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Drawing on his own mission training and experience, John Sivalon believes the gospel can and must be inculturated in any culture, and he believes that postmodernism, rather than rendering Christian mission meaningless, breathes fresh insight, vision, and life into Vatican II's notion that mission is centred in the very heart of God.
In this addition to the acclaimed The Church and Postmodern Culture series, leading practical theologian Christian Scharen examines the relationship between theology and its social context. He engages with social theorist Pierre Bourdieu to offer helpful theoretical and theological grounding to those who want to reflect critically on the faith and practice of the church, particularly for those undertaking ministry internships or fieldwork assignments. As Scharen helps a wide array of readers to understand the social context of doing theology, he articulates a vision for the church's involvement with what God is doing in the world and provides concrete examples of churches living out God's mission.
Endorsements: It is here, under these trees on my desert island that this volume takes on meaning because its authors honestly struggle with and debate how we should relate to postmodernities. Should our response be accommodation, relativizing or counter-culture? How do we strike a balance between listening and understanding, and at the same time exploring how postmodernities influence the interpretation and application of the bible as the normative story of God's mission in the world? Some may consider 'postmodernities' a Western dilemma. The contributions from some writers in the Global South (China, India, and Korea) unfold a larger canvas and explore the implications for Christian mission. This focus on 'mission' is central: this in not just a book about the many facets and trends of postmodernities. It is a book about the implication for mission, for what it means to live as Christians and as churches in a terra incognito, in a world where we have not been before. We know how postmodernities influence the understanding of the gospel, and how it/they may make Christianity merely one local story among many. We have seen how 'truth' has become a plural word and how we are left 'personal preferences'. But we are not losing hope. Here is a volume to be studied under the trees, on how to understand, how to wrestle with and how to confront these challenges in a constructive way, on various levels and in various parts of the world. Let me therefore congratulate editors and conveners of study theme three for bringing together such a wide spectrum of contributors and laying the stones for a useful and stimulating discussion of what it implies to witness to Christ in a postmodern world. Knud Jørgenesen, PhD Adjunct Professor of Mission at MF Norwegian School of Theology and the Lutheran Theological Seminary, Hong Kong About the Contributor(s): Rolv Olsen is a teacher, pastor and administrator. He is a Norwegian Lutheran pastor, has a doctorate in theology, and for eleven years served as a missionary in Taiwan and Hong Kong.
This engaging study provides a new way of looking at Scripture--one that takes seriously the biblical idea of mission. Richard Bauckham shows how God identifies himself with particular individuals or people in human history in order to be known by all. He is the God of Abraham, Israel, and David and, finally, the one who acts through Jesus Christ. Bauckham applies these insights to the contemporary scene, encouraging those involved in mission to be sensitive to postmodern concerns about globalization while at the same time emphasizing the uniqueness of Christian faith. In doing so, he demonstrates the diversity of Christian faith around the world. This book will be rewarding reading for pastors, lay readers, and students of Scripture, mission, and postmodernism.
This book offers a comprehensive reflection on what it means that Christians claim that "Jesus is Lord" by engaging in a defense of Christian apocalyptic as the criterion for evaluating the "truth" of history and of history's relation to the transcendent political reality that theology calls "the Kingdom of God." The heart of this work comprises an original genealogical analysis of twentieth-century theological encounters with the modern historicist problematic through a series of critical engagements with the work of Ernst Troeltsch, Karl Barth, Stanley Hauerwas, and John Howard Yoder. Bringing these thinkers into conversation at key points with the work of Walter Benjamin, Carl Schmitt, John Milbank, and Michel de Certeau, among others, this genealogy analyzes and exposes the ideologically "Constantinian" assumptions shared by both modern "liberal" and contemporary "post-liberal" accounts of Christian "politics" and "mission." On the basis of a rereading of John Howard Yoder's place within this genealogy, the author outlines an alternative "apocalyptic historicism," which conceives the work of Christian politics as a mode of subversive, missionary encounter between church and world. The result is a profoundly original vision of history that at once calls for and is empowered by a Christian apocalyptic politics, in which the ideologically reductionist concerns for political effectiveness and productivity are surpassed by way of a missionary praxis of subversion and liberation rooted in liturgy and doxology.
A leading postmodern thinker discusses the church's need to reconsider the Great Commission in light of globalization and the spread of technology with specific strategies for meeting current challenges.
Dramatic changes have taken place in global society and in the church that have implications for how the church does missions in the twenty-first century. This guide helps readers understand these trends.
The Faith We Proclaim! In The Postmodern Age. Everybody Wants IT. Few people have it. Faith. But Jesus came, defeated Satan, and took the authority from him that was originally Adam’s. He reinstated man in a position of fellowship with God. Those who accepted Jesus through faith became born again, and they were made the righteousness of God. The God kind of faith took up residence in their hearts. Hebrews 12:2 says Jesus is the author and finisher (Developer) of our faith. He reintroduced it into the earth. The faith revolutions will continue, in the postmodern age. Join Dr. Anderson as he unlocks the scriptural faith, of our Lord Jesus Christ in showing us: • How having the faith of Jesus is vitally important • Dr. Anderson has opened up the heavens of faith for generations to come. • The Postmodern is the era of the greatest faith being appropriated.
In this addition to the acclaimed The Church and Postmodern Culture series, leading practical theologian Christian Scharen examines the relationship between theology and its social context. He engages with social theorist Pierre Bourdieu to offer helpful theoretical and theological grounding to those who want to reflect critically on the faith and practice of the church, particularly for those undertaking ministry internships or fieldwork assignments. As Scharen helps a wide array of readers to understand the social context of doing theology, he articulates a vision for the church's involvement with what God is doing in the world and provides concrete examples of churches living out God's mission.