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What questions do you have about Your Life, Your Being, Your Soul, and Your Conscious Awareness? GOD--The Dimensional Revelation is a book revealing reality. Broadly stated, reality is defined as "all that exists." The study of reality is called "metaphysics." Metaphysics is the primary field of philosophy. Metaphysics is divided into two major fields of study. These are cosmology and ontology. GOD--The Dimensional Revelation reveals cosmological facts about our big bang. Our research reconciles relativity theory and quantum mechanics. Ontologically, This Teaching Reveals a clear theology about GOD and Your Relationship with GOD. Learn how to use the scientific method to prove that the Reality You and I Experience is a partial Fusion of our physical universe with our separate Spiritual Universe. This Teaching proves this in the context of 10 Dimensions of Reality, some of which are original to this book. These 10 Dimensions are clearly explained and verified. Dimensional Reasoning is offered as a tool anyone can use to answer all the great questions of Existence. The Source of Being is clearly identified, as well as the Destination of Individual Being. Reading and Participating in the Knowledge Shared in this book will increase your Confidence, Personal Power, and help You Grow Spiritually.
What on Earth will Happen? When God predicts the future, He isn t taking a risk or going out on a limb. He knows that future already. With Him, it s already an established fact. He doesn t just forecast the future, He has been there. In fact, He s there right now, just as surely as He is with us in the present moment. The Book of Revelation allows us to glimpse realities that are outside of time, in the eternal realm. It reminds us that our God lives in that eternal reality, and isn t bound by the pages in a calendar, the hours in a day, or the hands on a clock. He has no yesterday or tomorrow, because it s all just a continuum to Him. God can look at the future with as much clarity and accuracy as you and I might look at the recent past. God has perfect recollection and perfect foresight. When He says that a certain event will happen, it s as though it has already taken place. From our point of view, time seems to stretch on and on, but God isn t affected at all by the duration of time. As Peter noted, A day is like a thousand years to the Lord, and a thousand years is like a day (2 Peter 3:8, NLT). Greg Laurie In this exciting, comprehensive overview of the New Testament s final book, Greg Laurie shares insights drawn from a lifelong study of Bible prophecy and how it intersects with today s headlines
Ray Stedman guides you on a verse-by-verse exploration of the book of Revelation, bringing to life the mysteries of this highly symbolic book of the Bible. God's Final Word encompasses and brings into brilliant focus the entire scope of human history—of eternity itself.
The Holy Scriptures are fundamental for Christianity, providing the basis for faith and morality. They are supremely important because they contain divine revelation. Christians speak of them as the "Word of God." In this study Paul Helm, an experienced philosopher, brings his expertise to bear on such expressions as "infallible," "Word of God," and "propositional revelation," which are in common usage in contemporary Christianity. His aim is to help Christians know what they are claiming when they use these a similar words and phrases. He has performed an indispensable task for all who take the Bible seriously. Paul Helm is J.I. Packer Professor in Theology and Philosophy at Regent College in Vancouver, British Columbia. Formerly he was Professor of the History and Philosophy of Religion at King's College. He has also served as President of the British Society for the Philosophy of Religion. He the author of many books, including The Providence of God, Calvin and the Calvinists, and Eternal God.
Visions of Hell... In A Divine Revelation of Hell, over a period of thirty nights, God gave Mary K. Baxter visions of hell and commissioned her to tell people still alive on earth to reject sin and evil, and to choose life in Christ. Here is an account of the place and beings of hell contrasted with the glories of heaven. Follow Mary in her supernatural journey as she enters with Jesus into a gateway to hell and encounters the sights, sounds, and smells of that dark place of torment, including its evil spirits, cells, pits, jaws, and heart. Be an eyewitness to the various punishments of lost souls and hear their shocking stories. This book is a reminder that each of us needs to accept the miracle of salvation before it is too late—and to intercede for those who do not yet know Christ. Time is running out.
Explains how science has proven that at least eleven different dimensions exist and discusses why those dimensions support evidence that God exists, what God's involvement in each dimension is, how scientific research has proven the Bible's declaration of God's role in creation, and other related topics.
The Chains Are Breaking!
Sets of seven. 666. The Whore of Babylon and the Seven-headed Beast. How would first-century readers have heard these things? One can get at an answer by asking, How does the Book of Revelation compare with contemporaneous Jewish apocalypses? God's Timetable unlocks the hitherto unseen Jewish background to the Apocalypse based on the seven weeks leading up to Pentecost, the Harvest Feast. The meaning of Revelation suddenly becomes clearer. Stramara situates the Book of Revelation in its original context as a prophetic work regarding the end of the world, the final harvest, and Jesus as the fulfillment of expectations.