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Good Gun Bad Guy 2 explains how minds are manipulated in the attempt to disarm Americans. Learn how radical anti-gun media and politicians create Anti-Gunners who are willing to attack their fellow citizen's basic right of gun-ownership while putting them and their families in danger.
Dan Wos just might have the winning ideas here. After all, what is the first rule of war? KNOW YOUR ENEMY. Jan Morgan, FOX News Analyst, NRA Certified Instructor Anti-Gunners are convinced that more gun-regulations are the answer to violent crime, but how is it that they are able to ignore the real causes of violence in America while relentlessly and obsessively focusing on the device that is sometimes used? Do they actually believe that guns make people do bad things or have they been programmed to naturally avoid the conversation of human-violence and what causes it? In Good Gun Bad Guy 2 we discuss the mind-set of those people who work hard everyday to restrict the rights of others for the purpose of satisfying their own needs and relieving their own fears under the guise of "keeping people safe." If you've ever wondered how people can be diametrically opposed on the topic of gun-rights, this book will explain it. Is it political? Is it ideological? Is it something else? Have people been trained to fear guns and hate gun-owners? Why is it that Anti-Gunners can obsess over something they claim to despise? Good Gun Bad Guy 2 picks up where Good Gun Bad Guy left off and sheds light on areas of the conversation that Anti-2nd Amendment Radicals would like to keep in the dark. The things discussed in this book are a layer within the gun-conversation that is never discussed but are the root of the entire debate. Good Gun Bad Guy 2 digs into the psychological influence the media has over those who are unable to critically-think the topic of guns. This book explains how those who seek to make the country unarmed and defenseless capitalize on the lack of knowledge and fears of some among us. You will see how they manipulate the narrative before your very eyes. http: // http: //
Dan Wos is a unique voice in the firearms community because he not only debunks the fake gun-statistics pushed by dishonest media outlets, but he uncovers the strategies and tactics used by the gun-grabbers. If you ever wondered why the media and politicians work so hard to misinform the public about guns, Good Gun Bad Guy 3 will explain it.
"It rips to shreds every argument of the anti-gun crowd and has opened my eyes to the mentality of those people." Jan Morgan, FOX News Analyst/Certified NRA Instructor Go behind the lies of the Anti-Gun Radicals. Find out what they hoped you would never know. Dan Wos explains the tactics and strategies of Anti-2nd Amendment Radicals and uncovers the motivation behind their mission to vilify guns and gun owners. Understand the psychology behind those who want to see an unarmed and helpless America. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. FEAR OF GUNS 2. FALSE NARRATIVE 3. RECRUITING THEIR MINIONS 4. SIT AT THE POPULAR TABLE 5. IGNORANCE IS BLISS 6. GUN FREE ZONES 7. THE RESPONSIBILITY OF FREEDOM 8. LIES, LIES AND MORE LIES 9. I'M RIGHT, YOU'RE WRONG 10. BUILDING UTOPIA 11. THE TRUTH ABOUT GUNS
Although the rate of gun ownership in U.S. households has declined from an estimated 50 percent in 1970 to approximately 32 percent today, Americans' propensity for carrying concealed firearms has risen sharply in recent years. Today, more than 11 million Americans hold concealed handgun licenses, an increase from 4.5 million in 2007. Yet, despite increasing numbers of firearms and expanding opportunities for gun owners to carry concealed firearms in public places, we know little about the reasons for obtaining a concealed carry permit or what a publicly armed citizenry means for society. Angela Stroud draws on in-depth interviews with permit holders and on field observations at licensing courses to understand how social and cultural factors shape the practice of obtaining a permit to carry a concealed firearm. Stroud's subjects usually first insist that a gun is simply a tool for protection, but she shows how much more the license represents: possessing a concealed firearm is a practice shaped by race, class, gender, and cultural definitions that separate "good guys" from those who represent threats. Stroud's work goes beyond the existing literature on guns in American culture, most of which concentrates on the effects of the gun lobby on public policy and perception. Focusing on how respondents view the world around them, this book demonstrates that the value gun owners place on their firearms is an expression of their sense of self and how they see their social environment.
"A funny, raucous, eye-opening, wholly non-partisan trip in search of Americans who love their guns"--
"It rips to shreds every argument of the anti-gun crowd and has opened my eyes to the mentality of those people." Jan Morgan, FOX News Analyst/Certified NRA Instructor Go behind the lies of the Anti-Gun Radicals. Find out what they hoped you would never know. Dan Wos explains the tactics and strategies of Anti-2nd Amendment Radicals and uncovers the motivation behind their mission to vilify guns and gun owners. Understand the psychology behind those who want to see an unarmed and helpless America. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. FEAR OF GUNS 2. FALSE NARRATIVE 3. RECRUITING THEIR MINIONS 4. SIT AT THE POPULAR TABLE 5. IGNORANCE IS BLISS 6. GUN FREE ZONES 7. THE RESPONSIBILITY OF FREEDOM 8. LIES, LIES AND MORE LIES 9. I'M RIGHT, YOU'RE WRONG 10. BUILDING UTOPIA 11. THE TRUTH ABOUT GUNS
“A must-read for every American who longs to bring sanity to our nation’s gun laws,” this book debunks the lethal logic behind the myths that have framed the gun control debate (Ariana Huffington, co-founder of HuffingtonPost) The gun lobby’s remarkable success in using engaging slogans to frame the gun control debate has allowed it to block lifesaving gun legislation for decades. But is there any truth to this bumper-sticker logic? Dennis Henigan exposes the mythology and misguided thinking at the core of these pro-gun catchphrases, which continue to have an outsized influence on public attitudes toward guns and gun control. He counters the gun lobby’s messages by weaving together the most compelling current research and insights drawn from the grim reality of deadly gunfire in our homes and communities. Henigan charts a new path toward ending the American nightmare of gun violence. Pro-Gun Myths Include: “When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns.” “An armed society is a polite society.” “The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.” “Gun control doesn’t work because criminals don’t follow the law.” “Gun manufacturers shouldn’t be responsible for gun crime, any more than Budweiser is responsible for drunk driving.” “We don’t need new gun laws. We just need to enforce the ones we have.” “Gun control is a slippery slope to complete gun bans.”
As violence in the media and media-linked toys increases, parents and teachers are also seeing an increase in children's war play. The authors have revised this popular text to provide more practical guidance for working with children to promote creative play, and for positively influencing the lessons about violence children are learning. Using a developmental and sociopolitical viewpoint, the authors examine five possible strategies for resolving the war play dilemma and show which best satisfy both points of view: banning war play; taking a laissez-faire approach; allowing war play with specified limits; actively facilitating war play; and limiting war play while providing alternative ways to work on the issues. New for the Second Edition are: more anecdotal material about adults'' and children's experiences with war play, including examples from both home and school settings; greater emphasis on the impact of media and commercialization on children's war play, including recent trends in media, programming, marketing, and war toys; expanded discussion about the importance of the distinction between imitative and creative war play; and summary boxes of key points directed at teachers or parents. * New information about violent video games, media cross feeding, and gender development and sex-role stereotyping.