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Worldview is a topic worthy of discussion and debate in our culture. As a matter of fact, worldview has always been a major factor in how man has operated since Genesis 1 Creation.The purpose of this book is to combat the slithering tactics of Satan, displayed first in the Garden of Eden, and clearly in our culture today, as he attempts to distort our worldview. The worldview is constantly changing but there is always a constant, if we will simply look to it and abide by it, and that constant is God's Word. How should we view the many "hot button" topics of our day? How should we respond to some of the tough questions of our time? It is my contention that putting on our Gospel glasses, and keeping them on, will help us to identify the answers to these questions. Now, more than ever, we need biblical discernment!
In our image-based culture, people need to visualize something to understand it. This has never been more true about our communication of the gospel. But sometimes our understanding of the gospel gets stuck in a rut, and all we know is a particular outline or one-size-fits-all formula. While we hold to only one gospel, the New Testament uses a wealth of dynamic, compelling images for explaining the good news of Jesus, each of which connects with different people at different points of need. Neil Livingstone provides a guided tour of biblical images of the gospel and shows how each offers fresh insight into God's saving work. Walking through Scripture's gallery of pictures of salvation from new life to deliverance, from justification to adoption, Livingstone invites us to deepen our understanding of the gospel. By letting the truth and power of each permeate our lives, we will be better able to articluate the life-changing gospel of Christ to a world that needs to taste--and see--that the Lord is good.
Christianity is in crisis. We live in a time when millions of people profoundly misunderstand the message of the Gospel. They believe that being a Christian means little more than being a nice person. They view Jesus as a wise moral teacher who showed us how to live better lives, and they conclude that the love of humanity is our greatest cause and its progress our primary purpose. Whatever else may be said of this view of Christianity, it is certainly not what Jesus taught. It is an attempt to replace the concepts of sin, redemption, and salvation with the more socially acceptable virtues of tolerance, compassion, and social progress. It elevates humanity and the world above God and his kingdom and reduces Jesus to a mere moral philosopher. But who did Jesus say he was? What was the essential message of Christ? The Gospel According to Christ answers those questions by examining the words of Jesus, in their context and in their entirety. The answers will be shocking to many Christians.
What did God use to draw a radical, committed unbeliever to himself? Did God take her to an evangelistic rally? Or, since she had her doctorate in literature, did he use something in print? No, God used an invitation to dinner in a modest home, from a humble couple who lived out the gospel daily, simply, and authentically. With this story of her conversion as a backdrop, Rosaria Butterfield invites us into her home to show us how God can use this same "radical, ordinary hospitality" to bring the gospel to our lost friends and neighbors. Such hospitality sees our homes as not our own, but as God's tools for the furtherance of his kingdom as we welcome those who look, think, believe, and act differently from us into our everyday, sometimes messy lives—helping them see what true Christian faith really looks like.
Dr. Norman L. Geisler has been called the "father of evangelical Christian philosophy." He has written more than one hundred books and taught at universities and top seminaries for some fifty-six years. He was the first president of the Evangelical Philosophical Society and the founder and first president of the International Society of Christian Apologetics. He has spoken or debated in more than two dozen countries and held pastoral/pulpit ministries in four states. Many view him as a cross between Thomas Aquinas and Billy Graham. No one has done more to communicate the modern challenges of the Faith to the "average" Christian, to the church, and to the academy. This volume offers creative and constructive essays from twenty-three contributors, all notable in their own right, who preserve and propagate Dr. Geisler's ideas and express appreciation for his influence. Those who know him best say he is "true, faithful, and blessed by God!"
“The Complete Works of Zacharias Tanee Fomum on the Gospel Message” contains the following books: God’s Love and Forgiveness. The Way of Life. The Seed, the Sower and the Hearts of Men. Celebrity: A Mask. Come Back Home, My Son: I Still Love You. Come and See, Jesus Has not Changed. Encounter the Saviour. Meet the Liberator. Jesus Loves You and Wants to Heal You. Jesus Saves and Heals Today. There is no good news like the Gospel of Jesus Christ. And every believer in Christ has been commanded to go all over the world and tell everyone that Jesus died for them. On the contrary, do the right and shun the wrong is what every world religion teaches. It is easier said than done. Everyone who has tried to follow this advice finds himself powerless before the law of sin. Sin is stronger than man. That is why God gave us a Saviour who came and died ignominiously on the cross of Calvary to save us from sin and its consequences. Because of the shedding of His precious blood, the forgiveness of sins and holiness have become available to all mankind. Why should anyone die and roast in hell when Christ has died to bar the way to hell for the one who repents of his sins, receives Jesus as Saviour and believes in His name? Why should anyone languish in their diseases and sickness- es when such a sacrifice has already been offered? For by His wounds, we have been healed (1 Peter 2:24). Why should anyone continue in demonic oppression when He came to set the captives free through His death on the cross? Why should anyone remain in their curses when He became a curse that we might become a blessing? He became poor so that we might become rich with His riches. Why should anyone be without blessings when all the blessings in the heavenly realms have been given to the believer in Him? Many testimonies punctuate this volume of how the Lord has wrought a complete salvation in the lives of so many people around the world. Jesus Christ, the Saviour, the Redeemer, the Healer, the Deliverer, and the Liberator is still at work today, doing His work as He did it in Bible times.
This volume emphasizes the Lutheran tradition for use in preaching, the Bible, its Archimedean theological insights, and its notion of preachings place within the larger liturgical and societal setting. Working from across the whole array of seminary disciplines, the faculty of Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary forges this practical resource around a single vision: the Church of Christ lives from the power of the Word of God, both the law and the gospel. Preaching this Word is a means of grace by which God creates and shapes a redeemed community.