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The key idea in geometric group theory is to study infinite groups by endowing them with a metric and treating them as geometric spaces. This applies to many groups naturally appearing in topology, geometry, and algebra, such as fundamental groups of manifolds, groups of matrices with integer coefficients, etc. The primary focus of this book is to cover the foundations of geometric group theory, including coarse topology, ultralimits and asymptotic cones, hyperbolic groups, isoperimetric inequalities, growth of groups, amenability, Kazhdan's Property (T) and the Haagerup property, as well as their characterizations in terms of group actions on median spaces and spaces with walls. The book contains proofs of several fundamental results of geometric group theory, such as Gromov's theorem on groups of polynomial growth, Tits's alternative, Stallings's theorem on ends of groups, Dunwoody's accessibility theorem, the Mostow Rigidity Theorem, and quasiisometric rigidity theorems of Tukia and Schwartz. This is the first book in which geometric group theory is presented in a form accessible to advanced graduate students and young research mathematicians. It fills a big gap in the literature and will be used by researchers in geometric group theory and its applications.
Geometric constructions have been a popular part of mathematics throughout history. The first chapter here is informal and starts from scratch, introducing all the geometric constructions from high school that have been forgotten or were never learned. The second chapter formalises Plato's game, and examines problems from antiquity such as the impossibility of trisecting an arbitrary angle. After that, variations on Plato's theme are explored: using only a ruler, a compass, toothpicks, a ruler and dividers, a marked rule, or a tomahawk, ending in a chapter on geometric constructions by paperfolding. The author writes in a charming style and nicely intersperses history and philosophy within the mathematics, teaching a little geometry and a little algebra along the way. This is as much an algebra book as it is a geometry book, yet since all the algebra and geometry needed is developed within the text, very little mathematical background is required. This text has been class tested for several semesters with a master's level class for secondary teachers.
Geometric Origami is a sophisticated origami kit for advanced origami artists. Shape up with this mind-blowing origami set that includes patterns inspired by the exquisite artwork of Heinz Strobl’s Snapology Project. Create 15 paper projects using the specially designed strips included in the set: Tetrahedron, Hexahedron, Octahedron, Dodecahedron, Icosahedron, Truncated Tetrahedron, Cuboctahedron, Icosidodecahedron, Rhombic Triacontahedron, Snub Dodecahedron, Zonohedron, and Buckyballs. Don’t worry—there are even a few pronounceable shapes like an Egg and a Geometric Bracelet, plus more surprises. Gain a whole new perspective on geometry and the world of origami. Great fun for the entire family—or for your local geometry professor. Geometric Origami offers the next generation of art and paper crafting for origami enthusiasts.
Computing is quickly making much of geometry intriguing not only for philosophers and mathematicians, but also for scientists and engineers. What is the core set of topics that a practitioner needs to study before embarking on the design and implementation of a geometric system in a specialized discipline? This book attempts to find the answer. Every programmer tackling a geometric computing problem encounters design decisions that need to be solved. This book reviews the geometric theory then applies it in an attempt to find that elusive "right" design.
Geometric combinatorics describes a wide area of mathematics that is primarily the study of geometric objects and their combinatorial structure. This text is a compilation of expository articles at the interface between combinatorics and geometry.
Presents an introduction to the origins and principles of geometry, describing geometric constructions that can be achieved through the use of rulers and compasses.
Many problems in general relativity are essentially geometric in nature, in the sense that they can be understood in terms of Riemannian geometry and partial differential equations. This book is centered around the study of mass in general relativity using the techniques of geometric analysis. Specifically, it provides a comprehensive treatment of the positive mass theorem and closely related results, such as the Penrose inequality, drawing on a variety of tools used in this area of research, including minimal hypersurfaces, conformal geometry, inverse mean curvature flow, conformal flow, spinors and the Dirac operator, marginally outer trapped surfaces, and density theorems. This is the first time these topics have been gathered into a single place and presented with an advanced graduate student audience in mind; several dozen exercises are also included. The main prerequisite for this book is a working understanding of Riemannian geometry and basic knowledge of elliptic linear partial differential equations, with only minimal prior knowledge of physics required. The second part of the book includes a short crash course on general relativity, which provides background for the study of asymptotically flat initial data sets satisfying the dominant energy condition.
This volume completes the English adaptation of a classical Russian textbook in elementary Euclidean geometry. The 1st volume subtitled "Book I. Planimetry" was published in 2006 (ISBN 0977985202). This 2nd volume (Book II. Stereometry) covers solid geometry, and contains a chapter on vectors, foundations, and introduction in non-Euclidean geometry added by the translator. The book intended for high-school and college students, and their teachers. Includes 317 exercises, index, and bibliography.
The authors present the theory of asymptotic geometric analysis, a field which lies on the border between geometry and functional analysis. In this field, isometric problems that are typical for geometry in low dimensions are substituted by an "isomorphic" point of view, and an asymptotic approach (as dimension tends to infinity) is introduced. Geometry and analysis meet here in a non-trivial way. Basic examples of geometric inequalities in isomorphic form which are encountered in the book are the "isomorphic isoperimetric inequalities" which led to the discovery of the "concentration phenomenon", one of the most powerful tools of the theory, responsible for many counterintuitive results. A central theme in this book is the interaction of randomness and pattern. At first glance, life in high dimension seems to mean the existence of multiple "possibilities", so one may expect an increase in the diversity and complexity as dimension increases. However, the concentration of measure and effects caused by convexity show that this diversity is compensated and order and patterns are created for arbitrary convex bodies in the mixture caused by high dimensionality. The book is intended for graduate students and researchers who want to learn about this exciting subject. Among the topics covered in the book are convexity, concentration phenomena, covering numbers, Dvoretzky-type theorems, volume distribution in convex bodies, and more.