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This document presents the technical details of the first ever country-driven Global Soil Organic Carbon Sequestration Potential Map (GSOCseq). This map allows for the estimation of top (0–30 cm) soil organic carbon sequestration potential in agricultural areas under a business as usual and three sustainable soil management scenarios. The Global Soil Organic Carbon Sequestration Potential Map (GSOCseq) stands out as a game-changing program aimed at bridging this divide by raising technical expertise on SOC sequestration potential modeling and mapping while relying on a uniquely participatory and iterative process. The GSOCseq v1.1 was developed based on the submissions of national experts appointed by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Member Nations. Each of the appointed National Experts generated national maps following a bottom-up approach that was facilitated and coordinated by the Secretariat of FAO’s Global Soil Partnership (GSP).
Responding to a request for support in addressing the Sustainable Development Goal Indicators, especially Indicator 15.3 which includes the restoration of degraded soils, the Global Soil Partnership (GSP) Plenary Assembly in 2020 instructed the Intergovernmental Technical Panel on Soils (ITPS) and the GSP Secretariat to develop the Global Soil Organic Carbon Sequestration Potential map (GSOCseq map), following the same country-driven approach developed for the Global Soil Organic Carbon map (GSOCmap). This ‘bottom-up’ approach is expected to generate a GSOCseq map from national SOCseq maps, developed and validated by local experts, based on the implementation of SOC models using standardized procedures and by leveraging the best available local data.
This document presents the technical details of the first-ever country-driven Global Soil Organic Carbon Map (GSOCmap). This map allows the estimation of Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) stocks from 0 to 30 cm. It represents a key contribution to the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) indicator 15.3.1, which defines the area of degraded land. The novelty of this map is the fact that it is the first Global SOC stocks assessment which is produced through a participatory approach. Supported by the GSP-Secretariat, countries developed their capacities and stepped up efforts to compile or collect all available soil information at the national level. This technical report is a companion report to the GSOCmap V1.6.0. It presents methodologies and process of compiling the Global Soil organic Carbon Map (GSOCmap).
The publication was launched at the Global Symposium on Soil Organic Carbon (GSOC) held at FAO headquarters (Rome, 21-23 March 2017). It provides an overview to decision-makers and practitioners of the main scientific facts and information regarding the current knowledge and knowledge gaps on Soil Organic Carbon. It highlights how better information and good practices may be implemented to support ending hunger, adapting to and mitigating climate change and achieving overall sustainable development.
During the last decades, soil organic carbon (SOC) attracted the attention of a much wider array of specialists beyond agriculture and soil science, as it was proven to be one of the most crucial components of the earth’s climate system, which has a great potential to be managed by humans. Soils as a carbon pool are one of the key factors in several Sustainable Development Goals, in particular Goal 15, “Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss” with the SOC stock being explicitly cited in Indicator 15.3.1. This technical manual is the first attempt to gather, in a standardized format, the existing data on the impacts of the main soil management practices on SOC content in a wide array of environments, including the advantages, drawbacks, and constraints. This manual presents different sustainable soil management (SSM) practices at different scales and in different contexts, supported by case studies that have been shown with quantitative data to have a positive effect on SOC stocks and successful experiences of SOC sequestration in practical field applications. Volume 2 includes a description of hot spots of SOC stocks. This manual defines hot spots of SOC as areas that represent a proportionally little of the global land surface but on which SOC storage is highly effective; bright spots as large land areas with low SOC stocks per km2 that represent a potential for further carbon sequestration.
The Soil Organic Carbon Mapping cookbook provides a step-by-step guidance for developing 1 km grids for soil carbon stocks. It includes the preparation of local soil data, the compilation and pre-processing of ancillary spatial data sets, upscaling methodologies, and uncertainty assessments. Guidance is mainly specific to soil carbon data, but also contains many generic sections on soil grid development, as it is relevant for other soil properties. This second edition of the cookbook provides generic methodologies and technical steps to produce SOC maps and has been updated with knowledge and practical experiences gained during the implementation process of GSOCmap V1.0 throughout 2017. Guidance is mainly specific to SOC data, but as this cookbook contains generic sections on soil grid development it can be applicable to map various soil properties.
Soil carbon sequestration and preservation of present stocks reduces net global greenhouse gas emission and can contribute significantly to both Nordic and international goals of limiting serious climate change. In order to achieve this, sustainable use of soil resources, better soil and water management practices, and restoration of degraded soils is needed. Protection and restoration of soil organic carbon are also key solutions to many of the most pressing global challenges facing mankind today. Highlighting the importance of the soil and the multiple benefits of soil organic carbon sequestration has never been more needed than now.
The largest carbon pool in terrestrial ecosystems is contained in soils and it plays a key role regulating hydrological processes, such as the spatial variability of soil moisture dynamics. Specifically, soil moisture and soil organic carbon are variables directly linked to ecosystem services such as food production and water storage. However, there are important knowledge gaps in the spatial representation (e.g., maps) of soil moisture and soil organic information from the country specific to the global scales. There is a pressing need to update the spatial detail of soil moisture estimates and the accuracy of digital soil carbon maps for improved land management, improved Earth system modeling and improved strategies (i.e., public policy) to combat land degradation. From the country specific to the global scale, the overreaching goal of this PhD research is to develop a reproducible digital soil mapping framework to increase the statistical accuracy of spatially continuous information on soil moisture and soil organic carbon across different scales of data availability (e.g., country-specific, regional, global). Chapter 1 provides a general introduction. Chapters 2 and 3 are focused on up-scaling soil organic carbon from the country-specific scale to the continental scale. Chapter 2 provides a country-specific and multi-modeling approach for soil organic carbon mapping across Latin America, where I identify key predictors and conclude that there is no best modeling method in a quantifiable basis across all the analyzed countries. In Chapter 3, I compare and test different methods and combinations of prediction factors to model the variability of soil organic carbon across Mexico and conterminous United States (CONUS). I describe soil organic carbon stocks across different land covers across the region, quantify the model uncertainty and discuss estimates derived from previous studies. Chapters 4 and 5 are devoted to improving the statistical detail and accuracy of satellite soil moisture from the country to the global scale. Chapter 4 describes how the machine learning fusion of satellite soil moisture with Geomorphometry increase the statistical accuracy and spatial detail of current soil moisture estimates across CONUS. Chapter 5 extends the previous chapter to the global scale and identifies global soil moisture trends. I provide a novel (gap-free) soil moisture global estimate that could be potentially used to predict the global feedback between primary productivity and long-term soil moisture trends. Chapters 4 and 5 reveal evidence of soil moisture decline across large areas of the world. Finally, chapter 6 summarizes the main findings of this research, the key conclusions, emergent challenges and future steps. The results of this research were useful to generate benchmarks against which to assess the impact of climate and land cover changes on soil organic carbon stocks and soil moisture trends. This research provides a framework (including high quality data and novel methodologies) to generate environmentally relevant science that can be used for the formulation of public policy around soil and water conservation efforts.
Global estimates of soil organic carbon stocks have been produced in the past to support the calculation of potential emissions of CO2 from the soil under scenarios of change land use/cover and climatic conditions (IPCC, 2006), but very few global estimates are presented as spatial data. For global spatial layers on soil parameters, the most recent and complete dataset is available as the Harmonized World Soil Database (HWSD). The HWSD represents a step forward towards a spatially more detailed and thematically more refined set of global soil data. During the evaluation of the data for generating estimates of global SOC stocks Version 1.1 of the HWSD revealed also some rough edges. Consequential are the values of bulk density attributed to soils high in organic carbon. In the evaluation the database was completed and suitable substitutions for bulk density for soil high in organic carbon were investigated. For the amended data the global SOC stock to 100cm soil depth is estimated at 1,417 Pg C, although this estimate very much dependent on the ancillary data used. The amended HWSD was compared to data from 4 other global data sets on SOC stocks. The comparative evaluation has demonstrated that bulk density is the most important factor for estimating SOC stocks and mainly responsible for the differences between estimates. Most affected from the variability in bulk density are SOC stocks in areas with soils which are high in organic carbon.
This document provides a conceptual framework and standard methodologies for the monitoring, reporting and verification of changes in SOC stocks and GHG emissions/removals from agricultural projects that adopt sustainable soil management practices (SSM) at farm level. It is intended to be applied in different agricultural lands, including annual and perennial crops (food, fibre, forage and bioenergy crops), paddy rice, grazing lands with livestock including pastures, grasslands, rangelands, shrublands, silvopasture and agroforestry. Although developed for projects carried out at farm level, potential users include investors, research institutions, government agencies, consultants, agricultural companies, NGOs, individual farmers or farmer associations, supply chain and other users who are interested in measuring and estimating SOC stocks and changes and GHG emissions in response to management practices. The document is an outcome of the successful Global Symposium on Soil Organic Carbon (GSOC17), which was held in Rome in March 2017. The document is of technical nature in support of the Soil organic carbon (SOC) sequestration work. Its use is not mandatory but of voluntary nature.