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The charter, granted by the Virginia Society for Albemarle, Fluvanna, Nelson and Orange, contains names of all 20 founding members.
George Mason (1725-92) is often omitted from the small circle of founding fathers celebrated today, but in his service to America he was, in the words of Thomas Jefferson, "of the first order of greatness." Jeff Broadwater provides a comprehensive account of Mason's life at the center of the momentous events of eighteenth-century America. Mason played a key role in the Stamp Act Crisis, the American Revolution, and the drafting of Virginia's first state constitution. He is perhaps best known as author of the Virginia Declaration of Rights, a document often hailed as the model for the Bill of Rights. As a Virginia delegate to the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, Mason influenced the emerging Constitution on point after point. Yet when he was rebuffed in his efforts to add a bill of rights and concluded the document did too little to protect the interests of the South, he refused to sign the final draft. Broadwater argues that Mason's recalcitrance was not the act of an isolated dissenter; rather, it emerged from the ideology of the American Revolution. Mason's concerns about the abuse of political power, Broadwater shows, went to the essence of the American experience.
"I believe few Officers either in America or Europe are held in so high a point of estimation as you are..." --Gen. Nathanael Greene to "Light Horse" Harry Lee January 27, 1782 The sentiment above, expressed by General Nathanael Greene, an officer whose military contributions to American independence are second only to General George Washington, captures the view of most Americans in 1782 regarding Light Horse Harry Lee. In early 1782, twenty-six year old Lieutenant Colonel Lee commanded a legion of mounted and dismounted dragoons that had just completed a spectacular year of military service in the South. Lee's efforts in 1781, in conjunction with General Greene and the American southern army, resulted in the British loss of most of South Carolina and Georgia. Over the course of 1781, Lee and his legion, often detached from Greene's army, helped screen Greene's desperate retreat to Virginia and then, a few weeks later, captured or destroyed numerous enemy outposts and detachments in South Carolina and Georgia. Lee and his legion played a crucial role in the bloody battles of Guilford Courthouse and Eutaw Springs and the sieges of Augusta and Ninety-Six. The extraordinary service of Lee and his men in 1781 capped what had already been five years of distinguished military service for Lee. He had reported to General Washington's army as a twenty year old cavalry captain in 1777 and quickly earned a reputation as a bold commander. Lee's daring exploits at Valley Forge, Powles Hook and Springfield, like his extraordinary service in the south, are all chronicled within this book. Readers will undoubtedly conclude that Lee made the right decision when he declined General Washington's invitation in 1778 to join his staff as an aide-de-camp with the assertion that, "I am wedded to my sword." Illustrations, maps, a bibliography and an index to names, places and subjects enhance the text.
George Mason was a short, bookish man who was a friend and neighbor of athletic, broad-shouldered George Washington. Unlike Washington, Mason has been virtually forgotton by history. But this new biography of forgotten patriot George Mason makes a convincing case that Mason belongs in the pantheon of honored Founding Fathers. Trained in the law, Mason was also a farmer, philosopher, botanist, and musician. He was one of the architects of the Declaration of Independence, an author of the Bill of Rights, and one of the strongest proponents of religious liberty in American history. In fact, both Thomas Jefferson and James Madison may have been given undue credit for George Mason's own contributions to American democracy.
Discusses George Jr.'s brothers' roles in the war. Says the Americans under Nathaniel Greene are fighting bravely, but are overmatched by the British, who seem intent on taking Virginia. Cornwallis and his men have just arrived in Virginia to support Benedict Arnold's troops. Discusses the forces of Lafayette and Wayne in Pennsylvania. Hopes that a French fleet will soon arrive, but doubts this will happen. Says that most Virginians support the revolution and the alliance with the French. Many Virginians grow uneasy, & restless, & begin to think that our Allies are spinning out the War, in order to weaken America, as well as Great Britain, and thereby leave us, at the End of it, as dependent as possible upon themselves. Knows this is not true, but understands why poorer men feel this way. He does not doubt France's commitment to the war, but wishes they would send more troops. Believes France surely intends the Separation of these States for ever from Great Britain; but by drawing out the thread too fine, & long, it may unexpectedly break in her Hands. Letter is a Triplicate. George Mason was actually George Mason IV, and George Mason Jr. was George Mason V.