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In the Indian context.
In this accessible and carefully researched text, the authors broach one of the most urgent issues thrown up by the process of contemporary globalisation the future of the Muslim World. Their analysis probes the key material links between economic underdevelopment and Western Islamic cultural relations. This book is vital reading for anyone who wishes to understand the roots of the current high profile tension in global politics and to think beyond these conflicts towards the task of building a just and peaceful global order.
In Indian context.
Look At The Concepts Of Globalism And Colonalism And Globalization Is Only An Extee Of Colonalism. The Study Is Divided Into 10 Chapters - The List Being International Capitalism And India Follow By A Useful Bibliography And Index
"At present, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) for some may not be more than an attitude. Can it be more? What degree of commitment can we reasonably expect of corporations in the struggle to eradicate poverty, promote human rights, halt climate change and reverse ongoingenvironmental destruction? It is not a question of power; more than half of the worlds top 100 economies are corporations, not nation-states. Whatever can be done to "fix" the world's problems, corporations are in the best position to do [it]."--Back cover.
This book argues that the fourth industrial revolution, the process of accelerated automation of traditional manufacturing and industrial practices via digital technology, will serve to further marginalise Africa within the international community. In this book, the author argues that the looting of Africa that started with human capital and then natural resources, now continues unabated via data and digital resources looting. Developing on the notion of "Coloniality of Data", the fourth industrial revolution is postulated as the final phase which will conclude Africa’s peregrination towards recolonisation. Global cartels, networks of coloniality, and tech multinational corporations have turned big data into capital, which is largely unregulated or poorly regulated in Africa as the continent lacks the strong institutions necessary to regulate the mining of data. Written from a decolonial perspective, this book employs three analytical pillars of coloniality of power, knowledge and being. Highlighting the crippling continuation of asymmetrical global power relations, this book will be an important read for researchers of African studies, politics and international political economy. The Open Access version of this book, available at, has been made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 license
The process of Globalisation has subjected cultures, religions and societies or communities of the world to fundamental changes, which are primarily characterised and conditioned by new communication technologies, migration, worldwide exchange of goods and capital. This development has led to the rise of plural societies, which not only mean chances and opportunities but also a potential of threat for the future of humanity. Subsequent to this development this international conference addresses the question of how living together in a global age could succeed and be fruitful. Im Zuge des Globalisierungsprozesses befinden sich alle Kulturen, Religionen und damit alle Gesellschaften der Welt in einem grundlegenden Wandel, der vor allem durch neue Kommunikationstechnologien, Migration, weltweiten Austausch von Kapital und Gütern bedingt ist. Diese Entwicklung hat zur Entstehung pluraler Gesellschaften geführt, die nicht nur eine Chance, sondern auch ein Bedrohungspotenzial für die Zukunft der Menschheit bedeutet. Vor diesem Hintergrund stellt sich für die Tagung die Frage, wie ein Zusammenleben der Menschen in einer zunehmend multireligiösen und multikulturellen Welt gelingen kann
Globalization and the Neoliberal Schoolhouse unpacks the complex interdependencies between downsizing and decay in contemporary systems of public education on the one hand, and the ideological and institutional drivers of neoliberal globalization on the other.
Addresses many questions concerning the form of globalisation, such as: Does globalization involve integration on a worldwide scale or will there be a levelling off or even a reversal? Is there an alternative to globalization? This work explores the tensions and dilemmas inherent in globalization, from local, national and global perspectives.
Dit boek onderzoekt in theoretisch en empirisch opzicht welke gevolgen globalisering en individualisering hebben voor solidariteit. Het besteedt aandacht aan informele solidariteit, zoals vrijwilligerswerk en mantelzorg, en aan formele solidariteit, zoals sociale uitkeringen en ontwikkelingshulp. Het plaatst kanttekeningen bij het wijd verbreide geloof dat de groeiende internationale concurrentie en kapitaalstromen en het toenemende egocentrisme van moderne burgers de solidariteit ondergraven.