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Going Deeper with God Every Day is a starter Bible-based devotional for the new year. It's January entries includes an every day reading for January along with Study Guides which invite the reader to go deeper into the devotional. Additional days for the rest of the year is provided online by a link which can be accessed by anyone.
Learn how to expectantly and purposefully wait on God in prayer while identifying the obstacles that keep you from drawing close to His heart.
This is Book Six in the Teach Me Your Paths series, covering the entire scope of biblical and theological study, intended for Christian lay people. Going Deeper with God gives practical and timely counsel for those who desire to mature in the Christian faith, draw closer to God, and finish well. Drawing from five decades of personal, pastoral and classroom experience, the author gives sound advice about how to successfully mine the bible and the Christian classics, as well as how to strengthen our prayers lives and self-discipline. This book will be of inestimable help both to individuals and for use in small groups focused on discipleship.
“There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” — Romans 8:1 Shame is an assault on the core of who we are. It assassinates our character, minimizes our worth, and dashes our hope. Like Adam and Eve, we often hide shame, but hiding never heals it. Left unattended, shame can develop into a crippling reality that paralyzes us. Like an infectious disease, shame impacts everyone . . . but not all shame is bad. Shame can either be an oppressive and powerful tool of worldly condemnation or a source of conviction that God uses to bring his people back to himself. Having the discernment to know the difference and recognize shame in its many forms can change the course of one’s life. In a transparently honest style, Pass shares of her experience dealing with shame after learning that her former husband was a sexual offender. Having lived through the aftermath, she leads you into God’s Word where you will see for yourself that God is bigger than your pain, shame, mistakes, and limitations. Shame Off You shares how freedom can be found in choosing to break the cycle of shame by learning from the past, developing healthy thinking patterns, silencing lies, and overcoming the traps of vanity and other people's opinions.
Founder and Global Senior Pastor of Hillsong Church and author of LIVE LOVE LEAD shows how, with God's power, you can believe and achieve a life that exceeds every earthly expectation. When you surrender control and follow God's guidance, you become empowered and equipped to do the impossible, reach higher, and go further than you could have ever imagined--giving Him all the glory. By building our lives around godly principles, surrounding ourselves with wisdom, and living for a cause greater than ourselves, we can effectively live out God's purposes and have an enduring impact. As Brian Houston has personally discovered, when we depend on Jesus as the source for our identity, our lives can be a lasting legacy that maximize the gifts He has given each of us as unique individuals. There is More is for anyone who wants to be challenged to live with expectancy. Ephesians 3 is a call to release the immeasurable potential within you and the exceeding, abundant, and above plans and purposes of a Holy God that are beyond your greatest imagination. "Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen" (Ephesians 3:20-21).
A vibrant, unstuck prayer life can begin for you right now. Why is it so difficult to pray without getting distracted? Why don’t I have this figured out by now? Pray Confidently and Consistently is for all of us who ask these questions and yearn for more. Join author and prayer journal creator Valerie Woerner in learning to pray boldly to the God of the universe who is beckoning us to come sit with him, share our hearts and needs, and simply know him. Living in close communication with our Father has the power to transform even the most difficult moments of our lives. What weights do we need to throw off so they don’t hold us back from a deeper connection with God? What distractions are keeping us from running freely with him? When we release the burdens suffocating our prayer lives and leaving us gasping for Jesus, we can finally experience the truth that prayer changes everything.
Do you really want to know God better? Once a week, immerse yourself in an enjoyable devotional that will deepen your relationship with Him. This book offers 52 conversation starters for weekly appointments with God you will not want to miss. God wants to do a new thing in your life. Use this book to refresh your love for Him. These Bible-based, sound readings reverence the Word of God but are filled with humor and joy.52 WEEKLY DEVOTIONALS FROM EVERYDAY TRUTH: GOING DEEPER WITH GODEach thought-provoking devotional will stir you to think about God as you never have before.Sample topics from 52 WEEKLY DEVOTIONALS FROM EVERYDAY TRUTH: -Eight Things Women Take from Good to Bad-How Does God Feel About You?-God's Sense of Humor-When Your Prayer Life Feels Barren-Lord, Don't You Care We Are Perishing?-No Need to Be Careful-Assailed by the world -The Wide Place-Stones of Remembrance-Taking on the Mind of Christ-Plus devotionals on friendship, mourning, and the heartcry of GodDo you really want to know God better? Once a week, read a devotional that will: -Inspire you to take a more thoughtful look at God and Who He really is-Bring you into even greater intimacy with the Lord-Introduce Him to you if you do not actually know who the God of the universe is-Explore commonly asked questions about topics people ask about God, Jesus, and life-Show you how to walk the Christian walk with joy, victory and greater peace-Give you Biblical insights for more delight in your daily encounters with your friends, neighbors, co-workers, and family-Draw you to God in a powerful way and help you better understand His heart Includes devotionals for seasons and holidayWhat if you are not a Christian?This is the perfect time for you to read this particular book. Consider this: What if there really is a God with a capital "G"? Shouldn't you want to be introduced to Him? Even some Christians have faulty views of God and His identity. 52 WEEKLY DEVOTIONALS FROM EVERYDAY TRUTH: GOING DEEPER WITH GOD is full of truth and will give you a foundation that is accurate. It will tell you all you need to know about the one true God who set the universe in motion and created the world from nothingness-including you!
The vast majority of human beings believe in a higher power, but few can ; clearly and articulately explain what they believe in or why. When it ; comes to explaining one's beliefs, most rely on intuition or personal experience, ; relegating faith to the realm of subjective judgment as opposed to objective truth. ; In Going Deeper, Leo Severino presents a systematic, ; easy-to-; understand, journey that grounds the certitude of faith in logic and reason. ; The author maps out a train of thought that begins with everyday events, reasons ; its way through proofs of the existence of God, then goes on to describe the deep ; purpose inscribed in every human heart. For those not well versed ; in theology or philosophy, this book is an accessible way to tether matters of faith ; to demonstrable premises and logical conclusions. For those with deeper ; theological formation, this book will provide fresh perspectives on the classic ; arguments that demonstrate how faith and reason go hand in hand.
A 40-day devotional written for all for couples who want to go deeper with God and each other. Each day of Going Deeper looks at a potential issue that can get between a couple, impeding their relationship and holding them back from achieving God's intention for their life together. The discussion points at the end of each day's reading will open up those conversations that every couple should have and share.
Centering Prayers is a collection of inspired prayers crafted as brief preludes or postludes to periods of personal, contemplative prayer. Each radiates God’s love. Tailored for the seasons and months of the year, they integrate a spiritual theology with certain mystical depth. You will want to read them slowly and pray them quietly, one day at a time. "In Daily Companion, Peter Haas offers intimate prayers that rest on the deep rooted tradition of his faith. His vulnerability and longing lead you to your own journey. His fearless asking: Strengthen me in love. Draw me into your life, draw you to deeper places. He acknowledges, You are the shadow that crosses near in the silence of prayer. Praying these prayers with Haas becomes a daily chant reminiscent of those in monasteries the world over, kneeling in prayer in the silent hours before dawn." Paula D'Arcy Author of Gift of the Red Bird, Waking Up to This Day