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This monograph represents an extension of the author''s original PhD thesis and includes a more thorough discussion on the concepts and mathematics behind his research works on the foam model, as applied to studying issues of phase stability and elasticity for various non-closed packed structures found in fuzzy and colloidal crystals, as well as on a renormalization-group analysis regarding the critical behavior of loop polymers upon which topological constraints are imposed. The common thread behind these two research works is their demonstration of the importance and effectiveness of utilizing geometrical and topological concepts for modeling and understanding soft systems undergoing phase transitions.
This monograph represents an extension of the author's original PhD thesis and includes a more thorough discussion on the concepts and mathematics behind his research works on the foam model, as applied to studying issues of phase stability and elasticity for various non-closed packed structures found in fuzzy and colloidal crystals, as well as on a renormalization-group analysis regarding the critical behavior of loop polymers upon which topological constraints are imposed. The common thread behind these two research works is their demonstration of the importance and effectiveness of utilizing geometrical and topological concepts for modeling and understanding soft systems undergoing phase transitions. Book jacket.
The first five articles in this issue emphasize equilibrium phases and structures. The hard sphere properties of sterically stabilized particle suspensions are examined in the article by van Megan, Pusey and Bartlett, a colloidal compound is discussed by Hachisu and attractive interactions are shown to produce a full complement of phase transitions including a liquid/gas transition by Emmett and Vincent. Recent theoretical interest in the nature of melting in two dimensions has led to the investigation of the melting transition in colloidal systems where the particles are constrained to a single layer. Murray, Van Winkle and Wenk present experimental results supporting the view that two dimensional melting is mediated by two second order transitions, while Tang, Armstrong, Mockler and O'Sullivan present results suggesting a first order process in a similar colloidal monolayer.
A classical metastable state possesses a local free energy minimum at infinite sizes, but not a global one. This concept is phase size independent. We have studied a number of experimental results and proposed a new concept that there exists a wide range of metastable states in polymers on different length scales where their metastability is critically determined by the phase size and dimensionality. Metastable states are also observed in phase transformations that are kinetically impeded on the pathway to thermodynamic equilibrium. This was illustrated in structural and morphological investigations of crystallization and mesophase transitions, liquid-liquid phase separation, vitrification and gel formation, as well as combinations of these transformation processes. The phase behaviours in polymers are thus dominated by interlinks of metastable states on different length scales. This concept successfully explains many experimental observations and provides a new way to connect different aspects of polymer physics. * Written by a leading scholar and industry expert* Presents new and cutting edge material encouraging innovation and future research* Connects hot topics and leading research in one concise volume
Colloidal suspensions describe particles with size from typically a few nanometers to a few microns which are dispersed in a medium. In physics, in chemistry, and in biology colloids play an important role and the study of colloidal systems underwent a recent renaissance. This is based on the development of experimental techniques, the availability of extensive computer simulations and well-developed theoretical approaches. From a technological point of view, the relevance of micro- and nanostructured materials and the presence of colloids in nature and everyday life motivates study of this rich field. In this thesis the phase behavior and the effective interactions of colloidal suspensions in bulk, in contact with surfaces, and in confined geometry are studied. For mixtures of particles with hard-core interactions the model introduced by Asakura, Oosawa and Vrij provides an appropriate starting-point. Based on that model the free-volume theory and the density functional theory are employed. In experimental systems one faces particles with properties such as the size or the shape which are described by a distribution. To capture that issue a generalized approach based on free-volume theory for treating mixtures of colloids and a polydisperse depletion agent is presented. Within that approach it is possible to treat size and morphology polydispersity. A depletion agent with a bimodal distribution possessing two length scales can be studied. Though the Asakura-Oosawa-Vrij model describes a simple fluid - a mixture of hard spheres and ideal polymer - the phenomenology is rather rich: in contact with a wall one finds layering and wetting effects and in confined geometry of a narrow pore one finds capillary condensation. The competition between both effects manifests itself in thermodynamic properties like the excess colloid adsorption and the solvation force between the two confining walls. Solvent phase separation complicates the evaluation of interparticle interactions between the solute particles. We address this question for the wall-colloid and the colloid-colloid geometry. For a non-spherical particle the effect of curvature on thermodynamic quantities is studied.
Geometry and topology have been a fascination in physics since the start of the 20th century. A leading example is Einstein's geometrical theory of gravity. At the beginning of the 1970s, topological ideas entered areas of condensed matter physics. These advances were driven by new seminal ideas resolving a serious contradiction between experiment and the standard interpretation of a rigorous mathematical theorem which led to the study of new exotic topological phases of matter. Topological defect driven phase transitions in thin, two dimensional films of superfluids, superconductors and crystals have provided great insight into the mechanism governing these topological phases present in those physical systems. Moreover, many of these topological properties remain 'protected' against disorder and topological distortion perturbations. An example of possible applications of such robustness to perturbations is in the search for encoding information in quantum computers, potentially providing the platform for fault-tolerant quantum computations.In the past four decades, the discovery of topological phases engendered great interest in condensed matter physics. It also attracted the attention of researchers working on quantum information, quantum materials and simulations, high energy physics and string theory. This unique volume contains articles written by some of the most prominent names in the field, including Nobel Laureate John Michael Kosterlitz and Professor Jorge V José. They originate from talks and discussions by leading experts at a recent workshop. They review previous works as well as addressing contemporary developments in the most pressing and important issues on various aspects of topological phases and topological phase transitions.
* Physical chemists will find this book comprehensive. Topical reviews on all aspects of colloidal ordering and related phase transitions will be covered. It provides a good blend of experimental and theoretical investigations. * Useful to materials scientists and chemical engineers, the book includes a discussion of stability, important from the point of view of applications of colloidal crystals. * Physicists will be interested in the book, because it highlights the controversy over effective interparticle interaction in charged colloids.
This book treats the problem of phase transitions, emphasizing the generality and universality of the methods and models used. The course is basically concentrated on the problems of vacuum degeneration in macroscopic systems and a fundamental concept of quasiaverages by Bogolubov playing a special role in the theory of phase transitions and critical phenomena. An analysis of the connection between phase transition and spontaneous symmetry breaking in a macroscopic system allows a unique description of both first- and second-order phase transitions.The unique features of this book are:(i) a unique approach of describing first — as well as second-order phase transitions, based on the Bogolubov concept of quasi-averages.(ii) a detailed presentation of the material and at the same time a review of modern problems.(iii) a general character of developed ideas that could be applied to various particular systems of condensed matter physics, nuclear physics and high-energy physics.
This book deals with the phenomenological theory of first-order structural phase transitions, with a special emphasis on reconstructive transformations in which a group-subgroup relationship between the symmetries of the phases is absent. It starts with a unified presentation of the current approach to first-order phase transitions, using the more recent results of the Landau theory of phase transitions and of the theory of singularities. A general theory of reconstructive phase transitions is then formulated, in which the structures surrounding a transition are expressed in terms of density-waves, providing a natural definition of the transition order-parameters, and a description of the corresponding phase diagrams and relevant physical properties. The applicability of the theory is illustrated by a large number of concrete examples pertaining to the various classes of reconstructive transitions: allotropic transformations of the elements, displacive and order-disorder transformations in metals, alloys and related structures, crystal-quasicrystal transformations.