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The book would be a good companion text for an undergraduate class in international finance or open-economy macroeconomics. Catherine L. Mann, Journal of Economic Literature Untangling the US Deficit is a unique and well-researched book and will be of great interest to academic economists and postgraduates. Policymakers, business and market economists will also find it an enlightening and challenging analysis. The book is written in a very accessible fashion, even though the authors strive to accommodate competing and complex views on the causes and cures of the US external deficit, which makes for enjoyable and informative reading. Their reliance on data, charts and bibliography result in persuasive arguments. Recommended. General readers; upper-division undergraduates through practitioners. A. Sharma, Choice What are the causes of the US current account deficit? Are the problems made in the US or the rest of the world? Are these deficits sustainable, at what level? These are the types of questions the authors set out to answer, and in essence conclude that the answers do not matter for global stability as long as imbalances are left to market forces and the US can avoid large net income outflows. The beauty of this book, however, is watching the authors (the unusual combination of a business economist and an academic economist) arrive at this conclusion. They provide insights that can come only from years of practical and theoretical experience. William E. Becker, Indiana University Bloomington, US As the US current account deficit has expanded to a record level of $811 billion in 2006, debate about the deficit s causes and consequences has also grown. Is the deficit a product of American profligacy or a glut of savings in the rest of the world? Is it a serious problem or essentially benign? Untangling the US Deficit charts a course between the competing explanations in a systematic and rigorous approach, incorporating the latest academic research and market data. Particular attention is given to the China United States trade imbalance and to the special role of the US dollar and US capital markets in global finance. This unique and well-researched book will be of great interest to academic economists and postgraduates. Policy-makers, business and market economists will also find it to be an enlightening and challenging account.
Global Imbalances, Financial Crises, and Central Bank Policies assesses the relationships between global imbalances, financial crises, and central bank policies, with a specific focus on their reserves. The book contains a strictly international perspective with an analysis based on empirical research that enables the reader to develop an analytical model that emphasizes interactions among individual central banks. With this innovative approach, the book develops a new method for defining an optimal demand for reserves. In addition, the book describes implications for financial reforms that might ultimately be more important than its empirical findings. Presents a systematic account of the relationship between the build-up of reserves and central bank policies Emphasizes a global view of currency reserves, which is usually ignored in analyses of their effect Includes datasets as well as all illustrations and figures in online ancillary materials
The past few decades have witnessed the emergence of economic imbalances at the world level and within the euro zone. The failure of mainstream economics to accurately predict financial crises, or model the effects of finance-led growth, highlights the need for alternative frameworks. A key text, Global Imbalances and Financial Capitalism: Stock-Flow-Consistent Modelling demonstrates that Stock-Flow-Consistent models are well adapted to study this growth regime due to their ability to analyse the real and financial sides of the economy in an integrated way. This approach is combined with an analysis of exchange rate misalignments using the Fundamental Equilibrium Exchange Rate (FEER) methodology, which serves to give a synthetic view of international imbalances. Together, these models describe how global and regional imbalances are created, as well as suggest appropriate tools through which they may be reduced. The book also considers alternative economic policies in the euro zone (international risk sharing, fiscal federalism, eurobonds, European investments, a multispeed euro zone) alongside alternative monetary policies. In particular, it examines the possibilities of using SDR (Special Drawing Rights) as a reserve asset to be issued to fight a global recession, to support the development of low-income countries, or as an anchor to improve global monetary stability. This text will be of interest to students, scholars, and researchers of economic theory and international monetary economics. It will also appeal to professional organisations who supervise international relations.
Crafting stimulus packages and financial bailouts to address immediate problems has for many reasons been a priority for policymakers. In this Council Special Report, however, Steven Dunaway argues that policymakers must go beyond these steps and tackle one of the root causes of today's crisis: imbalances between savings and investment in major countries. The report analyzes the nature of these imbalances, which occur when some countries, such as the United States, run large current account (essentially trade) deficits while others, such as China, maintain large surpluses. Dunaway identifies three features of the international financial system that have allowed the imbalances to persist, features that involve both floating and managed exchange rates as well as the issuance of reserve assets. In particular, he notes that the United States' status as an issuer of such assets has enabled it to finance a current account deficit. The report then prescribes a variety of steps to address global imbalances. Beyond stimulus packages around the world, it urges measures to raise savings (principally government savings) in the United States, reform labor and product markets in Europe and Japan to increase competition and flexibility, and boost domestic consumption in China. Finally, the report advocates improving International Monetary Fund (IMF) surveillance of member states' economic policies by reducing the role of the Fund's executive board and depoliticizing the selection of its senior management.
This paper has two objectives. First, it reviews the recent dynamics of global imbalances (both “flow” and “stock” imbalances), with a special focus on the shifting position of Latin America in the global distribution. Second, it examines the cross-country variation in external adjustment over 2008-2012. In particular, it shows how pre-crisis external imbalances have strong predictive power for post-crisis macroeconomic outcomes, allowing for variation across different exchange rate regimes. We emphasize that the bulk of external adjustment has taken the form of “expenditure reduction”, with “expenditure switching” only playing a limited role.
We are familiar with the idea that technology is neutral, and that its impact depends only on how it is used. This traditional view has, however, become untenable. Because of its nature and its complex interplay with industry, the economy, and society, technology is no longer neutral. This change is being driven by the pervasiveness of data, which today are generated everywhere at an unpreceded pace because several technologies are currently reaching maturity. Data shape the world around us, in a trend that is commonly referred to as “digitalization”. This trend is apparent in every aspect of our lives, ranging from our personal environment and health to transportation, energy generation and management, and industry. Digitalization itself generates value, enabling the creation of new products and services. It also fosters technological and business innovation in other fields, including the manufacturing industry, and acts as a lever with which to promote growth. Digitalization, however, also creates imbalances, and this happens due to its very nature. Such imbalances appear between different parts of the globe and within individual geographical spaces. This book explores the multiplicity of mechanisms associated with the growing role that technology and data are playing in the creation of imbalances, and goes on to identify certain paths that lead toward mitigation. Should we make data publicly accessible, and in a transparent way? How can policymakers empower governments to address global and local imbalances, particularly those generated by technology and data? Do we need a global data-governance structure that—like the World Trade Organization for commerce—regulates data use and access?
In the past ten years, huge economic imbalances among US-Asia as well as eurozone countries have built up which have led to numerous crisis situations. Thus, the goal of this book is to find out if economic imbalances are sustainable or if they need to be rebalanced? What role do distinct national policies play? The author is going to compare the imbalances of US-China with the intra-euro imbalances of Germany, Spain and Italy. Firstly, the historical development of the economic imbalances is presented in order to point out the unprecedented height of the mentioned imbalances. Furthermore, the author is analyzing the causes of imbalances by presenting the development of the competitiveness, the saving-/investment rates, the financial markets as well as the different national policies. It is shown that distinct national policies were the underlying causes for the development of such high economic imbalances. After having seen the historical development as well as the causes, the author describes the possible costs and benefits of having imbalances as well as the implications of the global financial crisis and the current European crisis. Due to the increasing globalization, the financial crisis spread fast and led to huge losses and decreasing investor’s trust in European countries. This resulted in the European crisis which subsequently could also endanger the global economy. Because of the huge crisis’ impact, traditional and alternative balancing channels are also compared. Despite supporting measures such as restrictive fiscal policies and financial assistance, Europe is still suffering from an economic downturn whereas the US returned to a slow economic recovery. At the end, the author concludes that global imbalances need to be rebalanced in order not to avoid reaching an unsustainable level. The occurring as well as rebalancing of economic imbalances highly depends on distinct national policies. Unless the international coordination and cooperation increases, economic imbalances will continue to occur and will lead to economic crises when reaching an unsustainable level.
This paper investigates the role played by total factor productivity (TFP) in the tradable and nontradable sectors of the United States, the euro area, and Japan in the emergence and evolution of today's global trade imbalances. Simulation results based on a dynamic general equilibrium model of the world economy, and using the EU KLEMS database, indicate that TFP developments in these economies can account for a significant fraction of the total deterioration in the U.S. trade balance since 1999, as well as account for some the surpluses in the euro area and Japan. Differences in TFP developments across sectors can also partially explain the evolution of the real effective value of the U.S. dollar during this period.
This chapter analyses various reasons for global imbalances and ways to tackle these issues. Current account balances reflect a plethora of macroeconomic and financial mechanisms. The overall assessment is that the pre-crisis policy advice and the conclusions from the Multilateral Consultations still largely hold. Namely, it is important to address domestic and systemic distortions. It is recommended to increase private and public US saving. The private part has largely taken place. The public part will have to take place over time. This will be good for the United States and help global rebalancing. In the fallout from the financial crisis, the adjustment process of global imbalances has started. However, stopping in midstream is dangerous—while imbalances are smaller than they used to be, the world economy is fragile. Failure to act on the remaining domestic and systemic distortions that caused imbalances would threaten the nascent recovery.
This paper investigates the role played by emerging Asia in the emergence and evolution of the global trade imbalances. Based on simulations in a general equilibrium model of the world economy, we find that a productivity slowdown in the non-tradable sector of these economies in the second half of the 1990s fits regional macroeconomic developments relatively well, but has limited spillover effect to the United States trade balance. In contrast, an increase in the desired level of emerging Asia net foreign assets starting in 2001 not only fits regional developments relatively well, but also has a significant spillover effect to the United States.