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Offers a program to increase strength, muscle tone, and overall fitness in seven weeks.
Drawing on new research in sports medicine, nutrition, and fitness, this book offers a training program to help any climber achieve superior performance and better mental concentration on the rock, with less risk of injury.
Unlock your athletic potential and get into the best shape of your life with Krista Stryker’s HIIT and bodyweight workouts—all of which can be done in just minutes a day! If you’ve ever thought you couldn’t get results without spending hours in the gym, that you’d never be able to do a pull-up, or that it’s too late to get in your best shape ever, The 12-Minute Athlete will change your mind, your body, and your life. Get serious results with high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts that can be done in just minutes a day. Give up the excuses and learn to use your own bodyweight and a few basic pieces of portable equipment for short, incredibly effective workouts. Reset your mindset, bust through mental blocks, and set meaningful goals you’ll actually accomplish. You can finally ditch the dieting and enjoy food as fuel with simple eating guidelines to the 80/20 rule. In The 12-Minute Athlete you’ll also find: –A guide to basic calisthenics and bodyweight exercises for any fitness level –Progressive exercises to achieve seemingly “impossible” feats like pistol squats, one-arm push-ups, pull-ups, and handstands –More than a dozen simple and healthy recipes that will fuel your workouts –Two 8-week workout plans for getting fitter, faster, and stronger –Bonus Tabata workouts –And so much more! The 12-Minute Athlete is for men and women, ex-athletes and new athletes, experienced athletes and “non-athletes”—for anyone who has a body and wants to get stronger and start living their healthiest life.
Whether you've been weight training for years or are newly interested in getting toned, Essential Strength Training Skills offers advice ideal for both beginners and seasoned veterans, providing clear and accessible exercise tips that can help anyone get into peak physical condition.
How to Build a Better Body Fast Where do you belong on the strength continuum? And where do you want to be? Too often, we know what we should be doing to gain strength, but we lack direction, a plan, motivation and intelligent guidance to make appreciable gains over the long haul. We have no real goal, no proper focus and therefore underachieve--going nowhere with our strength... Get Strong is a guidebook for those who are dissatisfied with their current rate of progress--and who want to effect lasting changes, fast... While the Kavadlo brothers have achieved supreme feats of calisthenics strength--like the one-arm pull up, the human flag and the back lever--they have also spent decades helping thousands of clients meet and often exceed their training goals. So, you can consider the Kavadlos curators of not only the most effective bodyweight exercises, but also the programming needed to extract the full juice from those chosen drills. As experienced architects and constructors of strength, the Kavadlos know what it takes to advance from absolute newbie to elite practitioner. You'll discover what key exercises in what exact progressions will give you the best results in the fastest, safest time.
If you want to get muscular, lean, and strong as quickly as possible without steroids, good genetics, extreme dieting, or wasting ridiculous amounts of time in the gym . . . regardless of your age . . . you want to read this book.
Master the art of bar calisthenics and forge the upper body of your dreams without the need for weights, machines, or gym memberships! Kavadlo breaks down every type of exercise you can do with a pull-up bar. From basic two arm hangs to a one arm pull-up, the "bar master" takes you step by step through everything you need to do to build the chiseled frame you've always wanted.
100 pull-ups a day... ...a challenge few are willing to accept. There is no greater bodyweight exercise than the pull-up to increase your strength and muscle gains. Dedicating an entire month and committing to 100 pull-ups a day will ensure you see the results you need. Over the next 30 days, you will have completed 3,000 pull-ups. More than most do in a lifetime. Even if you can barely do a couple of pull-ups, this 30-day program will guide you every step of the way. Don't wait to be ready. Don't wait to be stronger. Accept the challenge and become ready and stronger in the process. Grab your copy today.
If you’re reading this, chances are good you know what it feels like not to be able to do ONE single pull-up at this point in time. In fact, chances are that even hanging on to the pull-up bar for any length of time is an exercise in futility for you – and I can understand this predicament. The average Joe today can barely hold on to a chinning bar for more than a few seconds before having to let go, let alone pound out rep after perfect rep on the much feared/admired PULL-UP (or chin-up). If you're the guy that could barely pump out "one pull-up" in high school where the rest of the kids pumped 'em out AD INFINITUM, well, not to worry - THIS course will get you cranking 'em out IN NO TIME FLAT! But why just the average person, my friend?? Most gym goers these days are unable to pump out pull-ups in proper form and the right cadence. That guy with the “bulging” lats might be able to crank out heavy poundage’s on the lat pull-down machine, but position him at the pull-up station, and he’ll likely not even be able to do a single one. See that guy with the huge biceps repping out endless sets of dumbbell curls? Bring him over to the pull-up station, and chances are he won’t be able to hang onto the bar for any length of time, let alone pump out high reps. And that’s not good. Not good at all, because pull-ups are one of the best, if not THE best upper body exercises you can do, period. Along with the dip (another super exercise), the pull-up has often being referred to either as “the king of upper body exercises” or “the upper body equivalent of the squat” (which is an expression I prefer to reserve for the dip, but it can be used for pull-ups as well). Pull-ups are also a natural form of exercise - in fact, our bodies were MEANT to perform such exercises. Think about it for a minute - which is the animal in the wild that humans most "resemble" in terms of body structure? Apes - and what do apes (and monkeys) do all day long? Peform various types of pulling movements with their bodyweight - and just how STRONG is an ape? Well, the average gorilla is reputed to have the strength of EIGHT strong men, perhaps more when "aroused". It has been said that a chimpanzee is strong enough to kill a 1000+ kg crocodile with it's bare hands. And that's just off the top of my head - now, thats some SERIOUS strength there, doncha' think? Could the average 'bloated' bodybuilder with "bulging" muscles even come close?? Follow the way of the APE - order NOW - and get cracking on "dem pullups"! I look forward to hearing back about your pull-up MASTERY. Best, Rahul Mookerjee
Dear friend and FELLOW pull-up ENTHUSIAST, If there EVER was an exercise that lends itself to unending awe, speculation - and AMAZEMENT (at being performed RIGHT) - it is the mighty PULL-UP. If there EVER was an exercise that builds strength in your upper body to near LEGENDARY "King Kong" like levels - it is the ALMIGHTY pull-up. If there EVER, EVER was ONE exercise that you would want to MASTER - in all it's forms, shapes and guises - it is this - the PULL-UP! If you want gorilla like traps - and FOREARMS - and a mighty, rugged, MUSCULAR chest - and lat spread that looks like you'd need to turn around sideways to get into the average door - you need to get good - VERY good indeed - at ONE exercise - the PULL-UP! If there EVER was an exercise that built outrageous abdominal STRENGTH - insane "twelve pack like" definition - and got rid of fat SUPER QUICK - all over your upper body - it is well - I think you've guessed it. If there ever was, ... ah, but while I could write several tomes on the pull-up and still NOT be done, I think you get the drift.Pull-ups, my friend are not only the most complete ADVANCED upper body exercise there is - but they are also one of the misunderstood, badly performed (kipping - ugh!) and "awe inspiring" exercises out there. Every man wants to be able to bang out at least 10 pull-ups EFFORTLESSLY in letter perfect form, but lets face it. Most modern day "men" (I use quotes for a damned good reason) would do well to hang on to the chinning bar for any length of time - let alone with the right GRIP - and as for performing a pull-up - or half pull-up - or quarter? Well, my friend - the VAST majority of modern day "men" (again, I use quotes for a reason) would be unable to even muster up the strength to pull their saggy, bloated asses up even an inch or two (without straining a tricep or two - or more).And most modern day men that TRY to do pull-ups (as opposed to actually DO even half a REAL pull-up) remain sore for DAYS after their first attempt. Sounds familiar, doesn't it? Yeah. I thought so....! Wouldnt YOU want to be lean and mean - a fighting MACHINE - like the soliders in the Marines and elite forces are around the world? Would you NOT want the ability to take punches to your midsection from PROFESSIONAL hitters - - and have them "bounce off ya" like they were nothing. As a friend of mine once told me, "I'd be wasting my time by hitting there!" Would you not want the twelve pack - and corrugated CORE - and extreme upper body "ape like strength" and definition that most "men" can only DREAM of? Of course you would. WHAT THIS TUTORIAL CONTAINS - The path breaking "Pull-ups from DUD to STUD - - within a matter of WEEKS" - - a course that truly HAS brought folks from "zero to hero" level at pull-ups - - in RECORD TIME. The "torch bearing" ADVANCED COURSE ON pull-ups - - Pull-ups from STUD to SUPER STUD - - that has turned previous fit folks into FREAKS of nature, my friend - with ape like upper body strength and "black smith like IRONMONGER style"grip that the average man can only dream of - and MARVEL at. And as if that wasn't enough, there is also a "FAQ" section on pull-ups - - which addresses ALL the most commonly asked questions that folks have on pull-ups. I guarantee you - you ain't gonna find a more complete compilation on FAQ's (in terms of pull-ups) ANYWHERE ELSE. In fact this alone probably justifies more than at least half the price of the course, if I were to be very frank and brutally honest with ya! Grab it now, my friend - it truly IS a "one of kind" tutorial out there - - and combined with the FAQ section, it truly IS the - BEST - I repeat - VERY BEST course out there on pull-ups - I challenge you to prove me otherwise! To your success, Rahul Mookerjee