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Does God exist? Did a Master Designer create our universe, or did life spontaneously evolve? Can science retain objectivity in the search for truth while allowing for the possibility that God exists? Does it make any difference? Ariel A. Roth, scientist and Christian believer, examines key issues related to the God question: * the intricate organization of matter in the universe * the precision of the forces of physics * the complexity of the eye and the brain * the elaborate genetic code * the disparity between the fossil record and the vast amount of time necessary for evolution Faced with so much evidence that seems to require a God in order to explain what we find in nature, why does the scientific community remain silent about God? Hypotheses and speculations that attempt to fit data into a predetermined conclusion abound. What overriding influence prevents scientists from following the data of nature wherever it may lead?
We are told that science and religion are wholly incompatible and that those of us who profess faith in God are unwilling to bend our wills to the truth. In this highly gratifying book, scientist Dr. Gerard Verschuuren flips this assertion around, showing time and time again how it is not the Christians, but rather the scientists, who are unwilling to incline their wills to the truth when it presents itself. Dr. Verschuuren helps us to recognize science's limited scope, how it is restricted to what can be dissected, measured, and counted. It is not the only pathway to knowledge. Science operates within the realm of nature. It cannot, therefore, make aesthetic judgments or moral judgments or draw conclusions about the supernatural, which is, by definition, beyond the realm of nature. Science is likewise ill-equipped to explore ethereal concepts such as beauty an
This text is part of the Edinburgh Studies in Constructive Theology series, which aims to provide a dialogue between the history of Western theological traditions and the contemporary interpretative context. Intended for those with no particular historical or theological training, it guides students through the core theological issues, searching out common ground by surveying the classic works of the theological tradition.
In the past few years a number of scientists have claimed that there is credible scientific evidence for the existence of God. In 1998 Newsweek went so far as to proclaim on its cover, "Science Finds God." Is this true? Are scientists close to solving the greatest of all mysteries? Physicist Victor J. Stenger delves into this fascinating question from a skeptical point of view in this lucid and engrossing presentation of the key scientific facts. Stenger critically reviews the attempts of many contemporary theologians and some scientists to resurrect failed natural theologies in new guises. Whether these involve updated arguments from design, "anthropic" coincidences, or modern forms of deism, Stenger clearly shows that nothing in modern science requires supernatural explanation. He offers naturalistic explanations for empirical observations that are frequently given theistic interpretations: for example, that information in the universe implies an intelligent designer, that a universe with a beginning requires a Creator, and that the elegant laws of physics suggest a transcendent realm. He shows that alleged spiritual, nonmaterial phenomena do not lie beyond the experimental reach of physics. This thorough and careful consideration of scientific evidence covers much ground yet remains accessible and highly informative to the educated lay reader.
The scriptures of the Faiths use models to depict what God is like; namely Father, Mother, Husband, Judge, Lover, Friend, shepherd and so on. Science also uses models to advance its knowledge, and in a scientific age a model of God as the Cosmic Scientist interacting with the traditional could communicate well. It would imply that the world is a laboratory created by God in order to test whether humanity will obey his laws and live up to the values which he embraces. Using material drawn from science and six world faiths, the book shows the difference and similarity between divine and human experiments and argues that God will bring the experiment to a successful conclusion.
Religion and Science is a definitive contemporary discussion of the many issues surrounding our understanding of God and religious truth and experience in our understanding of God and religious truth and experience in our scientific age. This is a significantly expanded and feshly revised version of Religion in an Age of Science, winner of the American Academy of Religion Award for Excellence and the Templeton Book Award. Ian G. Barbour--the premier scholar in the field--has added three crucial historical chapters on physics and metaphysics in the seventeenth century, nature and God in the eighteenth century, and biology and theology in the nineteenth century. He has also added new sections on developments in nature-centered spirituality, information theory, and chaos and complexity theories.
“It may seem bizarre, but in my opinion, science offers a surer path to God than religion…science has actually advanced to the point where what were formerly religious questions can be seriously tackled” (Paul Davies, Astrophysicist). Anthony Walsh’s latest riposte to atheistic arguments against God's existence draws on Natural Theology, a knowledge of God based on evidence from both the natural and social sciences. Covering everything from the Big Bang and the origins of life to the mystery of intelligent consciousness, Walsh makes even the most technical scientific writings accessible to the general reader and tackles a question few books on the relationship between science and religion have ever sought to address: how does Christianity positively affect societies, families, and individuals in terms of democracy, justice, happiness, health, and prosperity?
Today, there is more science-based evidence for God, the soul, and life after death than ever before. Then why are scores of people turning to unbelief because of "science"? The answer is simple: they do not know the science. Science at the Doorstep to God presents in depth the latest evidence to turn the rising tide of unbelief. Father Robert Spitzer, S.J., synthesizes eight recent studies confirming an intelligent creator of physical reality as well as a transphysical soul capable of surviving bodily death. This is the most comprehensive scientific treatment of God and the afterlife to date. It combines natural scientific method, metaphysical method, medical studies, anthropological and genetics studies, and phenomenological descriptions, showing how each distinct method and data set reinforces the others. It is critical for the Church to learn and share the fruits of this research and again to demonstrate the profound complementarity between the Catholic faith and science. Through reason, we can come to see not only the great intelligence of the Creator, but also signs of his love, goodness, and glory.
Does God exist? Which is true? Evolution, creation...or both? Are we no more than meaningless collisions of molecules? Or do we owe our existence to a Creator, who has willed us (and everything else) into being, and who has a plan and purpose for our lives? The Reality of God addresses these all-important questions by providing an introductory overview of key scientific evidence, philosophical reasons, and insights drawn from human nature demonstrating God’s existence. In simple, accessible language, and well-supported by scientific experts, author Steven Hemler guides the reader through the most compelling evidence for the existence of God. Hemler shows how natural sciences such as biology, chemistry and physics far from disproving religious belief suggest and reveal the existence of a Creator at every turn. Those seeking sound reasons and credible science supporting belief in God will cherish this easy-to-read book. The Reality of God provides: • An opportunity to address doubts about God’s existence • Persuasive reasons for belief • Arguments showing the compatibility of faith and reason • Answers to the evolution vs. creation debate The Reality of God puts forth in layman’s terms how science and the natural world point to God’s existence. Anyone seeking answers to life’s deepest question will find in author Steven Hemler an indispensable guide.
Stenmark (philosophy of religion, Uppsala University, Sweden) replaces the paradigm of science and religion as opposing perspectives with a conciliatory model. He lays out the central issues of the debate between these two powerful cultural forces and shows what is at stake for the advancement of human knowledge, then demonstrates how science and r