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This book provides a comprehensive account of the theory of moduli spaces of elliptic curves (over integer rings) and its application to modular forms. The construction of Galois representations, which play a fundamental role in Wiles' proof of the Shimura -- Taniyama conjecture, is given. In addition, the book presents an outline of the proof of diverse modularity results of two-dimensional Galois representations (including that of Wiles), as well as some of the author's new results in that direction.
This book provides a comprehensive account of the theory of moduli spaces of elliptic curves (over integer rings) and its application to modular forms. The construction of Galois representations, which play a fundamental role in Wiles' proof of the Shimura-Taniyama conjecture, is given. In addition, the book presents an outline of the proof of diverse modularity results of two-dimensional Galois representations (including that of Wiles), as well as some of the author's new results in that direction.In this new second edition, a detailed description of Barsotti-Tate groups (including formal Lie groups) is added to Chapter 1. As an application, a down-to-earth description of formal deformation theory of elliptic curves is incorporated at the end of Chapter 2 (in order to make the proof of regularity of the moduli of elliptic curve more conceptual), and in Chapter 4, though limited to ordinary cases, newly incorporated are Ribet's theorem of full image of modular p-adic Galois representation and its generalization to ‘big’ Λ-adic Galois representations under mild assumptions (a new result of the author). Though some of the striking developments described above is out of the scope of this introductory book, the author gives a taste of present day research in the area of Number Theory at the very end of the book (giving a good account of modularity theory of abelian ℚ-varieties and ℚ-curves).
The theory of elliptic curves and modular forms provides a fruitful meeting ground for such diverse areas as number theory, complex analysis, algebraic geometry, and representation theory. This book starts out with a problem from elementary number theory and proceeds to lead its reader into the modern theory, covering such topics as the Hasse-Weil L-function and the conjecture of Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer. This new edition details the current state of knowledge of elliptic curves.
Many problems in number theory have simple statements, but their solutions require a deep understanding of algebra, algebraic geometry, complex analysis, group representations, or a combination of all four. The original simply stated problem can be obscured in the depth of the theory developed to understand it. This book is an introduction to some of these problems, and an overview of the theories used nowadays to attack them, presented so that the number theory is always at the forefront of the discussion. Lozano-Robledo gives an introductory survey of elliptic curves, modular forms, and $L$-functions. His main goal is to provide the reader with the big picture of the surprising connections among these three families of mathematical objects and their meaning for number theory. As a case in point, Lozano-Robledo explains the modularity theorem and its famous consequence, Fermat's Last Theorem. He also discusses the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer Conjecture and other modern conjectures. The book begins with some motivating problems and includes numerous concrete examples throughout the text, often involving actual numbers, such as 3, 4, 5, $\frac{3344161}{747348}$, and $\frac{2244035177043369699245575130906674863160948472041} {8912332268928859588025535178967163570016480830}$. The theories of elliptic curves, modular forms, and $L$-functions are too vast to be covered in a single volume, and their proofs are outside the scope of the undergraduate curriculum. However, the primary objects of study, the statements of the main theorems, and their corollaries are within the grasp of advanced undergraduates. This book concentrates on motivating the definitions, explaining the statements of the theorems and conjectures, making connections, and providing lots of examples, rather than dwelling on the hard proofs. The book succeeds if, after reading the text, students feel compelled to study elliptic curves and modular forms in all their glory.
The notes in this volume correspond to advanced courses held at the Centre de Recerca Matemàtica as part of the research program in Arithmetic Geometry in the 2009-2010 academic year. The notes by Laurent Berger provide an introduction to p-adic Galois representations and Fontaine rings, which are especially useful for describing many local deformation rings at p that arise naturally in Galois deformation theory. The notes by Gebhard Böckle offer a comprehensive course on Galois deformation theory, starting from the foundational results of Mazur and discussing in detail the theory of pseudo-representations and their deformations, local deformations at places l ≠ p and local deformations at p which are flat. In the last section,the results of Böckle and Kisin on presentations of global deformation rings over local ones are discussed. The notes by Mladen Dimitrov present the basics of the arithmetic theory of Hilbert modular forms and varieties, with an emphasis on the study of the images of the attached Galois representations, on modularity lifting theorems over totally real number fields, and on the cohomology of Hilbert modular varieties with integral coefficients. The notes by Lassina Dembélé and John Voight describe methods for performing explicit computations in spaces of Hilbert modular forms. These methods depend on the Jacquet-Langlands correspondence and on computations in spaces of quaternionic modular forms, both for the case of definite and indefinite quaternion algebras. Several examples are given, and applications to modularity of Galois representations are discussed. The notes by Tim Dokchitser describe the proof, obtained by the author in a joint project with Vladimir Dokchitser, of the parity conjecture for elliptic curves over number fields under the assumption of finiteness of the Tate-Shafarevich group. The statement of the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture is included, as well as a detailed study of local and global root numbers of elliptic curves and their classification.
This volume contains the expanded lectures given at a conference on number theory and arithmetic geometry held at Boston University. It introduces and explains the many ideas and techniques used by Wiles, and to explain how his result can be combined with Ribets theorem and ideas of Frey and Serre to prove Fermats Last Theorem. The book begins with an overview of the complete proof, followed by several introductory chapters surveying the basic theory of elliptic curves, modular functions and curves, Galois cohomology, and finite group schemes. Representation theory, which lies at the core of the proof, is dealt with in a chapter on automorphic representations and the Langlands-Tunnell theorem, and this is followed by in-depth discussions of Serres conjectures, Galois deformations, universal deformation rings, Hecke algebras, and complete intersections. The book concludes by looking both forward and backward, reflecting on the history of the problem, while placing Wiles'theorem into a more general Diophantine context suggesting future applications. Students and professional mathematicians alike will find this an indispensable resource.
The theory of elliptic curves involves a blend of algebra, geometry, analysis, and number theory. This book stresses this interplay as it develops the basic theory, providing an opportunity for readers to appreciate the unity of modern mathematics. The book’s accessibility, the informal writing style, and a wealth of exercises make it an ideal introduction for those interested in learning about Diophantine equations and arithmetic geometry.
This book grew out of three series of lectures given at the summer school on "Modular Forms and their Applications" at the Sophus Lie Conference Center in Nordfjordeid in June 2004. The first series treats the classical one-variable theory of elliptic modular forms. The second series presents the theory of Hilbert modular forms in two variables and Hilbert modular surfaces. The third series gives an introduction to Siegel modular forms and discusses a conjecture by Harder. It also contains Harder's original manuscript with the conjecture. Each part treats a number of beautiful applications.
The theory of topological modular forms is an intricate blend of classical algebraic modular forms and stable homotopy groups of spheres. The construction of this theory combines an algebro-geometric perspective on elliptic curves over finite fields with techniques from algebraic topology, particularly stable homotopy theory. It has applications to and connections with manifold topology, number theory, and string theory. This book provides a careful, accessible introduction to topological modular forms. After a brief history and an extended overview of the subject, the book proper commences with an exposition of classical aspects of elliptic cohomology, including background material on elliptic curves and modular forms, a description of the moduli stack of elliptic curves, an explanation of the exact functor theorem for constructing cohomology theories, and an exploration of sheaves in stable homotopy theory. There follows a treatment of more specialized topics, including localization of spectra, the deformation theory of formal groups, and Goerss-Hopkins obstruction theory for multiplicative structures on spectra. The book then proceeds to more advanced material, including discussions of the string orientation, the sheaf of spectra on the moduli stack of elliptic curves, the homotopy of topological modular forms, and an extensive account of the construction of the spectrum of topological modular forms. The book concludes with the three original, pioneering and enormously influential manuscripts on the subject, by Hopkins, Miller, and Mahowald.
A small conference was held in September 1986 to discuss new applications of elliptic functions and modular forms in algebraic topology, which had led to the introduction of elliptic genera and elliptic cohomology. The resulting papers range, fom these topics through to quantum field theory, with considerable attention to formal groups, homology and cohomology theories, and circle actions on spin manifolds. Ed. Witten's rich article on the index of the Dirac operator in loop space presents a mathematical treatment of his interpretation of elliptic genera in terms of quantum field theory. A short introductory article gives an account of the growth of this area prior to the conference.