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This open access book explores how children draw god. It looks at children’s drawings collected in a large variety of cultural and religious traditions. Coverage demonstrates the richness of drawing as a method for studying representations of the divine. In the process, it also contributes to our understanding of this concept, its origins, and its development. This intercultural work brings together scholars from different disciplines and countries, including Switzerland, Japan, Russia, Iran, Brazil, and the Netherlands. It does more than share the results of their research and analysis. The volume also critically examines the contributions and limitations of this methodology. In addition, it also reflects on the new empirical and theoretical perspectives within the broader framework of the study of this concept. The concept of god is one of the most difficult to grasp. This volume offers new insights by focusing on the many different ways children depict god throughout the world. Readers will discover the importance of spatial imagery and color choices in drawings of god. They will also learn about how the divine's emotional expression correlates to age, gender, and religiosity as well as strategies used by children who are prohibited from representing their god.
Have you ever wondered... How Did God Do It? How did God perform the many miracles and supernatural events described in the Holy Bible — without violating the laws of physics and chemistry that He Himself put into place? And without conflicting with the basic tenets of Judaism and Christianity? This book proposes a theory that marries faith and rationality in a symphony of science and scripture.
A Sinner was a 33 year old ordinary English working class man, content and happy with his family life. One day he curiously attends a Christian Fellowship in a local community centre. After many visits and much thought he eventually accepts Christ as his personal saviour. Two years later he finds he is given a preaching commitment. Here is his lay preachers notes of some 20 years, biblical expositions with historical and contemporary commentaries. It is a warts and all record, not only of serous scriptural sermons but also on church and personal life experiences some humorous some tragic. He is critical of much of established religion and the fact he reluctantly uses a pen name tells of his fears of the changing face of his country and shows his belief that much of its freedoms for Christians and free speech in general has been and is being lost. He holds no theological exams or college training and does not qualify for what he describes as the hindrance of a dog collar, but believes in Gods Holy Spirit that has and does convict man if mans heart is willing to be open to Him. So are any or any part of these words Gods word? Thats for you with the Holy Spirit to decide.
IT'S TIME TO IMPACT PEOPLE FOR CHRIST EACH AND EVERY DAY! I often say, "It's going to take everyone to reach everyone!" Over the centuries, many in the church transitioned from being the church to simply going to church. But God is mobilizing the church once again to impact all people. Reading God's Team-Unleashing the Full Power of the Church will encourage every Christ follower to: See themselves as part of God's powerful team Embrace the responsibility of impacting lives and society Mobilize people to impact others outside the church walls seven days a week Reading God's Team-Unleashing the Full Power of the Church will encourage Pastors to: Evaluate their current church culture Build a greater soul winning and serving church Build a church that increasingly impacts their local community It is going to take everyone to reach everyone! Imagine the impact when every Christ follower purposely engages in spreading the gospel through both word and action seven days a week. Jack Redmond is a thought leader helping to shape the nuances today's church requires to engage culture. If you want to move beyond engaging information to executing transformation, God's Team is a must read. -David D. Ireland, Ph.D., Lead Pastor, Author of One in Christ and Raising a Child Who Prays,
Despite all the hype surrounding the "New Atheism," the United States remains one of the most religious nations on Earth. In fact, 95% of Americans believe in God--a level of agreement rarely seen in American life. The greatest divisions in America are not between atheists and believers, or even between people of different faiths. What divides us, this groundbreaking book shows, is how we conceive of God and the role He plays in our daily lives. America's Four Gods draws on the most wide-ranging, comprehensive, and illuminating survey of American's religious beliefs ever conducted to offer a systematic exploration of how Americans view God. Paul Froese and Christopher Bader argue that many of America's most intractable social and political divisions emerge from religious convictions that are deeply held but rarely openly discussed. Drawing upon original survey data from thousands of Americans and a wealth of in-depth interviews from all parts of the country, Froese and Bader trace America's cultural and political diversity to its ultimate source--differing opinions about God. They show that regardless of our religious tradition (or lack thereof), Americans worship four distinct types of God: The Authoritative God--who is both engaged in the world and judgmental; The Benevolent God--who loves and helps us in spite of our failings; The Critical God--who catalogs our sins but does not punish them (at least not in this life); and The Distant God--who stands apart from the world He created. The authors show that these four conceptions of God form the basis of our worldviews and are among the most powerful predictors of how we feel about the most contentious issues in American life. Accessible, insightful, and filled with the voices of ordinary Americans discussing their most personal religious beliefs, America's Four Gods provides an invaluable portrait of how we view God and therefore how we view virtually everything else.
Diary of a Wimpy Kid meets Percy Jackson in Odd Gods, the critically acclaimed and hilarious illustrated middle grade series about the oddest Greek gods you’ve never heard about before. Oddonis and his misfit friends don’t exactly love competition and they aren’t exactly athletes. So they’re definitely NOT excited when their middle school gets challenged to a sports competition by the Roman middle school on the other side of Mount Olympus. It’s bad enough that the Greek Odds have to compete against their Roman twins, but when Zeus and his Roman counterpart, Jupiter, get a little too involved, the Greek and Roman kids end up in a competition over who gets to run the WHOLE mountain. Will the Greek Gods and Odds find a way to work together to defeat the Romans, or will they have to leave their hilltop home…forever? Get ready to overcome the odds in the third hilarious book about the Odd Gods from author David Slavin, filled with dozens of black-and-white illustrations by award-winning artist Adam Lane.
Is there a game going on in heaven, and are we victims of a great conspiracy created by "The Gods?" Has the game in heavenly congress turned into war, and are we feeling the effects of it here on earth? Are we unknowingly being manipulated? Was the Bible written by "The Gods" as a mystery to dupe religious mankind? What are the rules of the game, the main plot, the team players and the stratagems? In this book Michele Lyon reveals how the Mystery works; its sub-plots, hidden messages and clues held within its pages, and are now being revealed. A revealing of a lie so perverse and so abstract that it required letting go of all the old ideas and concepts to see it. She exposes what has been going on the last one hundred years that no-one has identified! This is a book of human failings and deceptions and the whispers that have been passed down through time that only now can be interpreted. The cover chess pieces: On the left side--Hitler, Usama Bin Laden and Stalin. On the right side--Jesus, Joan of Arc, Gandhi and Bill W. (co-founder of Alcoholics Anonymous).
INVISIBLE & VOICELESS: The Struggle of Mexican Americans for Recognition, Justice, and Equality traces the vicious history of the European conquest of the Americas and examines its pervasive impact on Mexican Americans and Mexican immigrants today. Author Martha Caso sheds light on events often ignored or glossed over by history textbooks, from the holocaust and enslavement of native peoples at the hands of European conquerors to the Mexican American War of 1848 to modern efforts by extremists to fan the flames of racism and xenophobia. The reverberations of the European invasion still echo today, and it is impossible to understand the current issues of poverty and racism without understanding their origins. Historically, Mexican Americans have wielded very little social and political power, and recent xenophobic laws only serve to stoke the fires of hatred and antagonism and further erode their rights. INVISIBLE & VOICELESS offers Mexican Americans an opportunity to learn more about their history and their relationship with the United States and Mexico. Caso's hope is that once they understand their past, Mexican Americans will find their collective voice and stand up for their rights that they will cease to be invisible and voiceless in America.