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Over the last decade the question of the relationship between organisations and society has been subject to much debate, often of a critical nature. The decade has seen protests concerning the actions of organisations, exposures of corporate exploitation and unfolding accounting scandals. At the same time ethical behaviour and a concern for the environment have been shown to have a positive correlation with corporate performance. The nature of corporate social responsibility is therefore a topical one for businesses and academics. There are however many different perspectives upon what is meant by corporate social responsibility and how this might be applied within organisations. This book explores some of these different perspectives based upon the experiences of different people in different parts of the world. There has been much written about globalisation – some of it positive and much of it negative. It is a subject which arouses definite opinions. Despite the fact that the word globalisation is part of the title of this book it is not our intention to contribute to this debate. Instead we use the word globalisation in its original sense to represent the ubiquity of the concern for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) which is the subject matter of this book. Specifically we are concerned with the social contract between an organisation and its stakeholders. It is apparent that any actions which an organisation undertakes will have an effect not just upon itself but also upon the external environment within which that organisation resides. In considering the effect of the organisation upon its external environment it must be recognised that this environment includes both the business environment in which the firm is operating, the local societal environment in which the organisation is located and the wider global environment. Effectively therefore there is a social contract between organizations and their stakeholders. Recognition of the rights of all stakeholders and the duty of a business to be accountable in this wider context therefore has been largely a relatively recent phenomenon. The economic view of accountability only to owners has only recently been subject to debate to any considerable extent. In the current environment there is a need to debate this issue and its implications. This book therefore recognises the international scope of the interest in corporate social responsibility both through the contributions made by the authors of the respective chapters, who come from various parts of the world, and also through the international importance of the perspectives offered by these contributors. In doing so the various authors demonstrate that corporations are a part of society just as much as each of us is as a individual. Furthermore they demonstrate that the issues and concerns are not local ones but are international is scope and concern us all. The contributions to this book provide a representation of the range of concern for this relationship and the range of topics which fall within the subject matter of CSR. Among the authors who have contributed to this book are representatives from every continent and from a wide range of disciplines. The topics which are considered in the various chapters are equally diverse.
The book "Globalization and Responsibility" consists of 8 chapters. The chapters in the book offer a decentered and dynamic terminology. They show that globalization consists of not only an objective process, but also of a lot of statements that define, describe and analyze the different experiences of the process. The chapters are written by authors and researchers from different academic disciplines, cultures and social contexts, therefore different experiences and scientific analyses on the consequences of globalization have been unified, starting from the multicultural and social epistemology to ethics of responsibility. Each chapter can be read separately, but in a complex, interconnected global universe of intertextuality of our world.
This book addresses the increasing overlap between Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and law with a particular focus on company law and corporate governance. What is the impact of CSR on company law and corporate governance and, vice versa? How do these systems impact on CSR? Do they enable, require or prevent the socially responsible conduct of companies, for example, through corporate theory, directors’ duties or disclosure laws? What is the role of shareholders and directors in the promotion of CSR?The theme of the book ensures a sharing of ideas and experiences globally and internationally for all jurisdictions to consider core legal and social aspects of CSR.
There is a growing awareness that international law insufficiently protects common global interests and that States and non-State actors need to work together to protect global aims. The focus of this book is on the different fields of international law where there is a need for global cooperation to achieve common aims, for example: the law of the sea; protection of world cultural heritage; sustainable development, biological diversity and climate change; human rights; and international crimes. The volume also identifies the legal developments which have taken place, for example treaties which use the language of ’common heritage of mankind’ or ’common concern of humanity’, thereby identifying global concerns and reflecting a global set of values and interests independent of the interests of States.
Business in a globalised world is no longer only about profit. Companies that operate globally are increasingly being called to account over their social responsibilities to the workforce, local communities and the environment. Companies that take these responsibilities seriously are faced with a plethora of problems and dilemmas. For example, how can companies navigate the sea of tension between observing international rules of conduct and responding to specific local cultural circumstances? How can they ensure social responsibility in the product chain(s) in which they operate? And how can they best contribute to the local economy of developing countries? This book helps companies with good intentions but little experience to find answers to these questions and many others. The book offers concrete guidelines, step-by-step plans and practical examples based on the experiences of 20 diverse, large, medium and small companies that participated in the three-year Dutch programme "Corporate Social Responsibility in an International Context" organised by CSR Netherlands. Corporate Social Responsibility and Globalisation constitutes a guidebook and action plan to enable companies of all sizes to manage risk and seek out opportunities for engagement in their overseas operations.
The book examines the issue of corporate social responsibility from a public policy perspective, considering the implications of corporations' involvement in global economic governance.
In the twenty-first century, as traditional divides are redefined, bargaining over corporate responsibilities has increasingly centred around corporate reputation and the question of whether businesses are part of society’s problems or part of their solution. This ground-breaking book treats issues, strategies and societal interaction in a homogenous manner and analyzes the nature of the international bargaining society as it has matured. Discussing and contextualizing contemporary debates on international corporate social responsibility, globalization and the impact of reputation, this key text integrates them into a new and coherent framework: Societal Interface Management. Using this unique framework, it explores the interfaces between international corporations, governments and civil society representatives. Analytic and revealing, the text applies the framework to in-depth studies of Nike, Shell, Triumph International, GlaxoSmithKline and ExxonMobil. It investigates the conflicts surrounding Burma, blood diamonds, child labour, oil spills, food safety, patents on HIV/AIDS medication and labour rights that have resulted in a large number of disciplining activities. An accompanying website ( contains additional case studies, as well as issue dossiers on the challenges confronting international firms. Drawing on a wealth of experience both in research and teaching, the authors have developed a text that integrates reputation, responsibility, ethics and accountability. Clearly constructed, it is a must-have book for all those studying or teaching business ethics, political economics, economic geography, public relations, and corporate social responsibility.
This book provides students and scholars with a collection of thought provoking contributions focusing on the nexus of globalization and responsibility. With a concise introduction to the globalization debate and an overview of business corporations' role in globalization's multifaceted processes, the essays in the volume address a wide range of pressing issues concerning challenges and opportunities for responsible business and management. Some provocative arguments in the essays touch upon the dimension of morality and the issue of potential and actual (in)justice resulting from the global economic development. Incorporating respect for human rights into corporate governance and making it a worldwide standard practice is of pivotal importance. To this end, contributors in this book argue that corporate governance should be made more transparent by expanding accountants' roles to include a report on corporate activities relating to human rights protection. But despite the various fundamental challenges for business and management, such as addressing how to combat poverty and injustice, it is also argued with reference to Spinoza's Ethics that profit-seeking in business should not be regarded as inherently immoral or unethical. Other essays in the book further explore the complex social-psychological foundation and conditions for responsible individual behavior in relation to business ethics. Drawing on Maslow's famous "Hierarchy of Needs" the psycho-moral foundation of self-transcendent behaviour is further explored as the difficulty of taking the perspective of "Others" is discussed. The book ends with a positive note suggesting that the egoistic utility maximization seeking motive, the bedrock of the conceptualization of the homo oeconomicus, may in fact provide the key for ensuring responsible individual behavior if it is embedded in the idea of love.
What is globalization? How have the world economies changed in recent years? What impact do these changes have on business and management practice? Through creative use of examples, case studies and exercises from organizations worldwide, this book demonstrates the many levels at which globalization impacts on contemporary businesses, society and organizations and elucidates the ways in which different globalization trends and factors interrelate. Focusing on an integrated approach to understanding the effects of global trends such as new technologies, new markets, and cultural and political changes, the book enables students to understand the wider implications of globalization and apply this to their study and comprehension of contemporary business and management. Each chapter: - opens with a short and current case which introduces the key concepts covered in that chapter - provides an overview of chapter objectives to allow the student to navigate easily - illustrates the chapter concepts with useful boxed examples - concludes with a review of the key chapter concepts learnt - provides a series of review and discussion questions - offers ′Global Enterprise Project′ assignments for applying course concepts to the same company - gives up-to-date references from many sources to direct student′s further reading. Students can access the companion website which includes additional material in support of each chapter of the book by clicking on the `companion website′ logo above.