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God's Plan for All is a powerful and easy to understand book about the Good News of the true Gospel of Jesus Christ. It clearly explains from the Bible, God's Plan to reconcile and save all, without a single exception, through God's only begotten Son Jesus Christ. It is indeed the destiny of every human being and every angel to enter the Eternal Kingdom of God of the New Heaven and the New Earth as sons of God, and be part of the one huge Family of God; the Elohim Family of the one true Father God, Yahweh Elohim, and His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, Yeshua Elohim. God's Plan for All gives clear biblical answers to many questions that have perplexed and even troubled Christians in the established churches of this world for centuries. Questions about God, the Son of God, the Holy Spirit, Israel, the Gospel, Salvation, Hell, Heaven, God's Sovereignty, Freewill, the Lake of Fire Judgement, Resurrection, Satan, Sin, the Kingdom of God, and many more questions have all been clearly answered in God's Plan for All using plain biblical texts. Gods Plan for All is totally based on the Bible as given in the original inspired Hebrew and Greek Scriptures. The whole of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation becomes wonderfully and powerfully alive, without any contradictions, once you understand God's Plan for All. You are invited to read this life changing, God honouring and God exalting book. There are many wonderful, powerful and eye-opening truths revealed here; truths clearly explained with clear scriptures. There has been no such book written in the history of Christianity.
Framed around the author's experience of spiritual warfare, Silence Satan introduces readers to the two warring plans for their lives: Satan's (who kills, steals, and destroys) and God's (who gives abundant life). It then reveals the various ways Satan tries to silence and destroy this generation with wounds, accusations, lies, and deceit and how to stand strong against them.
One day on Christian radio, I heard a minister talking about the ignorance in the Church today. He said they may know the stories of the Bible, but they do not see the big picture. That is what gave me the idea to write God's Plan beats the devil's plan. I saw the story as a format upon which all the Bible stories, as well as our lives, are built. Concepts are taught such as: we have a choice to do right or wrong, we can worship or rebel, there are consequences to wrong actions, the devil is competing with God for His creation, Jesus came from heaven to earth and back, and God sometimes says no. I saw the book as something children and adults could read and enjoy together, and also as a witnessing tool. After making copies and sending them to my grandchildren, as well as other relatives and friends who have children, I received enthusiastic responses and suggestions to publish. Children are given stories and pictures about monsters, but we dare not tell them about the devil. Children should know what really happened to cause this world to be the way it is, but God has a plan, and He wins in the end.
The author shares key insights of how to reduce the disparity between gospel knowledge and righteous behavior by learning about and emulating the character of Christ.
Known for his wild, rough, and Mafia-like ways, Vernon Goff from Everglades City Florida, was no stranger to the swamp, deep waters, or sawed off shotguns. He eventually found himself on the wrong side of the government and faced the cold hard truths of being an outlaw. In The Devil’s Plan versus God’s Mercy, he tells his story, sharing how despite the devil’s attempt to destroy him, God’s mercy prevailed time and again throughout his life. This memoir chronicles his growing up years, learning to fish and crab in the Everglades and finding a taste for alcohol. Goff tells how drugs and money tempted him and finally undid him. Sentenced to twenty-five years in prison, he had plenty of time to contemplate his past and future. The Devil’s Plan versus God’s Mercy chronicles how Goff fought to overcome his sin and temptation and became a born-again Christian, understanding anyone can serve the devil. It takes a real man to humble himself and serve the living God.
Offers a guide to fighting back against Satan's temptations though the use of prayer, outlining advice on developing personal prayer strategies to counter the enemy's diverse assault strategies.
How we perceive our enemy will largely determine how we fight against him. Unless we grasp how the devil fits into God's scheme of things, we will find it difficult to stand against his conspiracy against us personally and his influence within our culture. We can have a proper theology of the devil only if we have a proper theology of God. Only when we stand in awe of God will we find it unnecessary to be in awe of Satan. As Martin Luther once said, 'The devil is God's devil.' God is still in control. The Serpent of Paradise gives an overview of the career of Satan and his interaction with the Almighty. It traces his fall from an exalted position to his demise in everlasting shame and contempt. It shows us that Satan always loses even when 'he wins.' Best of all, it confirms that we who have been translated from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light are able to stand against him. Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. ~ Ephesians 6:10-11 NIV. The Serpent of Paradise is a book about Satan, but it is also a book about God's power, God's program, and God's purposes in this world.
This mini-book is a chapter from my forthcoming book Enlightenment 101: A Guide to God-Realization and Higher Human Culture. Its subtitle is "Practical Spirituality and Applied Wisdom for Everyday Life." The book looks at the experience of enlightenment for the individual and the race. This chapter begins: What I want to share with you today grows out of my own deeply felt experience and realization about the nature of reality and the Christian tradition in which I was raised. Satan is a central figure in the Judeo-Christian tradition. So to begin, I ask: What does Satan mean to you? Who or what is Satan?