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As featured in Budget Savvy Two out-of-shape women became fit for life and best friends by exercising together, now you -- and a chosen friend -- can too!
Teaches how to customize workouts according to body type, achieving more success in losing weight and building muscle.
When Bill Baroni was just twenty years old, he was convinced he was dying. He thought he was having a heart attack because it felt like he had an elephant sitting on his chest. It turned out to be only indigestion, but more than that, it was the wake up call he needed to save his life. Bill weighed 320 pounds and was hooked on junk food. He set about to change his life forever, and now, in Fat Kid Gets Fit, he tells you everything you need to know to lose weight and more importantly, keep it off for the rest of your life. No, he’s not a doctor. Not a trainer. Not a salesman hawking gym equipment, vitamin supplements, or workout videos. He did not have gastric bypass surgery and he didn’t subscribe to the slimming grapefruit enema regimes used by Hollywood stars. He lost his weight using common sense. It took dedication, and even some gumption. But it worked! He lost 120 pounds and, more importantly, he has kept it off! He has maintained a healthy 185 pounds for fifteen years. At 6’5”, he is trim, handsome, and healthy. Bill is a man on a mission—to help get everyone fit, no matter what their story is.
Future-proof your career and plan your leap forward Gone are the days of slowly making your way up the corporate ladder to retirement. Now, with the rise of freelancing and the gig economy, the workplace is becoming more flexible and independent — which can leave hardworking people scrambling to find a way to stay relevant. Author Michelle Gibbings addresses your worries and gives you a way forward. This book sheds light on what you can do to reignite, reshape and liberate your career and offers a fool-proof plan for getting your career back on track. With Get Career Fit, you can build a career ready for any change the future may bring.
There is a major health crisis in this country—an epidemic of humongous proportions. Currently more than 1 billion adults are overweight, and at least 300 million of overweight people are clinically obese. Obesity accounts for 2% to 6% of total health care costs in several developed countries; it has been recently reported that obesity-related diseases are killing more people than smoking. The situation is out of control. Children are obese and falling ill to diseases related to their weight. We are dying earlier with more illness and injury then we have ever seen in history, but we have the best medical treatment and a plethora of diet and fitness gadgets and food on the grocery shelves. We are harming ourselves. This epidemic is happening because we have lost our way in the pursuit of good health. In our society of instant gratification we have forgotten how to walk to the store or down the hall to talk to a co-worker. We are an online nation. We seem to do all our business on our laptops, phones, and in our cars. We don't even need to go to the store to buy milk. It can all be delivered to our door with the click of a button. We never actually need to get off our derrieres. We have everything we want at our fingertips. Well, everything except good health. And really isn't that the most important thing of all? All the material possessions in the world really don't mean anything if we don't have our health to be able to enjoy it. How did we get here? We forgot how to walk, stretch, and move. Our bodies are meant to be in motion. Look back in history to the hunter–gatherer days. The men went out to hunt for enough food to sustain their strength for the hunt and feed their families. Women had it no easier, working the fields, taking care of the children and running the villages. (Some things never change.) There wasn't much time for anyone to sit around, which is probably why Facebook didn't come until much later. Our ancestors ate, slept, and moved in perfect balance to promote a long, healthy life. Flash forward a few thousand years and we sit. We sit at work, we sit in our cars, and we sit at home on the couch. Our bodies have atrophied; our muscles are weak, our complexions sallow, and our energy stays perpetually on empty.
This book is for all you babyboomers out there who always wanted to get into great shape but your lifestyle didnt quite allow it. Now youre over 50 so its too late, right? WRONG! Youre not as old as you think, and bodybuilding can make you look and feel years younger. This book will show you how to gradually get back into exercising, slowly and safely. Ill show you how to transform your body, gradually conditioning it to be more durable. Do you still have the heart? The desire? All you need is 30 minutes a day in the privacy of your own home or the gym. This book has no gimmicks about getting ripped in 90 days or losing inches off your waist in 6 weeks. Why do you think so many people fail trying these types of programs? They are promised huge results in a short amount of time. Changing your physique is a slow process, especially as your grow older. At the age of 49, I had allowed myself to get way out of shape. I made the decision to be as fit as possible when I turned 50. I gave myself one year to accomplish this. When you take my slow but sure strategy, you wont get discouraged because youll see the results, slowly and surely. Do you want to shed that shirt when you mow your yard? You and everyone around you will notice a big difference in your physique. When youre finished with my program your body will be a solid foundation. Then just 15 minutes a day will maintain the body you built. Cmon! Give yourself one year! Whats one more year when it will get you in the best shape possible and make your life easier, healthier, and more fulfilling. This book is written in a simple and easy to understand format to guide you on your exciting journey to a lean and muscular body. TO BE FIT!
DEVELOP THE FITNESS LEVEL AND PHYSIQUE OF A TOP-FLIGHT FIREFIGHTER From the Former Director of the New York City Fire Department Physical Training Program Over 300 Step-by-Step Photos Illustrate Exercises That Dramatically Improve Firefighting Readiness Are you ready to push yourself to the next level? Get Firefighter Fit shows how to train and achieve the peak level of fitness exhibited by high-performance firefighters. Using a multi-phased approach to total body conditioning, the authors’ methods have proven successful in transforming out-of-shape rookies into members of the highly respected FDNY. Regardless of your current fitness level, Get Firefighter Fit enables you to begin today to improve: •Absolute Strength •Aerobic Capacity •Muscular Endurance •Agility and Flexibility The book also includes performance-oriented nutrition tips to properly fuel and hydrate your body during high-intensity training.
I spent 7 years of my childhood in Hawaii. In fact my brother, Zane, went to high school with Obama at Punahou. Zane was a Senior and Obama was a Freshman and they never knew each other. I graduated from UCLA and then later got my Teaching Credential and Masters Degree from Humboldt State University in Arcata, CA. Ive lived all over the place. Ive lived in Santa Fe for going on 12 years and its my 23rd address. I love Santa Fe and have fi nally found my home. I taught in California, Nevada, and Utah but have been doing real estate for the past ten years. Im happily married to Warren Berg whos famous for his birding and his bird photography. To see some awesome birds checkout our website: We love to garden and adore our pets- a dog and four cats (long story). As in Fat Freddy Gets Fit, Im a CASACourt Appointed Special Advocate. Ive been doing that for six years.