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The sixteenth-century Reformation transformed the church and society at large and its key theological insights had a concrete impact on the socio-political and economic spheres. Luther and his fellow reformers reconfigured Christian theology as they explored the liberating concept of justification by grace through faith as a core axiom of theological reflection. Lutheran and other churches of the Reformation continue to be empowered, informed and inspired by these insights, also with regard to their public role in today's societies. In light of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, eminent theologians and scholars from all parts of the world offer their insights into the interaction between theological thinking, economics and politics in the twenty-first century. [Globale Sichtweisen auf die Reformation. Wechselwirkungen zwischen Theologie, Politik und Wirtschaft] Im 16. Jahrhundert fand eine grundlegende Transformation von Kirche und Gesellschaft durch das Ereignis der Reformation statt. Die entscheidenden theologischen Erkenntnisse hatten konkrete Auswirkungen auf sozio-politische und wirtschaftliche Bereiche. Luther und seine Mitstreiter schrieben die christliche Theologie neu, als sie das Konzept der Rechtfertigung durch die Gnade Gottes allein durch den Akt des Glaubens zur Kernaussage ihrer theologischen Überlegungen machten. Lutherische und andere reformatorische Kirchen werden nach wie vor durch diese Erkenntnisse bestärkt, geleitet und inspiriert, vor allem in Anbetracht ihrer öffentlichen Rolle in der heutigen Gesellschaft. Im Hinblick auf das Reformationsjubiläum teilen bedeutende Theologen und Gelehrte aus aller Welt ihre Erkenntnisse zu den Wechselwirkungen zwischen theologischem Denken, Wirtschaft und Politik im 21. Jahrhundert.
The sixteenth-century Reformation in all its forms and expressions sought nothing less than the transformation of the Christian faith. Five hundred years later, in today's context of world Christianity, the transformation continues. In this volume, editor Dale Irvin draws together a variety of international Christian perspectives that open up new understandings of the Reformation. In six chapters, contributors offer general discussions and case studies of the effects of the Protestant Reformation on global communities from the sixteenth century to the present. Together, these essays encourage a reading and interpretation of the Reformation that will aid in the further transformation of Christianity today. CONTENTS: Introduction 1. Jews and Muslims in Europe: Exorcising Prejudice against the Other Charles Amjad-Ali 2. Spaniards in the Americas: Las Casas among the Reformers Joel Morales Cruz 3. Women from Then to Now: A Commitment to Mutuality and Literacy Rebecca A. Giselbrecht 4. The Global South: The Synod of Dort on Baptizing the "Ethnics" David D. Daniels 5. The Protestant Reformations in Asia: A Blessing or a Curse? Peter C. Phan 6. The Modern Era: Contemporary Challenges in Light of the Reformation Vladimir Latinovic
The concept of "identity" today is contested against the backdrop of myriad forms of social, political, economic and ecological exclusion. How is identity expressed in a global Lutheran tradition whose members share common biblical, liturgical, confessional, theological and spiritual foundations yet represent diverse cultures and traditions? At the end of 2019, The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) hosted a global consultation on contemporary Lutheran identities, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The result was the papers presented in this publication. The authors—church leaders, youth, theologians, lay and ordained practitioners in local communities—explore the Spirit's work to revive and equip the faithful for vocation through the ministry of the church today and into the future of the Lutheran communion. [Wir glauben an den Heiligen Geist. Globale Perspektiven lutherischer Identität] Ende 2019 veranstaltete der Lutherische Weltbund (LWB) eine globale Konsultation zu zeitgenössischen lutherischen Identitäten. Die Konsultation in Addis Abeba, Äthiopien, zielte darauf ab herauszufinden, wie die gemeinsamen Noten lutherischer Identität in der reichen Harmonie gelebter, kontextbezogener Identitäten in der gesamten lutherischen Gemeinschaft wiedergegeben werden können. Der LWB engagierte Theologen seiner Mitgliedskirchen, um das Wirken des Heiligen Geistes unter dem Thema "Wir glauben an den Heiligen Geist. Globale Perspektiven lutherischer Identität" zu reflektieren. Dieser Band ist eine Zusammenstellung von Aufsätzen, die bei der Konsultation vorgestellt wurden. Er wird Kirchen, theologischen Institutionen, Pastoren und Laienmitgliedern in der gesamten LWB-Gemeinschaft empfohlen, die die trinitarischen Grundlagen der lutherischen Tradition und die Taufberufung zur Teilnahme an Gottes Mission erforschen möchten.
The often-tenuous relationship between law enforcement and communities of color, namely African Americans, has grown increasingly strained, and the call for justice has once again ignited the demand for criminal justice reform. Rebuilding the trust between the police and the citizens that they have sworn to protect and serve requires that criminal justice practitioners and educators collaborate with elected officials and commit to an open, ongoing dialogue on the most challenging issues that remain unresolved but demand collective attention and support. Reform measures are not limited to policing policies and practices, but rather extend throughout the criminal justice system. There is no denying that the criminal justice system as we know it is flawed, but not beyond repair. Global Perspectives on Reforming the Criminal Justice System provides in-depth and current research about the criminal justice system around the world, its many inadequacies, and why it urgently needs reformation. Offering a fully fleshed outline of the current system, this book details the newest research and is incredibly important to fully understand the flaws of the criminal justice system across the globe. The goals of this book are to improve and advance the criminal justice system by addressing the glaring weaknesses within the system and discuss potential reforms including decreasing the prison population (decarceration) and improving police/community relations. Highlighting topics that include accountability, community-oriented policing, ethics, and mass incarceration, this book is ideal for law enforcement officers, trainers/educators, government officials, policymakers, correctional officers, court officials, professionals, researchers, academicians, and students in the fields of criminal justice, criminology, sociology, psychology, addictions, mental health, social work, public policy, and public administration.
The 500th anniversary of Luther's 95 theses in 2017 was the first such commemoration in which the global dimensions of the reformation were highlighted. This volume - the outcome of a conference held at the Fachhochschule fur Interkulturelle Theologie Hermannsburg in June 2016 - reflects theological, political and social interactions between Africa, Asia, the Americas and Europe and explores new ways in which Reformation and World Christianity can be connected. It also analyzes negotiation processes in selected countries, focussing especially on the role of churches in social development, transformation processes and international discourses.
The legal traditions of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam have contributed much to the cultivation and violation of religious human rights around the world. In this volume Desmond Tutu, Martin Marty, and twenty leading scholars offer an authoritative assessment of these contributions and challenge people of all faiths to adopt "golden rules of religious liberty."
This book offers ecumenical essays that focus on Reformation Christianity and on current Lutheran-Catholic understandings and relationships. It addresses important issues, including the meaning of the Reformation, the reception of Luther in Germany and beyond, contemporary ecumenical dialogues, and pathways to the future. There is also some inclusion of Jewish and Orthodox traditions as well as attention to global issues. Taken as a whole, the primary method of this book is theology informed by history, hermeneutics, ethics, and social theory. Within the structure of the book can be found the classic hermeneutical circle: What was the meaning of the Reformation for Luther in his own time? What are various ways in which Luther and the Reformation have been interpreted in history? How does knowledge of these things help us today to understand the Reformation and to move forward?
In this 'Dickensian century' of human rights, the world has cultivated the best of religious rights protections, but witnessed the worst of religious rights abuses. In this volume, Jimmy Carter, John T. Noonan, Jr., and a score of leading jurists assess critically and comparatively the religious rights laws and practices of the international community and of selected states in the Atlantic continents. This volume and its companion Religious Human Rights in Global Perspective: Religious Perspectives are products of an ongoing project on religion, human rights and democracy undertaken by the Law and Religion Program at Emory University.
Space and Conversion in Global Perspective examines experiences of conversion as they intersect with physical location, mobility, and interiority. The volume’s innovative approach is global and encompasses multiple religious traditions. Conversion emerges as a powerful force in early modern globalization. In thirteen essays, the book ranges from the urban settings of Granada and Cuzco to mission stations in Latin America and South India; from villages in Ottoman Palestine and Middle-Volga Russia to Italian hospitals and city squares; and from Atlantic slave ships to the inner life of a Muslim turned Jesuit. Drawing on extensive archival and iconographic materials, this collection invites scholars to rethink conversion in light of the spatial turn. Contributors are: Paolo Aranha, Emanuele Colombo, Irene Fosi, Mercedes García-Arenal, Agnieszka Jagodzińska, Aliocha Maldavsky, Giuseppe Marcocci, Susana Bastos Mateus, Adriano Prosperi, Gabriela Ramos, Rocco Sacconaghi, Felicita Tramontana, Guillermo Wilde, and Oxana Zemtsova.