter Prevent Glasses From Breaking Opening stubborn bottle tops Cooking with green vegetables Treat burns Making bread and cookie crumbs instantly Making self rising flour Making pie crust flaky Making pickled onion and cucumber in vinegar Separating egg whites from yolks Pungent fishy smell Keeping fruit and vegetables fresh How to open a coconut or crack pecan nuts? Sugar syrup making. Keep your refrigerator sweet Stains under the nails Straining soup without clogging Peeling carrots Best way of slicing bacon Keep cream from curdling Get more juice out of lemons Mixing board slab Skinning tomatoes easily Absorbing Extra Salt in the Food Onions, onions, onions Tenderize meat Testing mushrooms Stop fish from breaking up when frying: How to remove a cake without its breaking up Preventing rice grains from sticking Getting rid of pests Flies Cockroaches Get rid of moths Get rid of rats and mice Prevent Boiling Eggs from Cracking Home remedies Pimple remedy Cough Gastric trouble Nausea Insomnia remedy Sprains In the House Fresh paint smell Keeping flowers fresh Removing grease stains on wallpaper Cleaning Glass Panes Protection Against Spilled Water on bed Sofa cushions stuffing For Clogged Lavatory Basins Clean Bath Tub and sink To Clean Mirrors To Clean and Purify a Sponge Lemon clothes whitener Remove scorch stains from white clothes Cutting old glass bottles without cutting yourself Sagging cane chairs Uses of velveteen Thawing out icy steps Using Plaster of Paris to Mend Walls Stain removing hints Fruit, tea, wine and coffee stains Indelible ink stains Grease stains from white woolens Remove Perspiration Stains Mud Stains Blood stains Remove mildew Car grease stains Wax stains Tar Spots Iodine Stains Blueberry stains Rust stains Ink stains To Remove Ink from linen after it has dried in Ink on Carpet Conclusion Author Bio Introduction I began looking at grandma’s household hints when I saw that most of us were using chemical based cleaners to clean our greasy kitchen utensils every morning and evening. Not only was this bad for our general health, because there could be a side effect due to any possible residue of chemicals which had not been washed away during the last rinsing. This is why this collection of grandma’s household hints, is going to be very useful for all those people who prefer natural or easily available remedies, and solutions available right there in the kitchen or gardens. Apart from your home and kitchen, you are going to find long forgotten hints, which were used by your and my grandma to get rid of stains, preserve clothes from pests, and other tips, which may sound very amusing and surprising in this day and age. But you should remember that grandma was brought up in times when she had to watch every penny of grandpa’s limited income and make it stretch until it screeched. That is why, she was more prone to using her own natural good sense, inborn shrewdness, or knowledge passed to her from her own grandmother, friends, relatives, and from her neighbors too. In fact, they used to meet once in a while, and exchange household tips, which may have gone something like this “Oh, Mrs…., I have found it so easy to remove stains from my hands, by just rubbing a lemon over them, and I prevent chapping by drying my hands after I have done the washing and then rubbing a pinch of starch all over the surface, ”all the while waving those same unchapped stainless hands in the air.
TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION KEEPING RABBITS AS PETS How to Care for a Pet Rabbit? The Cost of Keeping a Rabbit Pet CHILDREN AND RABBITS Number of Children & Ages SAFETY PRECAUTIONS AND RELATED MATTERS Teaching your Kids to be Rabbit Enthusiasts Teaching Rabbit Rearing Skills to Kids of Different Ages Choosing a Rabbit RABBIT PETS FOR KIDS: INCENTIVES & BENEFITS Incentives for keeping pet rabbits Benefits of keeping pet rabbits CONCLUSION AUTHOR BIO PUBLISHER INTRODUCTION I want to thank you for downloading the book titled “Rabbits can be your kids' next best pals!” This is a wonderful resource guide on rabbit pet rearing for parents and kids alike. It's no secret that children and rabbits can be natural companions, depending on how they interact with the little furry animals. This book is appropriate for parents who'd like to get a rabbit for their child, for those who are trying to figure out how to tend to both a rabbit and a child, as well. It is also a good guide for those families that already own a rabbit, or for families where the children and rabbits do not interact as well as expected. Rabbits make brilliant indoor pets. They are delightful creatures that brim with personality. However, before you swoop into the local rabbit shelter to pick out your bunny, there are a number of things that you should be familiar with to ensure that the rabbit will be appropriate for you and your family. Take your time to go through this book keenly as it is quite useful. It has been written in an interesting and simple way and it is the hope of the author that you will enjoy every single bit of it.
Preserving Food – A Beginner’s Guide to Pickles, Chutneys and Sauces Table of Contents Introduction Why Make Chutneys and Pickles? Tips for choosing best fruit and Vegetables Tips for Pickles and Chutney Making Chutneys Popular Chutneys Gooseberry Chutney Traditional Farmer’s Garlic Chutney Technique of Marination Using Brine Vinegars Making Spiced Vinegar Traditional Garden Pickle Traditional Piccalilli- Traditional Red Cabbage Pickles Soft vegetables – Sour Cucumber Pickles Tomato Pickle Testing Pickled Onions Sweet and Spicy Pickled Onions Non-vegetarian Pickles Traditional Pickled Wild Boar Pickled Eggs Traditional Tomato Sauce Appendix Garam Masala-Curry powder Conclusion Author Bio- Introduction Millenniums ago, when human beings were still food gatherers instead of food growers, they decided to find out some ways and means in which they could preserve food for a longer time. Winter was the time when they could not go out and hunt. So was the rainy season, especially they were living in rain forests and tropical areas. So if they found out some way in which they could preserve food, on which they and their tribe members could survive, this would make all the difference between life and death. And so through a lot of experimentation, the ideas of pickles, chutneys, jams, jellies, preserves, conserves, spiced fruit and other ways of preserving food, as well as fruit and vegetables came into existence. Today, millenniums later, there is absolutely no fruit and vegetable, which has not been turned into a pickle, chutney, jam, jelly or conserve, by some cook. Even meat in the form of venison and boar has been pickled in the east, down the ages, as well as eggs. Too many eggs, and you are worried about preserving them? Do as the ancient Chinese did. Preserve them in egg pickles. So this book is going to tell you how to make the best use of all those extra vegetables and fruit in your garden, and turn them into a valuable food source, which can be eaten later.
The Beginner’s Guide to Indoor and Miniature Gardens Understanding Indoor Gardens, Moss Gardens, Miniature Gardens and Gardens in a Bottle Table of Contents Introduction Necessary Tools for Bottle Gardening Best Plants for Bottle Gardening. Small Plant Gardens Pot et Fleur Making A Moss Garden Knowing More about Moss. Growing Plants from Pips Exotic gardening – Pineapple Tops Miniature Gardens Trees Other Popular Tiny Plants Taking Care of Your Miniature Garden Bulbs for Your Garden Selecting the Right Bulbs Planting Your Bulbs. Planting Hyacinth and Crocus Corms Bulb Fiber – Tips Newspaper Compost “Plunging” Bulbs. Growing Bulbs on Water. Methods of Water Cultivation. Bulb Failure Best Bulbs Choices Conclusion Author Bio Introduction The first time I saw a miniature garden growing in a bottle, my immediate response was “but how did the plants get into the bottle?” Naturally, this amused the gardener very much, and for those people who are not into the secret of how the plants got into the bottle, this feat can only be on par with how did a model ship get into the bottle! A garden in a bottle has about the same sort of fascination and requires almost that same amount offered dexterity and ingenuity to construct as a ship in the bottle. It is also going to need a lot of patience, because after all, you are gardening in limited space. But once your water garden is established, it can be left for months without attention. In many cases, depending on your plans, it may also not need watering. So for all those people who have been really fascinated with this conversation piece, when you see people surrounding a glass bottle with beautiful plants growing in it, here is the beginner’s guide to indoor gardening in a bottle. More than 200 years ago, a London physician named that Nathaniel Ward discovered that mosses, as well as ferns, which never grew satisfactorily in a city full of industrial fumes flourished if they were grown in the protection of a glass sided case. Thanks to his experiments, bottle Gardens developed in Europe, and since then, they have been the rage all over the world for people who are strapped for place, are looking for a new hobby, and also want to achieve something wonderful. You can use any large bottle. But the bottle has to be made of glass! Carboy glass bottles are normally made for brewing beer, so if you can get them cheap at a nursery nearby, please do so. A 5 gallon carboy bottle is going for around USD 48 on eBay USA, but as my gardening books always suggest, follow and advocate minimum of expense and minimum of fuss, you may want to spend some time asking around in your circle of friends and neighbors for large glass bottles, which is they can spare you. I have seen some of these bottles kept away in garages, because once upon a time, they were used and the owner does not have any use for them at the moment. He may not want them for another 20 years, either. Please do buy the bottles from your friends! Otherwise, a long-lasting friendship can get into jeopardy, when carelessly spoken words of half jesting “Well, he borrowed that bottle from me and what a mess he has made in it.” could cause subconscious rancor and ill will. That is of course if he is not interested in gardening! If he is a gardener, he is going to demand his bottle back – along with your bottle garden, - five years down the line! You may want to tell him the purpose for this gardening experiment. It is possible he may also want to give you some suggestions about plants based on his experience.
A Beginner’s Guide to Sustainable Gardening Table of Contents Introduction Important Points of Sustainable Management Principles of Sustainable Gardening Some General Talk on Natural Ecosystems and Sustainable Forestry Water Harvesting Making Holding Pools Concrete Pools How to Make Your Own Pond Prefabricated Pools. Miscellaneous Containers Making Natural Compost My Best Friends – Earthworms Using Barnyard Produce for Making Compost Enriching The Soil with Natural Nutrients Chemical Fertilizers Seaweed water fertilizer More Natural Herbicides Saving Seeds from Last Year’s Crop Maintaining your garden Beneficial Insects for Pest Control Essential Tools for Your Sustainable Garden Sustainable Gardening in Limited Spaces Know about pollinators Appendix Desertification control and rangeland management Leaf Compost Music of the hills by Saki Author Bio Introduction It was in the 1980s that the word sustainability in regard to an environment began to be associated with nature, environment, agriculture, and thus gardening. Horticulturalists believing in sustainable agriculture decided that it was easier for humans to use natural resources in a way to get better yields. They have been doing this for millenniums. However, this drain on the natural resources was going to cause the depreciation of such resources one time or the other because mother nature cannot keep nourishing and replenishing her without getting back something of what she gave. And this gave rise to the concept of sustainable gardening. Harvesting things you have grown your own self from your garden is such a positive feeling of achievement. The idea was that use what you can, from nature’s bounty, and then give back to her, what you can so that you and she work in tandem in a symbiotic relationship. So all of us home gardeners can use sustainable gardening tips to make beautiful gardens with eco friendly designs, use of biodegradable materials, use of organic fertilizer and using native plants to sustain the environment and make a sustainable garden. A fruitful harvest is a lovesome thing God Wot – 14th-century saying When I was being taught agronomy at college in the 80s, nobody bothered about sustainable gardening. That was because in the East, the traditional agricultural practices were with the use of natural resources, because the agricultural traditions still belong to the middle 14 century in many parts of the country! That is why what is considered sustainable and organic gardening in the West today was an integral part of human existence in the Indian subcontinent at that time. We used organic fertilizer. We did not know about chemical pesticides or hormones. On the flipside, we did not know about agricultural development, which was taking place all over the world to get a better yield of food and crops. And that is why we relied on just the monsoon to feed our crops, and prayed to the rain God. If he did not come on time, we would be sunk. The bank and the money lender would take our land and then there would be no resort but to starve or go to the city to survive or lend ourselves out in bonded labor to a more prosperous farmer. This may sound shocking to people in well-developed countries, but this is still the sort of existence which is being led by people in many parts of the world. Even today, in this day of state-of-the-art technology and technological development, underdeveloped countries still follow obsolete agricultural practices, which do not take into account the natural resources already around them. And so, famine has been a part of their lives for centuries. So here are some rules which you are going to implement right now to make sustainable gardening possible.
Construction Guide For New Investors in Real Estate Table of Contents Introduction Identifying and Buying a Piece of Land Where to Get the Money Getting Government Approval Supervising the Construction or Hiring a Construction Company Subletting/Selling a Property – How to Go About It How to Save Money and Maximize Profits during Construction Mistakes that Most People Make in Real Estate Investments Conclusion Author Bio Introduction Several factors have made more and more people to opt out of stock market investments and into the lucrative real estate industry. Unlike most of the other forms of investments, buying or constructing homes involve minimal risks while investors are always guaranteed of profits. The best thing about real estate investments is that you don’t have to worry about whether you are going to sell the home, lease or occupy it. Rest assured that it is a worthy investment as the value of real property keeps on appreciating regardless of its location or design. However, the rate at which the value of real property appreciates is dependent on several factors. You should therefore carefully analyze all the factors before making up your mind on whether to invest your money and time in a given property. If you are thinking of buying a piece of land so as to construct a house, you should never be in a hurry to sign any deal. Just take your time during the planning stage to analyze the value of the piece of land and predict the rate at which the value of the property is going to appreciate depending on its location, nearby amenities and future government and/or private sector investments in the area. Those with experience in the real estate industry will find it quite easy to buy land anywhere as they can easily gauge the value of the property. For those without experience in the real estate industry, this book gives them an insight into the dos and don’ts when it comes to real estate investments. From this book, you are guaranteed of learning important real estate tips and ideas even if you have experience in the real estate industry. The book “Construction Guide for New Investors in Real Estate” covers all aspects of real estate investments starting from acquiring a piece of land, buying construction materials, hiring a construction company, the interior and exterior features to include in a home and marketing of the newly built homes. You’ll also learn how to maximize profits by minimizing costs and adopting effective marketing techniques. This book also contains a list of mistakes that most people make and hence you’ll get to avoid such mistakes by simply reading it before investing in real estate. Start your journey to real estate investments by reading the whole of this book!
The Miracle of Water Therapy and Oil Pulling A Beginners Guide to Ancient Yogic Remedies Table of Contents Introduction What is Ayurveda What Is Yoga? Oil pulling Procedure When to Do Oil Pulling Tips Ailments cured by Oil pulling Water Therapy Water Therapy through Nostrils- Jal Neti Buying the Right Neti Pot Himalayan Salt Is Best How to Use a Neti Pot The Pot Procedure Benefits of Neti -based Water Therapy Precautions during Water Therapy. Pressure points for improving Eyesight Conclusion Author Bio Introduction Being very interested in alternative medicine forms like Ayurveda and being taught yoga as a part of our Academic curriculum, in our student days, I soon began to understand why the ancients in the East considered yoga to be an integral part of their lives. This book is going to introduce you to some of the more common ancient natural healing traditions practiced in the Indian subcontinent since ancient times. I was talking to an American audience about alternative Indian medicine, when I spoke about Ayurveda and yoga. A friend immediately said, “But that is religious, and is based on Hindu practices.” I would like to clear up this point once and for all. These practices are definitely not based to people belonging to one religion. Besides, the people who wrote these exercises and rules for right and proper living, and practiced them millenniums ago were Aryans and they gave this knowledge in their religious and spiritual books to the people of India who were practicing Hinduism. Practicing Hinduism? What do I mean by that? Consider Hinduism at that time to be a way of life, practicing nonviolence and following the wise teachings of the ancient ones. It is now a full-fledged religion, incorporating those same beliefs, traditions, and way of life in their manner of living and being. The ancient knowledge of those wise ones are now being practiced, as set down in the Vedas and the Puranas. I am definitely not a Hindu, but since childhood, I and my Hindu, Christian, Mussalman, Buddhist, Sikh and Jain Friends did all these yogic exercises every morning, during school assembly, and we never believed them to be part of a religious tradition belonging exclusively to the Hindus. Our teachers were sensible enough not to let even an inkling of this controversial idea blossom in our infantile, suspicious and susceptible minds, because that would mean that 17% of the students would immediately have their parents yelling “keep religion out of academics. This is unacceptable. ” This is an extremely touchy subject in the East. And because we considered these exercises to be part of PT, 15 minutes of this healthy workout kept us healthy and happy throughout our childhoods and youth. We never knew that they were yogic exercises! According to us, we were keeping healthy, in a natural manner. We definitely did not chant Hindu hymns while doing these exercises. That in itself would be anathema Maranatha to anybody not a Hindu, including I. So the idea that this universal healing tradition is limited to just one peoples, is definitely wrong, and it has been started by some lazy minded people, who would rather find excuses not to do a thing rather than work out. So here am I –not a Hindu!- telling all my friends all over the globe how they can keep healthy, through different natural remedy practices, which have been in vogue for centuries in the Indian subcontinent. These practices are going to include oil pulling, which is getting to be extremely popular in the West today, and also water therapy. All this information was taken by me from an experienced Ayurvedic doctor, so that all the information that is being given to you has been time tested and has been recommended by him. But before that, you would want to know a little bit more about the terms, which I am going to be using in this book.
Table of Contents Introduction Benefits of Proper Amounts of Salt The Substitution and Usage of Rock salt Ancient Thai medicine And Diet Crystallized and Refined Sugars Proper Ancient Thai Good Health Diet Bleached and Refined White Flour Margarine and Hydrogenated Oil Artificial Milk Conclusion Author Bio Publisher Introduction I was just fixing lunch, listening to a 1954 old-time radio program, starring Dick Powell. Richard Diamond was sponsored by Camel Cigarettes. I was shocked to hear that this radio program was telling about 198 million – yes, I have got the figures right – cigarettes, being sent to Army, Navy, and Air Force hospitals and camps, free of cost. The idea was to get men and women addicted to cigarettes. 138,781 doctors were supposedly asked about the brand of cigarettes they smoked in a cross-country nationwide survey, and they said “Camels.” No wonder the natural good health of a whole nation began deteriorating through deliberate misinformation given out by multibillion-dollar tobacco industries – smoke this mild cigarette for 30 days and you are not going to suffer from any throat irritation. Superstars smoke Camels, including Dick Powell. They of course did not tell you that Dick Powell died of tobacco addiction, tobacco poisoning, and cancer. I am surprised they did not start up a campaign for harmless "smokies" for your babies, keep them well occupied with a cigarette in their mouths… But I think that would have been a bit too much for even a credulous public to swallow, no pun intended. People finally came to their senses in the 80s, and decided to stop smoking. Even though the insidious propaganda and advertisements of this multibillion dollar industry still continues. But then man has always been self-destructive and nobody can teach him otherwise. This book is for all those people, who want to know something about the harmful long-term effects of refined foods, including salt and sugar, and how you can live a healthy life, without these poisons in your diet.
Table of Contents Introduction General Information About Nannies & Housekeepers Advantages, Disadvantages, & Costs of Hiring a Nanny Searching For The Right Nanny Alternative Ways To Search for a Nanny Getting the Right Fit Nanny Claims And Children Vouchers Conclusion Author Bio Publisher Introduction I want to thank you for downloading the book “How to Find a Nanny for Your Kids.” This book contains the basic steps and strategies on how you can find a suitable nanny for their kids, especially during those desperate moments when you have a lot going on and you need someone to help you to look out for your children when you are not around or too busy to do so yourself. It is true what people say, that nannies are usually the best option if you need your kids to have a heart-to-heart relationship with their caretaker; also a good nanny will, on a regular basis, become just like another member of your family. As you begin this journey, it is valuable to understand that nannies are usually qualified in childcare; most of them usually have several years of experience. Since this is their profession, most of the time they do their duty for longer hours than normal child minders. Good nannies tend to provide a continuity of care within the confinement of your home, something that you might not get with a mere child minder. Furthermore, it is important to actually know what you intend to achieve from nanny services since they are expected to tend to all aspects of caring for your children, which includes doing the children's' laundry, cleaning their rooms, as well as cooking their food, just to mention a few. This guide will inform you on why such duties should be agreed upon before the care commences, and also why you might have to re-insure your car so that the nanny can use it during emergency cases, or alternatively provide expenses for fuel purchase if they have a car of their own. With this book, you will be able to understand several different types of nannies in order to identify the type of caretaker that is suitable for your family i.e. the daily nanny who leaves at the end of the day and only works for an agreed amount of time or schedule; the live-in nanny who lives in your house and has a room of his or her own; the nanny share who works for more than one family and sometimes looks after all the kids in those families together. In addition, the differences between registered and non-registered nannies have been well illustrated in this guide, as well as why parents should claim financial help in order to pay for registered nannies. Take your time to go through this book keenly as it is quite useful. It has been written in an interesting and simple way and it is the hope of the author that you will enjoy every single bit of it.
Table of Contents Introduction Breast-Feeding – The Natural Healthiest Food for Your Baby The Natural Healthy Diet of a Baby “Rules” for Nursing Mothers From the Fourth Month to the Sixth Month From the Seventh Month to One Year How to Make Barley Water From One Year to Three Years Normal Growth Signs of a Healthy Child Ignorance, Superstition, and Lack of Knowledge Conclusion Author Bio Publisher Introduction Many people will be under the impression why I would want to write a book upon the diet for a healthy baby, because according to them every mother knows that the best diet for a little one is just go, pick up one of the packages of baby food from the nearest supermarket shelf, and there you are, instant baby food for your baby. For a majority of mothers out there, it is – just bring it home, open it up, mix it in a bowl, and feed it to your baby, at regular intervals. No mess, no fuss. Is it a wonder that a majority of new mothers out there use this shortcut to feed their little ones, because according to them, the food that their baby is being fed is prepared by expensive brands, and nutritious, and best of all, it feeds baby fruit, cereals, solids, and semisolids. This book is definitely against such a time-saving activity, because you want a healthy baby, don't you? This book is going to tell you all about natural diets, being used down the ages to feed babies, and when, and how. Throw away all your scientific-based books, telling you all about the amount of calories you need to feed your baby, and the nutritive value of every spoonful. Babies are not to be brought up that way. They have to be brought up in a natural manner in which they can build a strong immune system, which is going to keep them be healthy for the rest of their lives. But, you are going to say, you were brought up on store bought baby food, and it did not seem to have any detrimental effect upon your health. Well, I would just say, please compare yourself to a baby, who was brought upon fresh fruit, vegetables, natural products, and the traditional way of bringing up a baby – which so many people are being brainwashed into thinking to be old-fashioned, old-school, and even “medieval” by the popular media today selling products of the multibillion-dollar baby food industry – and compare his state of health with your own. He does have the slighter edge over you, doesn't he? He is not prone to infections, has a stronger immune system, can throw off fever and other ailments easily, and has more energy, staying power, and even powers of concentration. In fact you are sick and tired of such a bouncing dynamo floating all over the place.