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This book offers a review of the vibrant areas of geometric representation theory and gauge theory, which are characterized by a merging of traditional techniques in representation theory with the use of powerful tools from algebraic geometry, and with strong inputs from physics. The notes are based on lectures delivered at the CIME school "Geometric Representation Theory and Gauge Theory" held in Cetraro, Italy, in June 2018. They comprise three contributions, due to Alexander Braverman and Michael Finkelberg, Andrei Negut, and Alexei Oblomkov, respectively. Braverman and Finkelberg’s notes review the mathematical theory of the Coulomb branch of 3D N=4 quantum gauge theories. The purpose of Negut’s notes is to study moduli spaces of sheaves on a surface, as well as Hecke correspondences between them. Oblomkov's notes concern matrix factorizations and knot homology. This book will appeal to both mathematicians and theoretical physicists and will be a source of inspiration for PhD students and researchers.
This book pedagogically describes recent developments in gauge theory, in particular four-dimensional N = 2 supersymmetric gauge theory, in relation to various fields in mathematics, including algebraic geometry, geometric representation theory, vertex operator algebras. The key concept is the instanton, which is a solution to the anti-self-dual Yang–Mills equation in four dimensions. In the first part of the book, starting with the systematic description of the instanton, how to integrate out the instanton moduli space is explained together with the equivariant localization formula. It is then illustrated that this formalism is generalized to various situations, including quiver and fractional quiver gauge theory, supergroup gauge theory. The second part of the book is devoted to the algebraic geometric description of supersymmetric gauge theory, known as the Seiberg–Witten theory, together with string/M-theory point of view. Based on its relation to integrable systems, how to quantize such a geometric structure via the Ω-deformation of gauge theory is addressed. The third part of the book focuses on the quantum algebraic structure of supersymmetric gauge theory. After introducing the free field realization of gauge theory, the underlying infinite dimensional algebraic structure is discussed with emphasis on the connection with representation theory of quiver, which leads to the notion of quiver W-algebra. It is then clarified that such a gauge theory construction of the algebra naturally gives rise to further affinization and elliptic deformation of W-algebra.
In the last decade there has been an extraordinary confluence of ideas in mathematics and theoretical physics brought about by pioneering discoveries in geometry and analysis. The various chapters in this volume, treating the interface of geometric analysis and mathematical physics, represent current research interests. No suitable succinct account of the material is available elsewhere. Key topics include: * A self-contained derivation of the partition function of Chern- Simons gauge theory in the semiclassical approximation (D.H. Adams) * Algebraic and geometric aspects of the Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov equations in conformal field theory (P. Bouwknegt) * Application of the representation theory of loop groups to simple models in quantum field theory and to certain integrable systems (A.L. Carey and E. Langmann) * A study of variational methods in Hermitian geometry from the viewpoint of the critical points of action functionals together with physical backgrounds (A. Harris) * A review of monopoles in nonabelian gauge theories (M.K. Murray) * Exciting developments in quantum cohomology (Y. Ruan) * The physics origin of Seiberg-Witten equations in 4-manifold theory (S. Wu) Graduate students, mathematicians and mathematical physicists in the above-mentioned areas will benefit from the user-friendly introductory style of each chapter as well as the comprehensive bibliographies provided for each topic. Prerequisite knowledge is minimal since sufficient background material motivates each chapter.
Derived algebraic geometry is a far-reaching generalization of algebraic geometry. It has found numerous applications in various parts of mathematics, most prominently in representation theory. This volume develops the theory of ind-coherent sheaves in the context of derived algebraic geometry. Ind-coherent sheaves are a “renormalization” of quasi-coherent sheaves and provide a natural setting for Grothendieck-Serre duality as well as geometric incarnations of numerous categories of interest in representation theory. This volume consists of three parts and an appendix. The first part is a survey of homotopical algebra in the setting of $infty$-categories and the basics of derived algebraic geometry. The second part builds the theory of ind-coherent sheaves as a functor out of the category of correspondences and studies the relationship between ind-coherent and quasi-coherent sheaves. The third part sets up the general machinery of the $mathrm{(}infty, 2mathrm{)}$-category of correspondences needed for the second part. The category of correspondences, via the theory developed in the third part, provides a general framework for Grothendieck's six-functor formalism. The appendix provides the necessary background on $mathrm{(}infty, 2mathrm{)}$-categories needed for the third part.
"The book is largely self-contained...There is a nice introduction to symplectic geometry and a charming exposition of equivariant K-theory. Both are enlivened by examples related to groups...An attractive feature is the attempt to convey some informal ‘wisdom’ rather than only the precise definitions. As a number of results [are] due to the authors, one finds some of the original excitement. This is the only available introduction to geometric representation has already proved successful in introducing a new generation to the subject." (Bulletin of the AMS)
The Standard Model is the foundation of modern particle and high energy physics. This book explains the mathematical background behind the Standard Model, translating ideas from physics into a mathematical language and vice versa. The first part of the book covers the mathematical theory of Lie groups and Lie algebras, fibre bundles, connections, curvature and spinors. The second part then gives a detailed exposition of how these concepts are applied in physics, concerning topics such as the Lagrangians of gauge and matter fields, spontaneous symmetry breaking, the Higgs boson and mass generation of gauge bosons and fermions. The book also contains a chapter on advanced and modern topics in particle physics, such as neutrino masses, CP violation and Grand Unification. This carefully written textbook is aimed at graduate students of mathematics and physics. It contains numerous examples and more than 150 exercises, making it suitable for self-study and use alongside lecture courses. Only a basic knowledge of differentiable manifolds and special relativity is required, summarized in the appendix.
This monograph aims to provide a unified, geometrical foundation of gauge theories of elementary particle physics. The underlying geometrical structure is unfolded in a coordinate-free manner via the modern mathematical notions of fibre bundles and exterior forms. Topics such as the dynamics of Yang-Mills theories, instanton solutions and topological invariants are included. By transferring these concepts to local space-time symmetries, generalizations of Einstein's theory of gravity arise in a Riemann-Cartan space with curvature and torsion. It provides the framework in which the (broken) Poincaré gauge theory, the Rainich geometrization of the Einstein-Maxwell system, and higher-dimensional, non-abelian Kaluza-Klein theories are developed. Since the discovery of the Higgs boson, concepts of spontaneous symmetry breaking in gravity have come again into focus, and, in this revised edition, these will be exposed in geometric terms. Quantizing gravity remains an open issue: formulating it as a de Sitter type gauge theory in the spirit of Yang-Mills, some new progress in its topological form is presented. After symmetry breaking, Einstein’s standard general relativity with cosmological constant emerges as a classical background. The geometrical structure of BRST quantization with non-propagating topological ghosts is developed in some detail.
[see attached] This second edition of {\it Representation Theory and Complex Geometry} provides an overview of significant advances in representation theory from a geometric standpoint. A geometrically-oriented treatment has long been desired, especially since the discovery of {\cal D}-modules in the early '80s and the quiver approach to quantum groups in the early '90s. The first half of the book fills the gap between the standard knowledge of a beginner in Lie theory and the much wider background needed by the working mathematician. Thus, Chapters 1-3 and 5-6 provide some basics in symplectic geometry, Borel--Moore homology, the geometry of semisimple groups, equivariant algebraic K-theory "from scratch," and the topology and algebraic geometry of flag varieties and conjugacy classes, respectively. The material covered by Chapters 5 and 6, as well as most of Chapter 3, has never been presented in book form. Chapters 3-4 and 7-8 present a uniform approach to representation theory of three quite different objects: Weyl groups, Lie algebra sln, and the Iwahori--Hecke algebra. The results of Chapters 4 and 8, with complete proofs are not to be found elsewhere in the literature. This second edition contains substantial updates and revisions to include more standard classical results in chapters 2, 3, 5, and 6 as well as two new chapters. Chapter 9 treats the applications of {\cal D}-modules to Lie groups, and includes the study of * Differential operators on a semisimple group and on its flag manifold; * the famous Beilinson--Bernstein Localization Theorem reducing the study of {\it g}-modules to that of {\cal D} modules; * the so-called Harish--Chandra holonomic system. Chapter 10 isdevoted to some very exciting developments connecting the representations of quantum groups to the geometry of "quiver varieties," introduced by Lusztig and Nakajima. The subject is closely related to many other important topics such as the McKay correspondence, semismall resolutions and Hilbert schemes. Overall, this chapter puts the representation theory of Kac--Moody algebras and quantum groups in this broader context. The exposition is practically self-contained with each chapter potentially serving as a basis for a graduate course or seminar. An excellent glossary of notation, comprehensive bibliography and extensive index round out this new edition. The techniques developed here play an essential role in the development of the Langlands program and can be successfully applied to representation theory, quantum groups and quantum field theory, affine Lie algebras, algebraic geometry, and mathematical physics.
"In the last two decades two new ideas were introduced into mathematical physics. The first of these is the notion of twistor geometry and the other that of supersymmetry. In this book by Y.I. Manin we find a beautiful blend of developments stemming from these two ideas written by a master expositor who uses the language of algebraic geometry to synthesize and unify the fundamental ideas involves." From a review of the Russian edition#1 The exposition is geometrized and unified. Applications to the solution of nonlinear differential equations of quantum field theory are given, in particular to the theory of instantons. The second part of the book contains a mathematical introduction to superalgebra and supergeometry which can be read independently and used by students in algebra and geometry. For the first time in the mathematical literature an introduction to the geometry of supergravity is given. Methods of complex geometry, in particular sheaf cohomology, are used throughout. Since the newest quantum field theory, dealing with (super)unification schemes and (super)strings uses more and more of complex geometry, this book may serve to introduce both physicists and mathematicians to this quickly expanding domain.
This monograph gives a detailed and pedagogical account of the geometry of rigid superspace and supersymmetric Yang-Mills theories. While the core of the text is concerned with the classical theory, the quantization and anomaly problem are briefly discussed following a comprehensive introduction to BRS differential algebras and their field theoretical applications. Among the treated topics are invariant forms and vector fields on superspace, the matrix-representation of the super-Poincaré group, invariant connections on reductive homogeneous spaces and the supermetric approach. Various aspects of the subject are discussed for the first time in textbook and are consistently presented in a unified geometric formalism. Requiring essentially no background on supersymmetry and only a basic knowledge of differential geometry, this text will serve as a mathematically lucid introduction to supersymmetric gauge theories.