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Gallup Editor-in-Chief Frank Newport examines religion in America today, reviews just how powerfully intertwined religion is with every aspect of American society, and explores what appears to be religion's vibrant future in the U.S. -- all based on more than a million interviews conducted by Gallup since 2008. Popular books such as The God Delusion have dismissed religion as a delusional artifact of evolution and ancient superstitions. But should millions of Americans' statements of belief and their behavior be dismissed that quickly? The pattern of religious influence in American society suggests mass consequence rather than mass delusion. In God Is Alive and Well, Frank Newport, Gallup's Editor-in-Chief, provides a new evidence-based analysis of Americans' religious beliefs and practices -- and bold predictions about religion's future in the U.S. Most Americans are at least marginally religious, significantly more so than in most developed nations around the world. The majority of Americans believe in God and say that religion is important in their daily lives. And Americans routinely participate in religious rituals. Levels of religious consciousness are not distributed equally. Systematic patterns of differences in religion occur with surprising regularity. An American's religiosity is very much bound up with social position and geographic space. There is an important interplay between religion and life status factors -- age, gender, marital status, having children -- and with achieved status distinctions -- class, education, income. Those who are most religious are demonstrably different across a wide spectrum of outcomes from those who are not. These include lifestyle choices, social participation, ideology, partisanship, and views on political and social issues. Religion can be the driver for highly disruptive social behaviors, up to and including the taking of human life. Unlike citizens of any other country in the world, Americans group themselves into hundreds of distinct micro religious groups and denominations. These groups are constantly evolving, splitting like amoeba to form new groups. The most common pattern today is the development of the "no name" religious group, consisting of Americans who worship only under the banner of their own nondenominational predilections. These religious groupings are sociologically related to social status, geography, politics, and social and political attitudes. The emotional, non-negotiable bases of religion and the nature of its appeal to the most ultimate of rationales mean that highly religious Americans are one of the most potentially influential groups in society. Religious beliefs provide a foundation for much of today's American politics. America is and will remain a religious nation, and it is entirely possible that in many ways, religion will be more, rather than less, important in the years ahead. The foundation for God Is Alive and Well is the perspective of science -- analyzing what people think, do, and believe about religion. Frank Newport's distinction as a well-known social scientist and authority on American life, his media experience, and his unique personal history as the son of a Southern Baptist theologian will increase this book's sales potential. God Is Alive and Well is based in large part on more than a million interviews Gallup has conducted in recent years -- interviews that asked Americans about their religion, their religious beliefs, and their religious behavior. The resulting data provide an unparalleled and unprecedented database of information about Americans and their religions. Written for lay readers using a conversational tone, God Is Alive and Well presents new information with an entertaining style.
How can Christianity touch the imagination of our contemporaries when ever fewer people in the West identify as religious? Timothy Radcliffe argues we must show how everything we believe is an invitation to live fully. God says: 'I put before you life and death: choose life'. Anyone who understands the beauty and messiness of human life – novelists, poets, filmmakers and so on – can be our allies, whether they believe or not. The challenge is not today's secularism but its banality. We accompany the disciples as they struggle to understand this strange man who heals, casts out demons and offers endless forgiveness. In the face of death, he teaches them what it means to be alive in God. Then he embraces all that afflicts and crushes humanity. Finally, Radcliffe explores what it means for us to be alive spiritually, physically, sacramentally, justly and prayerfully. The result is a compelling new understanding of the words of Jesus: 'I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.'
Have you ever wondered if God is real? Have you asked either yourself or others, "Is God truly real?" only to never receive a definitive answer? Perhaps, you've grown up in a Christian household, or are a devout Christian, or perhaps you are a nonbeliever. But whoever you are, at your core, you do not know for sure if God is truly real. This book unlocks the truth of how real God is and how alive He is in our lives today. In this book, Pastor Ae Cha, through her personal relationship with God, shares individual testimonies revealing in detail how God answered her to prove that He indeed is real. Within the chapters of this book, she not only reveals that God is real and alive, but she also demonstrates that God is a loving and caring Father. These stories illustrate in detail how much our Heavenly Father cares and loves His greatest creation""humanity. Each story reveals how He loves you and yearns to be in a personal relationship with you. Contained within each chapter is the revelation of how God is with you when you need a job, when you are facing severe health issues, dealing with feelings of unbelief and doubt, mistaken understandings about His character, and so much more. Within the pages of this book lies the answer of whether or not "God is Real" and the truth of His existence and never-ending love to help you in every area of life.
An illustrated mantra style poem taken from the novel, BEAUTIFUL USERS, by the Canadian singer and songwriter, Leonard Cohen.
We want to experience God through the Bible. . . . We really do But our good intentions fall flat when reading the Bible just doesn't seem to make that happen. What should feel dynamic and important and alive often feels confusing and boring and irrelevant. But it doesn't have to. In Help My Bible is Alive , pastor and Bible teacher Nicole Unice brings life back to reading the Bible by helping you personally encounter God through his Word. With Help My Bible is Alive , you'll learn to . . . find the meaning of any portion of Scripture; apply four key questions to every passage; create valuable habits by workshopping key verses; and find practical principles as you read parables, poetry, narratives, ancient letters, and wisdom literature. Take this 30-day challenge and develop habits that will sustain a vibrant spiritual life where the Word of God is alive and active for you.
"God's Word Is Alive!" offers sound material for breaking open every reading of all three liturgical cycles, for Sundays and holy days alike. Reflection questions and points for action, a calendar for the liturgical year that goes up to year 2010, plus an index of Scripture readings that takes the reader through the Bible in sequential order, add to the value of this book.
Also this book of the WithJesus-Team is, dear readers, YOUR ENTRY - scientifically proven and verifiable - to humanity's greatest adventure! For amazement and hope, personally experienced, directly to the miracle of Jesus Christ - free from religious traditions and legalities! And anyone who buys this book (and the WithJesus-Team's products) will directly help people in crisis situations find affordable housing - the charitable work of the WithJesus-Team! Living with Jesus: the greatest adventure in the world!
What happened to her, and why? She was rescued by God. He restored her and saved her. "He brought me up also out of an horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my goings. And God love's you, and so do I" (Psalm 40:2). In Jesus's name, I pray, amen.
A soul-touching and inspiring book, God Is Alive and Well presents a fresh and exciting view of God that will ultimately draw readers into a deeper understanding of—and relationship with—their creator. Dr. Walker asserts that to “fully understand the God of all creation,” we must turn to recent discoveries in the field of quantum physics, specifically as they relate to the study of “new energy,” known as quantum, or “invisible,” energy. Dr. Walker calls this the “God energy of all creation.” It created, and continues to create, all that exists— including Him/Herself. Understanding God as the true spiritual energy has the potential to revolutionize our own spirituality. The Divine initiates relationships with us as part of His/Her continuing development. The relationship is reciprocal, as modeled in the life of Christ. When we are “born again,” or “spiritually awakened,” we turn our lives over to God and trust Him/Her to guide us through the various dimensions of life, while we do our part by exercising our “heart” to love and care for all life joined together in the divine energy. Prepare to be challenged and awakened as you journey into a theological and spiritual adventure that could revolutionize your relationship with the Almighty.
Shares the author's story of his return to physical, mental, and spiritual health, highlighting the action steps that will help readers live life to the fullest.