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English-Indonesian dictionary of political terms.
Dinamika politik global kontemporer membuka cakrawala dan pemahaman bagi pengkaji Hubungan Internasional bahwa kini politik internasional telah bertransformasi. Transformasi tersebut membawa kajian Hubungan Internasional semakin berwarna dengan kehadiran aktor non-negara yang turut memainkan peran penting dalam memengaruhi sistem internasional dan konstelasi politik global. Merespons dinamika tersebut, buku ini hadir sebagai sebuah buku ajar yang dapat menjadi referensi bagi dosen pengajar maupun mahasiswa Hubungan Internasional serta pembaca yang memiliki ketertarikan dengan studi ini. Adapun buku ini terdiri dari tiga bagian, bagian pertama merupakan pendahuluan yang menerangkan tentang jejak dan pengertian Transnasionalisme dalam Hubungan Internasional. Kemudian, bagian kedua berisikan tentang berbagai konsep kunci yang berkaitan erat dengan dinamika hubungan transnasional yang terdiri dari agen, struktur, dan proses. Bagian terakhir ditutup dengan berbagai isu kontemporer dalam ruang transnasional seperti keadilan ekologis dan global demokrasi.
English-Indonesian dictionary of economic terms.
English-Indonesian dictionary of anthropologic terms.
This is an open access book. The COVID-19 pandemic in the last two years has influenced how educational system works. Online learning became the primal policy taken by all institutions in the world to lower the risk of the virus spread. Despite the drawbacks of the online learning, teachers and students were accustomed with the distant learning through web meetings, Learning Management Systems (LMS) and other online learning platforms. In that time, topics under digital learning and education 5.0 were the main stakes in academic disseminations. This year some institutions start to conduct their teaching and learning process classically as before the pandemic, others are still continuing online and not few are in hybrid. This leaves a question: what learning reform should be made in post-pandemic era? This conference invites researchers, experts, teachers and students to discuss the coping solutions of the question. It is important for them to contribute to the understanding of re-imaging online education for better futures, innovative learning design, new skills for living and working in new times, global challenge of education, learning and teaching with blended learning, flipped learning, integrating life skills for students in the curriculum, developing educators for the future distance learning, humanities learning in the digital era, assessment and measurement in education, challenges and transformations in education, technology in teaching and learning, new learning and teaching models. Not limited to these, scholars may add another interesting topic related to learning reform in post-pandemic era to present.
Festschrift in honor of Anton M. Moeliono, a prominent Indonesian linguist.
On development and usage of Indonesian language.
J.S. Mill plays a central role in the development of classical political economy in the nineteenth century. Hollander follows the course of that development over fifty years of Mill's career, from the death of David Ricardo in 1823 to Mill's own death in 1873. As in Hollander's acclaimed works on Adam Smith and David Ricardo, this studey emphasizes economic methodology and social philosophy, examined in light of Mill's own preoccupations. He argues that Mill's methodological principle and practice are consistent from 1830 onwards, a position that disputes currently held opinion. He also demonstrates that Mill denied the predictive ability of economic science, and thereby dismisses as irrelevant the charges of some critics that Mill championed 'scientism.' Throughout his study, Hollander places Mill within appropriate intellectual contexts. He identifies Mill's debts to Ricardo and to James Mill, examines his reactions to the Cambridge inductivist critics of orthodoxy and to the later 'historical' school writers, and his attitude towards the beginnings of mathematical economics. The central chapters on theory focus on allocation (including international trade) and economic growth, and the connection between the two. Hollander analyses Mill's remarkable investigation of the process of price formation under competitive and non-competitive conditions and his qualifications to the law of markers and the quantity theory. Other chapters deal with the roles of governments and economic organization, monetary policy, and social philosophy. Hollander has produced a study that will stand for many years on the economic thought of John Stuart Mill.