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Au-delà des différences biologiques qui caractérisent chaque sexe, les inégalités de statut entre hommes et femmes et les rapports qui en découlent ont un caractère socialement construit, c'est ce qu'exprime le concept de " genre ". Chaque société structure un système de genre, c'est-à-dire un ensemble de normes, de croyances, de connaissances sélectives qui vont guider les comportements sexués, imposer des rôles, valoriser certaines attitudes et en condamner d'autres. La problématique du développement des pays du Sud est progressivement passée d'une vue misérabiliste de la " condition des femmes" à une approche qui place la dynamique des rapports sexués au cœur de la réflexion. Connaître ces dynamiques, leurs interférences avec les évolutions en cours et notamment les moyens de renforcer le pouvoir de décision des femmes (empowerment) est une priorité stratégique pour le développement. En Afrique, les recherches de projets intégrant le genre, encore très rares, restent un énorme chantier. Cet ouvrage fait un bilan des connaissances sur les rapports de genre tels qu'ils s'expriment dans l'histoire des sociétés, les institutions, la production économique et dans les comportements vis-à-vis de la santé, du mariage et de la constitution de la famille. Pour la première fois, des synthèses sur les inégalités de santé dans l'enfance et sur la nuptialité pour l'ensemble de l'Afrique, y sont présentées. Démographie et statistique ont une place centrale, mais les approches qualitatives et les contributions d'historiens, d'économistes et de sociologues apportent l'enrichissement d'une vision multidisciplinaire sur les questions de genre dans les sociétés africaines.
Individuals experience a variety of different events throughout their life-course - birth, marriage, change of employment, school graduation, etc. - which sometimes occur in rapid succession, and whose timing and definition may seem unclear. Now that survey questionnaires are able to record individual trajectories in greater depth, changes of status can no longer be viewed simply as separate events, but involve a transition process of variable duration. The observation, modelling and interpretation of these fuzzy thresholds between two situations constitute a dynamic field of research in the social sciences. The authors of this manual have pooled their experience of event-history data collection to address the questions of "focus", i.e. finding the right observation distance to grasp the complexity of life histories, and of time, i.e. choosing the right timescale of detailed information collection. After analysing the links between quantitative and qualitative data, addressing the distinction between facts and perceptions, and deconstructing analysis data categories, they offer a number of conceptual and methodological solutions. This study extends beyond the scope of specific examples to develop a major empirical approach in a still largely unexplored area. This book targets a much broader audience than the community of demographers alone. It concerns everyone in the field of social sciences who, at one moment or another, is required to organize data collection in the field, either for research or practical purposes. The Groupe de réflexion sur l'approche biographique (GRAB) brings together researchers and academics from a range of institutions (INED, IRD, CNRS, etc.) working in a variety of disciplines: demography, geography, sociology, economics, etc. It is building on the experience acquired through 25 event-history surveys conducted to date in France, Africa and Latin America.
When, why and how can religion and culture be both sources, and places of expression for fundamentalisms, particularly in relation to politics? Those are the central questions asked throughout this book alongside a discussion on the result when religion, strenthened by culture, is used as a political tool to access moral and social power. Cultural and religious messages often form the basis of decisions, laws and programs made in politics, and have a direct effect on society in general, and on women and gender relations in particular. The various forms taken by fundamentalisms in some African countries and the contexts under which they have emerged, the ways in which they (re)shape identities and relationships between men and women are also analysed in this book. These fundamentalisms are frequently sources of concern in social debates, in feminist and feminine organizations as well as in academia and politics. The manipulation of cultures and religions are becoming progressively political, and consequently can cause social discrimination, or even physical, moral, and symbolic violence.
One of the major issues this book examines is what the African experience and identity have contributed to the debate on citizenship in the era of globalisation. The volume presents case studies of different African contexts, illustrating the gendered aspects of citizenship as experienced by African men and women. Citizenship carries manifold gendered aspects and given the distinct gender roles and responsibilities, globalisation affects citizenship in different ways. It further examines new forms of citizenship emerging from the current era dominated by a neoliberal focus. The book is not exclusive in terms of theorisation but its focus on African contexts, with an in-depth analysis taking into consideration local culture and practices and their implications for citizenship, provides a good foundation for further scholarly work on gender and citizenship in Africa.
Despite various decades of research and claim-making by feminist scholars and movements, gender remains an overlooked area in development studies. Looking at key issues in development studies through the prisms of gender and feminism, the authors demonstrate that gender is an indispensable tool for social change.
Der Band enthält 36 Beiträge in deutscher, französischer und englischer Sprache. Die Themenvielfalt reicht von der Fredegarchronik des 7. Jahrhunderts und dem Fortleben des römischen Rechts im frühen Mittelalter, den Anfängen diplomatischer Beziehungen und dem Hundertjährigen Krieg über die deutsch-französischen Beziehungen des 17. Jahrhunderts, die Eidleistung französischer Bischöfe unter Ludwig XIV. und die Bibliotheksgeschichte der Frühen Neuzeit bis zum Pariser Musikleben während der Julimonarchie, den Vegetarismus am Vorabend des Ersten Weltkriegs und die aktuelle Genderdebatte in Afrika. Mit der Geschichte des Körpers und seiner politischen Rolle am frühmodernen Hof sowie der Bürokratisierung afrikanischer Gesellschaften befassen sich die Beiträge zweier "Ateliers".
Although gender and non-gender scholars have studied men, such an academic exercise requires a critical and focused study of masculine subjects in particular social contexts, which is what this book attempts to do. This empirically rich collection of essays, the seventh of the CODESRIA Gender Series, deals with critical examinations of various shades and ramifications of Africa's masculinities and what these portend for the peoples of Africa and for gender relations in the continent. So much has changed in terms of notions and expressions of masculinities in Africa since ancient times, but many aspects of contemporary masculinities were fashioned during and since the colonial period. The papers in this volume were initially discussed at the 2005 month-long CODESRIA Gender Institute in Dakar. The contributors are gender scholars drawn from various disciplines in the wide fields of the humanities and the social sciences with research interests in the critical study of men and masculinities in Africa. The CODESRIA Gender Series aims at keeping alive and nourishing the African social science knowledge base with insightful research and debates that challenge conventional wisdom, structures and ideologies that are narrowly informed by caricatures of gender realities. The series strives to showcase the best in African gender research and provide a platform for emerging new talents to flower.
Proceedings for 1952- include the Proceedings of the 8th- General Assembly of the International Geographical Union.
Comprises about 1,324 species. This is 300 more than any figure given for Psychidae so far.