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Depuis une cinquantaine d'annees, le reflexion philosophique prend la mesure des developpements de la medecine et des biotechnologies, mais en Europe, elle ne s'attarde guere aux enjeux des diverses representations de la femme et de l'homme en bioethique. Attentive a cette dimension, la perspective genre analyse la sexualisation des roles sociaux, politiques et economiques et la maniere dont l'egalite des droits est reellement respectee dans la vie publique et privee. Prenant le contre-pied des manipulations ideologiques ou des rejets violents et mal informes, cet ouvrage temoigne de par la variete des themes abordes de l'interet differencie que des philosophes issues de cinq pays europeens accordent aux questions soulevees actuellement par la bioethique. Loin de se cantonner au domaine de la reproduction medicalement assistee, ces etudes de genre abordent le statut du corps techniquement reconfigure a travers le cyborg, analysent le concept de sujet, envisagent de maniere critique l'ethique du souci de l'autre, confrontent les objectifs normalisateurs de la bioethique a la pluralite des approches contextuelles, s'interrogent sur la notion de generation ou menent des recherches comparatives en biodroit.
Regional Perspectives in Bioethics" illustrates the ways in which the national and international political landscape encompasses persons from diverse and often fragmented moral communities with widely varying moral intuitions, premises, evaluations and commitments.
Sweden has the reputation of being one of the most gender-equal countries in the world, and it is often held up as a model for other societies--but the reality is much more complicated, as this volume shows. The first book to provide a thorough analysis of the myth of Swedish gender equality, it demonstrates how that dominant idea has become a form of heteronormative, racially specific nationalism that ultimately excludes those who fall outside the social norm.
La 4ème de couverture indique : "Cet ouvrage, qui réunit juristes, sociologues, anthropologue et psychanalyste, se propose de saisir la place du genre en bioéthique à l'heure de questions sociétales liées tant aux progrès de la médecine reproductive qu'aux rôles assignés aux femmes et aux hommes à l'intérieur de la famille ou en dehors de celle-ci. Il s'agit, au travers de regards croisés, d'éclairer le débat du genre au sein de la sphère bioéthique en identifiant, au sein et au-delà des thèmes de la procréation, de la parentalité et du patrimoine, les questions juridiques qui peuvent naître de la rencontre de la bioéthique et du genre. Les sujets sont nombreux, regroupés autour d'interrogations telles que : le genre est-il reçu dans le droit du vivant ? Que font les lois bioéthique au genre ? Y a-t-il un âge pour procréer ? Existe-t-il une égalité entre les femmes et les hommes en termes d'accès aux soins ? Assiste-t-on à une désexualisation du couple ? Peut-on parler de patrimoine sexuel ?... Éventail d'interrogations, diversité des opinions : les meilleurs spécialistes de chaque question abordée y analysent les réponses fournies par le droit en livrant des pistes de réflexion sur le traitement des inégalités ou des différences existant entre hommes et femmes dans l'exercice, parfois l'existence, des droits et libertés qui sont les leurs en ce domaine."
When, why and how can religion and culture be both sources, and places of expression for fundamentalisms, particularly in relation to politics? Those are the central questions asked throughout this book alongside a discussion on the result when religion, strenthened by culture, is used as a political tool to access moral and social power. Cultural and religious messages often form the basis of decisions, laws and programs made in politics, and have a direct effect on society in general, and on women and gender relations in particular. The various forms taken by fundamentalisms in some African countries and the contexts under which they have emerged, the ways in which they (re)shape identities and relationships between men and women are also analysed in this book. These fundamentalisms are frequently sources of concern in social debates, in feminist and feminine organizations as well as in academia and politics. The manipulation of cultures and religions are becoming progressively political, and consequently can cause social discrimination, or even physical, moral, and symbolic violence.
Reproductive Governance and Bodily Materiality explores the growing centrality and power of the medical professional and lay practices within the field of human reproduction as they entangle with political economic processes, providing examples from multiple countries.
"Abstract: The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Health Law addresses some of the most critical issues facing scholars, legislators, and judges. How, for example, can the law protect against threats to public health that can quickly cross national borders? How can it ensure access to affordable health care or regulate the pharmaceutical industry? Indeed, when matters of life and death literally hang in the balance, it is especially important for policymakers to get things right, and the making of policy can be greatly enhanced by learning from the successes and failures of approaches taken in other countries. Where there are "common challenges" in law and health, there is much to be gained from experiences elsewhere. Accordingly, this Handbook considers key health law questions from a comparative perspective. In health law, common challenges are frequent. In addition to those mentioned above, there are questions about addressing the social determinants of health (e.g., poverty and pollution), organizing health systems to optimize use of available resources, ensuring that physicians provide care of the highest quality, protecting patient privacy in a data-driven world, and properly balancing patient autonomy with the interest in preserving life when reproductive and end-of-life decisions are made. This Handbook's wide scope and comparative perspective on health law are particularly timely. Economic globalization has made it increasingly important for different countries to harmonize their legal rules. The many paired and complementary chapters that cover law in American and European contexts represent a novel approach that should allow scholars, students, and policymakers to develop new insight into this complex field. Keywords: health law; comparative law; EU law; UK law; US law; public health; healthcare; social determinants of health; public policy"--
The Subject of Rosi Braidotti: Politics and Concepts brings into focus the diverse influence of the work of Rosi Braidotti on academic fields in the humanities and the social sciences such as the study and scholarship in - among others - feminist theory, political theory, continental philosophy, philosophy of science and technology, cultural studies, ethnicity and race studies. Inspired by Braidotti's philosophy of nomadic relations of embodied thought, the volume is a mapping exercise of productive engagements and instructive interactions by a variety of international, outstanding and world-renowned scholars with texts and concepts developed by Braidotti throughout her immense body of work. In Braidotti's work, traversing themes of engagements emerge of politics and philosophy across generations and continents. Therefore, the edited volume invites prominent scholars at different stages of their careers and from around the world to engage with Braidotti's work in terms of concepts and/or political practice.