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Au moment où les Etats-Unis tentent d'instaurer des démocraties en Afghanistan et en Irak, et où le fonctionnement en Europe occidentale s'éloigne du modèle traditionnel de la démocratie parlementaire, quelle perspective pour la démocratie ? La réflexion sur les systèmes politiques ne peut faire l'impasse sur le devenir des systèmes économiques, tant les deux domaines sont liés aujourd'hui.
Conventional wisdom warns that unaccountable political and business agents can enrich a few at the expense of many. But logically extending this wisdom implies that associated principals – voters, consumers, shareholders – will favor themselves over the greater good when ‘rules of the game’ instead create too much accountability. Democratic Governance and Economic Performance rigorously develops this hypothesis, and finds statistical evidence and case study illustrations that democratic institutions at various governance levels (e.g., federal, state, corporation) have facilitated opportunistic gains for electoral, consumer, and shareholder principals. To be sure, this conclusion does not dismiss the potential for democratic governance to productively reduce agency costs. Rather, it suggests that policy makers, lawyers, and managers can improve governance by weighing the agency benefits of increased accountability against the distributional costs of favoring principal stakeholders over more general economic opportunities. Carefully considering the fundamentals that give rise to this tradeoff should interest students and scholars working at the intersection of social science and the law, and can help professionals improve their own performance in policy, legal, and business settings.
'Governance' has become a key word in the lexicon of international relations over the last twenty years. It is used, loosely, and invariably in a liberal idiom, by scholars, activists, civil society organizations, politicians and the voluntary sector. In many respects it has attained the status of a fetish, yet 'governance' remains a notion that has multiple definitions, a concept in-the-making. Notwithstanding the imprecision with which the term is employed, it has become an inescapable paradigm for the politics of development. The contributors to this book, drawn from among some of the world's best area studies specialists, from North and South, offer a diverse global critique of 'governance' as deployed in several key areas: institutions and state actors; the rule of law, democracy and human rights; decentralization and state power; development and, last but not least, international cooperation and the role of the World Bank, the IMF and NGOs. The geographical spread of the volume ranges from Africa to Latin America, from Asia to the Middle East. Their objectives include: a reassessment of 'governance' in its many manifestations; an attempt to free the term from its often unhelpful linkage to the state, and thereby apply it to other organizations and actors; a re-evaluation of the Western-dominated use of the term politically and an attempt to broaden its application beyond issues such as transparency and the fight against corruption; and a search for innovative applications of the term, driven by a consensus that transcends current economic and political inequalities.
Inspired by theories of radical democracy, this book examines political conflict to offer new perspectives on democratic governance.
La " gouvernance " est devenue un mot clé de la réflexion sur les sociétés. Cet ouvrage s'inscrit au sein des débats autour de ce concept, avec l'intention de contribuer à en préciser le sens, tout en illustrant les difficultés liées à son utilisation dans le domaine des relations internationales et du développement. Il représente l'aboutissement d'un débat et de patients travaux d'écriture à l'institut universitaire d'études du développement (IUED). Au-delà de ses utilisations comme outil idéologique ou des effets de mode, le concept apparaît potentiellement utile et novateur. Les textes rassemblés ici explorent ce potentiel à partir d'une lecture théorique et historique, ainsi qu'à travers son application à divers thèmes : décentralisation, citoyenneté, rapports privé-public, gestion urbaine, environnement, institutions économiques, savoirs traditionnels, démocratie, et construction de l'Etat postcolonial. Il s'applique en effet à un vaste ensemble de situations et permet de jeter une passerelle entre des disciplines, des approches et des domaines variés, mais aussi d'aller au-delà de l'éternelle dichotomie entre le local et le global. Il n'est bien entendu pas question de surestimer ce potentiel ; c'est pourquoi le regard posé ici est aussi critique, soulignant en particulier le manque de fondements scientifiques du concept et la nécessité de le déconstruire et de le reconstruire à partir de ses usages. Cette prise de distance incite à un questionnement sur la nature et la finalité de la gouvernance, mais elle conduit aussi à la nécessité de poursuivre le travail de réflexion.
Democratic Governance examines the changing nature of the modern state and reveals the dangers these changes pose to democracy. Mark Bevir shows how new ideas about governance have gradually displaced old-style notions of government in Britain and around the world. Policymakers cling to outdated concepts of representative government while at the same time placing ever more faith in expertise, markets, and networks. Democracy exhibits blurred lines of accountability and declining legitimacy. Bevir explores how new theories of governance undermined traditional government in the twentieth century. Politicians responded by erecting great bureaucracies, increasingly relying on policy expertise and abstract notions of citizenship and, more recently, on networks of quasi-governmental and private organizations to deliver services using market-oriented techniques. Today, the state is an unwieldy edifice of nineteenth-century government buttressed by a sprawling substructure devoted to the very different idea of governance--and democracy has suffered. In Democratic Governance, Bevir takes a comprehensive look at governance and the history and thinking behind it. He provides in-depth case studies of constitutional reform, judicial reform, joined-up government, and police reform. He argues that the best hope for democratic renewal lies in more interpretive styles of expertise, dialogic forms of policymaking, and more diverse avenues for public participation.
Les principes et techniques qui sou tendent une élaboration efficiente d'un document programme (PRODOC) et sa mise en oeuvre dans le cadre de l'appui aux mécanismes nationaux de développement durable sont indispensables. A ce jour, l'accompagnement au processus de redevabilité et de transparence dans la gestion de finances et des biens publics de la communauté nationale devient une question de droit à la vie, de droit au développement et ce, en faisant recours aux outils de planification stratégique et de développement durable. Les Objectifs de Développement Durable (ODD) sont des outils techniques indispensables et incontournables dans le processus de facilitation à l'émergence politique, économique voire culturelle et sociale des états; ils contribuent également à garantir un changement positif des institutions constitutionnelles.