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In a wide-ranging study based on legal history, political theory, and philosophical ideas going all the way back to Plato and Roman law, Robert Clinton challenges current faith in an activist judiciary. Claiming that a human-centered Constitution leads to government by reductive moral theory and illegitimate judicial review, he advocates a return to traditional jurisprudence and a God-centered Constitution grounded in English common law and its precedents.
This is a timely contribution to the debate on the rights and liberties of religion, beliefs, and conscience in an age of secularization.
Reverend Lawrence L. Blankenship has created a new book offering a fresh look at one of the most imnportant, and controversial works for men and women to study. The Laws of God and The Laws of The State Vol. 2. NOTE: "If We Obey The Laws of God, We'll Not Dis-obey The Laws of The State." The Laws of God and The Laws of The State Vol. 2., is a Christian work that attempts to reconcile con-temporary secular law with ancient laws of the Bible. This volume is divided into two sections: one outlines the statutes of God's laws, and Scriptural laws, and the other studies The Laws of The State. Within the first section you learn the basis of biblical laws. In the second section you learn how these laws may be applied to contemporary law. This volume also includes the Civil and Criminal laws of God's and Statutes of the State, for easy reference. The Laws of God and The Laws of The State Vol. 2., seeks to provide an informed perspective on the biblical references to legal matters. This approach may be appropriate for students of the Bible or students of jurisprudence. The author hopes the public will obtain an understanding of the entire process, while developing skills neccessary to understand both laws.
Someday, God’s law is coming to America. It could come rapidly after a period of cleansing and reform. It might even happen in our day. And since Moses said it would eventually transpire, there needs to be a generation of Americans trained and motivated to put it into effect. Dr. Skousen has carefully outlined the entire code of God’s law in this book. Under this judicial system there are only about a hundred statutes required to govern a community, a state, a nation or the world if these guidelines are in the hands of wise and virtuous judges. Learn which political ideas are in tune with God’s law so you can support them. Understand why political ideas contrary to God’s law simply don’t work. See just how marvelous life in America will be once God’s majestic law is established here.
The Majesty of God’s Law is a study of the history and development of the only system of law which was revealed by God, himself. That is why it is called “God’s Law.” The Psalmist described the supreme excellence of God’s law when he said: “The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple. The statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart: the commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes.” (Psalms 19:7-8) The entire code of God’s law is carefully enunciated in the five chapters of this book. Under this judicial system there are only about a hundred statutes required to govern a community, state, a nation, and the world. But this is only possible when these laws are in the hands of the wise and virtuous judges. In order to make the system work, the people must be taught the law and then they must enter into a solemn covenant to honor and sustain the precepts. When Moses gave this law to the ancient Israelites, he said it could make them most peaceful, prosperous and powerful people in the World. However it was revealed to Moses that the people of the age would violate its precepts. He then learned that it would not be until the latter days that this law would be lived the way it was originally designed. The American Founding Fathers picked up on that promise because it appeared to them that it would be in this choice land where this great promise would one day be fulfilled. Nevertheless, they recognized that the Constitution was the indispensable foundation for such an inspired system of prosperity, justice, and peace. When they saw the Constitution would gradually unravel, they knew that this character of liberty would have to be restored in all its pristine power by some future generation. And they knew this would have to occur before God’s law could be inaugurated. Someday, God’s law is coming to America. It could come rapidly after a period of cleansing and reform, even in our day. And since Moses said it would eventually transpire, there needs to be a generation of Americans trained and motivated to put it into effect. Dr. Skousen has prepared this present study in hopes that it might be of assistance.
This book examines the competing regimes of law and religion an offers a multidisciplinary approach to demonstrate the global scope of their influence. It argues that the tension between these two institutions results from their disagreements about the kinds of rule that should govern human life and society, and from where they should be derived.
An incisive look at how evangelical Christians shaped—and were shaped by—the American criminal justice system. America incarcerates on a massive scale. Despite recent reforms, the United States locks up large numbers of people—disproportionately poor and nonwhite—for long periods and offers little opportunity for restoration. Aaron Griffith reveals a key component in the origins of American mass incarceration: evangelical Christianity. Evangelicals in the postwar era made crime concern a major religious issue and found new platforms for shaping public life through punitive politics. Religious leaders like Billy Graham and David Wilkerson mobilized fears of lawbreaking and concern for offenders to sharpen appeals for Christian conversion, setting the stage for evangelicals who began advocating tough-on-crime politics in the 1960s. Building on religious campaigns for public safety earlier in the twentieth century, some preachers and politicians pushed for “law and order,” urging support for harsh sentences and expanded policing. Other evangelicals saw crime as a missionary opportunity, launching innovative ministries that reshaped the practice of religion in prisons. From the 1980s on, evangelicals were instrumental in popularizing criminal justice reform, making it a central cause in the compassionate conservative movement. At every stage in their work, evangelicals framed their efforts as colorblind, which only masked racial inequality in incarceration and delayed real change. Today evangelicals play an ambiguous role in reform, pressing for reduced imprisonment while backing law-and-order politicians. God’s Law and Order shows that we cannot understand the criminal justice system without accounting for evangelicalism’s impact on its historical development.