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God Owes Us Nothing reflects on the centuries-long debate in Christianity: how do we reconcile the existence of evil in the world with the goodness of an omnipotent God, and how does God's omnipotence relate to people's responsibility for their own salvation or damnation. Leszek Kolakowski approaches this paradox as both an exercise in theology and in revisionist Christian history based on philosophical analysis. Kolakowski's unorthodox interpretation of the history of modern Christianity provokes renewed discussion about the historical, intellectual, and cultural omnipotence of neo-Augustinianism. "Several books a year wrestle with that hoary conundrum, but few so dazzlingly as the Polish philosopher's latest."—Carlin Romano, Washington Post Book World "Kolakowski's fascinating book and its debatable thesis raise intriguing historical and theological questions well worth pursuing."—Stephen J. Duffy, Theological Studies "Kolakowski's elegant meditation is a masterpiece of cultural and religious criticism."—Henry Carrigan, Cleveland Plain Dealer
God Owes Us Nothing reflects on the centuries-long debate in Christianity: how do we reconcile the existence of evil in the world with the goodness of an omnipotent God, and how does God's omnipotence relate to people's responsibility for their own salvation or damnation. Leszek Kolakowski approaches this paradox as both an exercise in theology and in revisionist Christian history based on philosophical analysis. Kolakowski's unorthodox interpretation of the history of modern Christianity provokes renewed discussion about the historical, intellectual, and cultural omnipotence of neo-Augustinianism. "Several books a year wrestle with that hoary conundrum, but few so dazzlingly as the Polish philosopher's latest."—Carlin Romano, Washington Post Book World "Kolakowski's fascinating book and its debatable thesis raise intriguing historical and theological questions well worth pursuing."—Stephen J. Duffy, Theological Studies "Kolakowski's elegant meditation is a masterpiece of cultural and religious criticism."—Henry Carrigan, Cleveland Plain Dealer
"The idea of putting Magisterial teaching in a beautiful display case while separating it from pastoral practice, which then could evolve along with circumstances, fashions, and passions, is a sort of heresy, a dangerous schizophrenic pathology. I therefore solemnly state that the Church in Africa is staunchly opposed to any rebellion against the teaching of Jesus and of the Magisterium. . . . The Church of Africa is committed in the name of the Lord Jesus to keeping unchanged the teaching of God and of the Church." — Robert Cardinal Sarah In this fascinating autobiographical interview, one of the most prominent and outspoken Catholic Cardinals gives witness to his Christian faith and comments on many current controversial issues. The mission of the Church, the joy of the gospel, the “heresy of activism”, and the definition of marriage are among the topics he discusses with wisdom and eloquence. Robert Cardinal Sarah grew up in Guinea, West Africa. Inspired by the missionary priests who made great sacrifices to bring the Faith to their remote village, his parents became Catholics. Robert discerned a call to the priesthood and entered the seminary at a young age, but due to the oppression of the Church by the government of Guinea, he continued his education outside of his homeland. He studied in France and nearby Senegal. Later he obtained a licentiate in theology at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome, followed by a licentiate in Sacred Scripture at the Studium Biblicum Franciscanum of Jerusalem. At the age of thirty-four he became the youngest Bishop in the Catholic Church when John Paul II appointed him the Archbishop of Conakry, Guinea, in 1979. His predecessor had been imprisoned by the Communist government for several years, and when Archbishop Sarah was targeted for assassination John Paul II called him to Rome to be Secretary of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples. In 2010 Pope Benedict XVI named him Cardinal and appointed him Prefect of the Pontifical Council Cor Unum. Pope Francis made him Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments in 2014.
In a fast-paced world full of distractions, how do we create space to have conversations about faith? Parents long to talk about Jesus with their children, but are unsure where to begin. Families want to slow down and reconnect with what matters most, but struggle to squeeze anything into already busy schedules. Teens and adults desire to go deeper in their faith, but are filled with unanswered questions. In Our Only Comfort, Rev. Stephen Shaffer provides individuals and families with a helpful structure for growing in Christian faith. In a series of 364 daily devotions, Our Only Comfort will take families, young adults, and new believers through the core teachings of the Christian faith through the lens of the Heidelberg Catechism. Wrestling through questions like "Who is Jesus?" "How do I pray?" and "What does it mean to keep the Ten Commandments?" these short devotions create opportunity for conversations about faith between parents and children and provide nourishment for faith to grow.
The roots of an insidious Religious Humanism have for some time now steadily been growing deeper and deeper and taking a firm hold in the modern Christian Church in America and across the world. The lethality of this rooting is that Religious Humanism is filled with false teachings which are historically known as heresies.
What is the best church? And which contemporary church leader is the most correct? If Gods Word does not change, does this mean that our faith should also remain unchanged from generation to generation? How should Christians feel about non-believers andmore importantlyhow should we respond to the worlds direction when it appears to be against Scripture? Does God even talk to the church anymore? This book is a letter from God. It is addressed to His peopleGods Churchand it is not founded on traditional Christianity. It is founded upon Gods Word, the Scriptures. We know that judgment begins at the house of God, and this letter is written for the purpose of allowing Gods people to begin preparing for the judgment that is coming, and for the new age, an age that has already begun.
Lively debates on controversial and compelling questions in the philosophy of religion — an updated edition of the bestselling title Building upon the reputation of the first edition, the extensively revised second edition of Contemporary Debates in Philosophy of Religion features fifteen essays which present arguments on some of the most central and controversial topics in philosophy of religion from the discipline’s most influential thinkers. Considering questions of both emerging and perennial interest from atheistic, theistic, and agnostic viewpoints, the book adopts the series structure which pairs essays espousing opposing perspectives on a particular question or theme in an engaging pro and con format. Following accessible introductions to each debate, the volume’s new and newly-revised contributions set the stage for thoughtful and lively discourse between philosophers in philosophy of religion and analytic theology. Debates range from vigorous disagreements between theists and their critics to arguments between theists of different philosophical and theological persuasions, highlighting points of contrast for readers while showcasing the field’s leading minds in dialogue. The head-to-head chapters offer forceful advocacy for some of the most compelling ideas, beliefs, and objections in the philosophy of religion, opening the conversation up to students to weigh the arguments and engage in comparative analysis of the concepts for themselves. Written to appeal to the non-specialist as well as the professional philosopher, Contemporary Debates in Philosophy of Religion is ideal as both a provocative primary text for coursework in analytical theology and philosophy of religion, and as a broad survey of the field for scholars and general readers with an interest in the questions which underpin contemporary philosophy of religion and theology.
Finding God in the Seasons of Divorce A daily devotional for individuals working through the emotions and difficulties of divorce, this first volume, Autumn and Winter, deals with the early days of divorce, when so much of life is falling apart, becoming so difficult and uncertain. The book helps readers learn how to cope and to see that they are not alone, that God does care, and that the struggles have been faced by others as well. This devotional is designed to coincide with the “seasons” of the process of divorce or other loss. Hence, readers may read daily or read the devotional at their own pace in an order that will bring help and encouragement as they slowly heal from divorce. A topical index addresses specific needs. Richard’s experiences result in a book that is a comforting, encouraging “voice in the wilderness” as readers seek to find God’s hand in new ways. This book is a resource, not only for pastors and counselors, but for anyone who desires to help a struggling friend or family member in the wake of divorce.
When we speak of God's attributes, we are talking about those characteristics that help us to understand who He truly is. An attribute of God is not a “part” of God- not component parts of God. In other words, God is not 15% love, 25% holy, 5% righteousness, 10% mercy, etc. Each attribute describes His total being. For example, love is not just a part of God’s nature; God in His total being is love. Holiness is not just a part of God’s nature; God in His total being is holy. And God will not compromise one of His attributes when exhibiting another attribute of His. So we always need to remember that God is the sum of all perfections, and because of which, we must be careful when we study the attributes of God that we do not emphasize one attribute at the expense of the others. What you will find in this book: 'Meditating on the Attributes of GOD' are just some of His attributes and are in no way thorough, as God is infinitely far above and beyond our ability to fully understand and comprehend HIM. Our finite minds cannot reason fully- not even a fraction of Who God is, but the Bible communicates what He is like, so that we can know Him better. God tells us through His very Word, specific truths about Himself so that we can know what He is like, and be drawn to better worship Him. God’s manifold attributes shine most clearly in His Son, Jesus Christ, who came to reveal His Father. Through Christ’s saving work on the cross, we are able to know and worship God rightly. And once we begin to grasp Who God really is and what He is like, it will make a difference in our lives. Properly understanding God is the key to trusting Him enough that He can live through you. A.W. Tozer wrote, “What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.” A right view and understanding of God is essential if we are to develop trust and faith in Him and have real purpose in living. So why learn about the attributes of God? As someone very well put it, “A man’s own character will necessarily be determined by the character of the god whom he worships.” What you are and what you will turn out to be in life is affected by whom or what you worship. Therefore in order to have a true understanding of Who God is so as to rightly worship this God of the Bible, we must have a right understanding of His attributes. Though there are many good reasons why it is important for us to understand the attributes of God, here are just 3 key reasons as to why I believe it is important for us to do so: 1: It pleases God 2: It saves and protects us from having a wrong view of God. 3: The result is joy in our hearts. This book therefore aims to help us study and understand the attributes of this infinite God so that we delight in and love Him with all our heart, soul, strength, and mind. As you will notice this book dwells on twelve key attributes that have been selected- one for every month. And as you get into a particular month with a specific attribute for that month, you will find 31 verses pertaining to that said months’ attribute. Use this devotional to enrich your time set apart with God by taking one description of Him and meditating on that for the whole day, along with the accompanying passage. I pray that this book will help you in your worship of God-the purpose you were created for, by focusing on Him and His character!
Suffering is, in the end, God’s invitation to trust him. “As he did in his best-selling book, Heaven, Randy Alcorn delves deep into a profound subject, and through compelling stories, provocative questions and answers, and keen biblical understanding, he brings assurance and hope to all.” –Publishers Weekly Every one of us will experience suffering. You may be in such a time now. We see the presence of evil in the headlines every day. It all raises questions about God—Why would an all-good and all-powerful God create a world full of evil and suffering? How can there be a God if suffering and evil exist? Atheists such as Richard Dawkins and even former believers like Bart Ehrman answer the question simply: The existence of suffering and evil proves there is no God. But in this illuminating book, best-selling author Randy Alcorn challenges the logic of disbelief, and brings a fresh, hopeful, and thoroughly biblical insight to the issues these important questions raise. Alcorn offers insights from his conversations with men and women whose lives have been torn apart by suffering, and yet whose faith in God burns brighter than ever. He reveals the big picture of who God is and what God is doing in the world—now and forever. And he shows the beauty of God’s sovereignty—how it ultimately triumphs over suffering and evil in our lives and the world around us.