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In A Social Contract with Business as the Basis for a Postmodern MBA in a World of Inclusive Globalisation, Jopie Coetzee places the MBA qualification on the centre stage of the 21st century's global challenges facing humanity. He makes three substantial and original contributions to the field of Business Leadership. Firstly, he introduces a new research methodology, termed critical metasynthesis. Secondly, he presents a new model, termed The Social Contract with Business as the raison d'etre for postmodern business. Thirdly, he develops a new educational context, a new vocabulary, as well as guidelines for a new canon of knowledge for business education and curriculum design for the postmodern MBA."
Over the last decade the question of the relationship between organisations and society has been subject to much debate, often of a critical nature. The decade has seen protests concerning the actions of organisations, exposures of corporate exploitation and unfolding accounting scandals. At the same time ethical behaviour and a concern for the environment have been shown to have a positive correlation with corporate performance. The nature of corporate social responsibility is therefore a topical one for businesses and academics. There are however many different perspectives upon what is meant by corporate social responsibility and how this might be applied within organisations. This book explores some of these different perspectives based upon the experiences of different people in different parts of the world. There has been much written about globalisation – some of it positive and much of it negative. It is a subject which arouses definite opinions. Despite the fact that the word globalisation is part of the title of this book it is not our intention to contribute to this debate. Instead we use the word globalisation in its original sense to represent the ubiquity of the concern for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) which is the subject matter of this book. Specifically we are concerned with the social contract between an organisation and its stakeholders. It is apparent that any actions which an organisation undertakes will have an effect not just upon itself but also upon the external environment within which that organisation resides. In considering the effect of the organisation upon its external environment it must be recognised that this environment includes both the business environment in which the firm is operating, the local societal environment in which the organisation is located and the wider global environment. Effectively therefore there is a social contract between organizations and their stakeholders. Recognition of the rights of all stakeholders and the duty of a business to be accountable in this wider context therefore has been largely a relatively recent phenomenon. The economic view of accountability only to owners has only recently been subject to debate to any considerable extent. In the current environment there is a need to debate this issue and its implications. This book therefore recognises the international scope of the interest in corporate social responsibility both through the contributions made by the authors of the respective chapters, who come from various parts of the world, and also through the international importance of the perspectives offered by these contributors. In doing so the various authors demonstrate that corporations are a part of society just as much as each of us is as a individual. Furthermore they demonstrate that the issues and concerns are not local ones but are international is scope and concern us all. The contributions to this book provide a representation of the range of concern for this relationship and the range of topics which fall within the subject matter of CSR. Among the authors who have contributed to this book are representatives from every continent and from a wide range of disciplines. The topics which are considered in the various chapters are equally diverse.
In hard times, dissension mounts. The old social contract flounders and cannot be revived. Forces of reaction assert themselves. Danger intensifies. In dark times, opportunity appears. Such is our time. It is time to debate and define the next social contract, to articulate its political aims and action plan. It is time to change the world. In Digging Out: Global Crisis and the Search for a New Social Contract, two brothers from the social and environmental justice movements engage this debate with a revolutionary proposal rooted in the power dynamics of the worlds rising service-based economy. They provide a theoretical framework to reinterpret and address festering world problems through local and global initiatives. They urge cultural reinvigoration to deploy our social skills and innovation in service of others. Their proposal confirms the leading role of civil society, and it calls for a worldwide commercial transaction fee to curb financial speculation while adequately and permanently funding a sustainable future. Digging Out proposes a new social contract to advance economic security, social justice, and ecological restoration worldwide. It is a clarion call, urging us to unite and demand the changes necessary for a better tomorrow.
Globalisation and rapid technological change have radically transformed labour markets, affecting the lives and prospects of billions of workers. Those in the informal economy, the vast bulk of the workforce in the Global South, have been bearing the brunt.
If the global economy seems unfair, how should we understand what a fair global economy would be? What ideas of fairness, if any, apply, and what significance do they have for policy and law?Working within the social contract tradition, this book argues that fairness is best seen as a kind of equity in practice. The global economy as we know it is organized by an international social practice in which countries mutually rely upon common markets. This practice generates shared responsibilities of "structural equity," independently of humanitarian, human rights, or other justice concerns, for how benefits and burdens are distributed across different societies and their social classes. Equity in the practice of trade requires not only compensation of people harmed by their exposure to global economic forces, but also equal division of the "gains of trade," across and within societies, unless still greater gains flow to developing countries. Fairness therefore calls for strong social insurance schemes, international capital controls, policy flexibility for developing countries, and more-all as the "fair price" of free trade.
In this book, the author develops a comprehensive analysis of the demands which the process of globalization exerts on the political organisations of humanity. The author starts from a diagnosis of the process of globalisation. The question central to the book can be formulated as follows: "How can the social, moral and legal achievements of the nation-state be retained while its structure is reshaped to satisfy the requirements of a globalised world?"
This book is about the Social Contract with Business as a means to deliver humanity's global sustainability mandate. From a well researched Socratic dialogue with today's leaders and thinkers in the West, East, and South emerged action-oriented answers to the questions: What kind of future does humanity want?; What society for such a future?; What business for such a society?; What business leader for such a business?; What education for such a business leader? This book is written for business leaders and for all other movers and shakers who wish to conduct their affairs in a business-like and meaningful manner.