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This dictionary consists of some 100,000 terms and references in bith French and English, including 4,000 abbreviations. over 45 subject areas are covered, including: * Accountancy * Banking * Business Administration * Computing * Economics * Environment * Finance * General Commerce * Human Resource Management * Import/Export * Industry * Insurance * Law * Leisure * Management * Mathematics * Media * Patents * Politics * Property * Sales & Marketing * Stock Market * Taxation * Tourism * Transport * Welfare & Safety. Also included is a comprehensive up-to-date reference section on countries, business correspondence and situations, job titles, stock exchanges, economic indexes and numbers. KEY FEATURES Term Specialists - the terms list has been checked by over 100 sources including experts from Apple France * Association Française des Banques * Chartered Institute of Banking * France Telecom * Institute of European Trade and Technology * American Graduate School of Management * London School of Economics * Ecole supérieure de commerce de Lyon * Department of Trade and Industry * Law Society * University of Reading * Environment Council * University of Bath * Centre de Recherche et de Gestion * Manchester Business School * Ecole supérieure internationale de commerce and Ecole des hautes études commerciales de Montrial(HEC). Prestigous experts - include Prof. Chris Nobes, Prof. Michel Péron, Prof. Gordon Shenton, Dr. Van de Yeught and Prof. Peter Walton. Native Speakers - all stages of compilation have included native speakers of French as well as English and extensive coverage of US as well as UK terminology.
This dictionary consists of some 100,000 terms and references in bith French and English, including 4,000 abbreviations. over 45 subject areas are covered, including: * Accountancy * Banking * Business Administration * Computing * Economics * Environment * Finance * General Commerce * Human Resource Management * Import/Export * Industry * Insurance * Law * Leisure * Management * Mathematics * Media * Patents * Politics * Property * Sales & Marketing * Stock Market * Taxation * Tourism * Transport * Welfare & Safety. Also included is a comprehensive up-to-date reference section on countries, business correspondence and situations, job titles, stock exchanges, economic indexes and numbers. KEY FEATURES Term Specialists - the terms list has been checked by over 100 sources including experts from Apple France * Association Française des Banques * Chartered Institute of Banking * France Telecom * Institute of European Trade and Technology * American Graduate School of Management * London School of Economics * Ecole supérieure de commerce de Lyon * Department of Trade and Industry * Law Society * University of Reading * Environment Council * University of Bath * Centre de Recherche et de Gestion * Manchester Business School * Ecole supérieure internationale de commerce and Ecole des hautes études commerciales de Montrial(HEC). Prestigous experts - include Prof. Chris Nobes, Prof. Michel Péron, Prof. Gordon Shenton, Dr. Van de Yeught and Prof. Peter Walton. Native Speakers - all stages of compilation have included native speakers of French as well as English and extensive coverage of US as well as UK terminology.
Bilingual Dictionary of Terms Banks. Finances. Money. Financial Markets / Banques. Finances. Monnaie. Marchés Financiers METODES Editions Collection Culture & Savoir (C&S) François Elandi This bilingual work, fruit of a team of specialists and professionals, deals with banking, finance, and stock market practices with —— more than 25,000 words and terms used in French and in British and North American English of today; —— convenient examples to better assimilate the terms used, contributing to make the work the most precise reference in its specialty; and —— a cross-reference system to more precise definitions and complementary expressions to other words and terms inside the development of a word or an expression. It is intended for ——high school pupils and students of higher education, ——professional users, and ——the general public. In order for them to ——acquire and develop their professional lexicological heritage; ——master the exact terminology in the practice linked to their activity or profession; ——perfect their knowledge in banking, finance, and stock exchange practice; and ——better communicate efficiently. Cet ouvrage bilingue, fruit d’une équipe de spécialistes et de professionnels, traite des pratiques bancaires, financières et boursières, avec : ——Plus de 25000 mots et termes utilisés en français et en anglais britannique et nordaméricain ; ——Des exemples pratiques pour mieux assimiler l’emploi de ces termes, contribuant à faire de l’ouvrage la référence la plus précise dans sa spécialité ; ——Un système de renvois à des définitions et explications complémentaires et plus précises à d’autres mots et termes au sein du développement d’un mot ou d’une expression. Il est destiné : ——A l’élève des lycées et collèges ou à l’étudiant de l’enseignement supérieur ; ——A l’utilisateur professionnel ; ——Au grand public. Pour : ——Acquérir et développer son patrimoine lexicologique professionnel ; ——Maîtriser la terminologie exacte dans la pratique liée à son activité ou à sa profession ; ——Perfectionner ses connaissances dans la pratique bancaire, financière et boursière ; ——Mieux communiquer efficacement.
This seventh, revised edition of the IMF Glossary: English-French-Spanish contains approximately 4,000 records that are believed to be the most useful to translators dealing with IMF material. The main body of the Glossary consists of terms, phraseological units, and institutional titles covering areas such as macroeconomics, money and banking, public finance, taxation, balance of payments, statistics, accounting, and economic development. It contains terminology relating to the IMF's organization and operations, as well as from the Articles of Agreement, By-Laws, Rules and Regulations, and other major IMF publications. Since the Glossary is concept-based, synonyms are consolidated into one single entry. Cross- references refer to the main entry under which the various synonyms are listed ("see") and also draw the user's attention to terms that are related but not synonyms ("see also"). Currency units of countries and monetary unions, an IMF organizational chart in the three languages, and color-coded French and Spanish indexes are provided in appendixes.
Maîtriser les coûts est essentiel pour assurer la rentabilité et la pérennité d'une entreprise. S'il est un domaine où la maîtrise des coûts n'est pas chose aisée, c'est bien celui de la restauration collective : le prix des produits est un élément décisif, les budgets dévolus à la nourriture sont strictement encadrés, et ce secteur en forte croissance est en proie à d'importantes pressions avec notamment la prise de conscience des problématiques de l'alimentation. L’enjeu est donc double : les entreprises de restauration collective doivent s'adapter aux spécificités de leurs clients, tout en respectant les nouvelles recommandations en termes de nutrition. La maîtrise des coûts suppose alors une gestion quotidienne rigoureuse et le recours à des outils mathématiques afin de prévoir, d'anticiper et de comparer, amenant ainsi les entreprises à édicter des règles très strictes en la matière. Cet ouvrage pratique et didactique a pour principal objectif d'aider les professionnels de la restauration collective à mettre en place des outils simples et efficaces de gestion des coûts. Sont étudiées et passées en revue de façon très précise et concise les différentes étapes à maîtriser impérativement telles que les notions de base, la négociation des contrats, l'élaboration des menus, la prise de commandes, l'approvisionnement, la production, la distribution et les services supports. Enfin, une analyse critique des méthodes abordées dans l'ouvrage est proposée. Maîtrise des coûts en restauration collective s’adresse non seulement à toutes les entreprises, quelle que soit leur taille, proposant un service de restauration collective, mais également à tous les professionnels concernés par cette thématique tels que les industries agroalimentaires et les collectivités locales.
This volume draws together highly detailed studies of how dictionaries are used by different types of users, from school students to senior professors, working with a foreign language with the help of different types of dictionaries, from monolingual dictionaries for native speakers of the foreign language, through bilingual dictionaries, to monolingual dictionaries in the language of the user. The tasks being carried out include L2-L1 translation, L1-L2 translation, L2 comprehension, self-expression in L2, and various project-specific linguistic exercises. The authors have tried to include enough detail to allow readers to replicate the tests, and adapt them to serve their own interests.
"The study also shows that enhancing the efficiency and transparency of public spending is as important as increasing spending for priority sectors. It thoroughly assesses public management systems in Niger and presents an action plan, jointly elaborated by the Government and its main external partners, to address the main challenges in this area. This action plan contains a priority set of measures to improve budget preparation, execution as well as internal and external oversight."--Jacket.