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This resource guide aims to support decision-makers, development practitioners, trainers and civil society organizations representing both farmers and rural women in designing and implementing climate investment projects and programmes in the Europe and Central Asia Region. It features a practical conceptual framework to enhance gender mainstreaming in climate investment programming with a particular emphasis on the Green Climate Fund and Global Environment Facility modalities. The resource guide highlights practical examples and lessons learned relating to gender mainstreaming from the FAO regional climate investment portfolio by featuring six gender mainstreaming experiences (Armenia, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova, Kosovo, Tajikistan and the region of Central Asia) delivering “better production, better nutrition, a better environment and a better life” as described in the FAO Strategic Framework 2022–2031. The case studies demonstrate how key results contribute to women’s empowerment, by increasing their access to decision-making mechanisms and realizing women’s pivotal role in taking forward climate change adaptation and mitigation work at the three levels of intervention (policy, institutional and beneficiary). The resource guide includes appendices providing tools and further resources, as well as a glossary.
This Guide for Trainers, based on workshops in nine countries, provides a complete set of materials for use in training sessions on mainstreaming gender in adaptation planning in the agriculture sectors. It is designed for a trainer or team responsible for delivering a training workshop for stakeholders who are involved in adaptation planning and related budgeting processes in agriculture. The guide presents a mix of interactive activities and presentations, to be used in whole or in part, to improve the individual-level skills and behaviours needed to foster gender-responsive agriculture adaptation plans within a broader capacity development process. The emphasis is on adaptation in agriculture, however the materials can be applied to planning for climate change adaptation in other sectors. In addition to this Guide for trainers, there are companion PowerPoint templates that workshop organizers can tailor to their specific context.
Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC) countries face several common challenges in improving the quality of lives of women, and the coronavirus disease pandemic has exacerbated existing inequalities. The CAREC Gender Strategy 2030 complements national plans for gender mainstreaming. It provides a regional approach for pursuing gender equality, women’s empowerment, harnessed potential, and strengthened capacity for equal access of women and men to economic opportunities from CAREC investments. Under the overall CAREC 2030 strategy and aligned sector strategies, the gender strategy provides strategic directions and key entry points that will serve as a roadmap to mainstream gender in the CAREC operational clusters.
Women in the Europe and Central Asia region complain about loss of employment, sexual harassment, violence, poor enforcement of the law, poor political representation, and poor health care. Many greet these complaints with skepticism or dismissal. Is it economic expedience due to the sheer magnitude of the changes taking place under the transition? Did the Soviet legacy delude observers into believing that there is gender equality in the region? While budgets shrink, how can gender be integrated into country department work programs? To answer these and other pressing questions regarding the gender issue, the World Bank held a conference in June 1999. Women from the ECA region, Western Europe and the United States gathered to address the lack of Bank knowledge of gender issues in the Eastern Europe and Central Asia Region. The papers from the conference included in this volume describe the present conditions for women, emphasize the need to debunk the myth of gender equality in the Soviet era, and propose urgent legislative measures to address gender disparity. This publication gives women the opportunity to voice their concerns regarding this issue. It will be of interest to regional gender experts, ministries, and think tanks.
Climate finance is a fundamental element of the global development agenda and has been accelerating in recent years. Yet between 2000 and 2018 the share of global climate finance in the agriculture and land-use sector has decreased, passing from an average of 45 percent of the total flows at the beginning of the millennium, to 24 percent in 2013 where it has since stayed. The total sum of contributions to the agriculture and land-use sector between 2000 and 2018 amounted to USD 122 billion, representing 26 percent of the global climate finance flows to all sectors. This report aims to increase the understanding of the climate finance trends in the agriculture and land-use sector at the global and regional scales, providing insights for UN agencies, international finance institutions, national governments of both donor and recipient countries, and governmental and non-governmental stakeholders. By looking at the main features of climate finance, including the source and geographical destination of resources, climate objectives, and gender sensitivity, the analysis establishes the key trends in the agriculture and land-use sector in the period 2000- 2018. In addition, it identifies gaps that may affect the stagnated trend relative to other sectors. This study focuses on the quantitative analysis of data available in the climate-related development finance database of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development’s (OECD) Development Assistance Committee (DAC). The further qualitative analysis could build on this work to research the different trends that influence climate finance distribution.
Although climate change affects everybody it is not gender neutral. It has significant social impacts and magnifies existing inequalities such as the disparity between women and men in their vulnerability and ability to cope with this global phenomenon. This new textbook, edited by one of the authors of the seminal Women and the Environment in the Third World: Alliance for the Future (1988) which first exposed the links between environmental degradation and unequal impacts on women, provides a comprehensive introduction to gender aspects of climate change. Over 35 authors have contributed to the book. It starts with a short history of the thinking and practice around gender and sustainable development over the past decades. Next it provides a theoretical framework for analyzing climate change manifestations and policies from the perspective of gender and human security. Drawing on new research, the actual and potential effects of climate change on gender equality and women's vulnerabilities are examined, both in rural and urban contexts. This is illustrated with a rich range of case studies from all over the world and valuable lessons are drawn from these real experiences. Too often women are primarily seen as victims of climate change, and their positive roles as agents of change and contributors to livelihood strategies are neglected. The book disputes this characterization and provides many examples of how women around the world organize and build resilience and adapt to climate change and the role they are playing in climate change mitigation. The final section looks at how far gender mainstreaming in climate mitigation and adaptation has advanced, the policy frameworks in place and how we can move from policy to effective action. Accompanied by a wide range of references and key resources, this book provides students and professionals with an essential, comprehensive introduction to the gender aspects of climate change.
"The International Decade for Action, "Water for Life" (2005-2015) and the UN-Millennium Development Goals both call for women's and men's participation and involvement in waterrelated development efforts. This booklet has been developed to help field staff mainstream gender issues in the design, implementation, operation and maintenance of water management projects for agricultural production."--Publisher's description.
Unless action is taken now to make agriculture more sustainable, productive and resilient, climate change impacts will seriously compromise food production in countries and regions that are already highly food-insecure. The Paris Agreement, adopted in December 2015, represents a new beginning in the global effort to stabilize the climate before it is too late. It recognizes the importance of food security in the international response to climate change, as reflected by many countries prominent focus on the agriculture sector in their planned contributions to adaptation and mitigation. To help put those plans into action, this report identifies strategies, financing opportunities, and data and information needs. It also describes transformative policies and institutions that can overcome barriers to implementation. The State of Food and Agriculture is produced annually. Each edition contains an overview of the current global agricultural situation, as well as more in-depth coverage of a topical theme."
The 'Gender in Agriculture Sourcebook' provides an up-to-date understanding of gender issues and a rich compilation of compelling evidence of good practices and lessons learned to guide practitioners in integrating gender dimensions into agricultural projects and programs. It is serves as a tool for: guidance; showcasing key principles in integrating gender into projects; stimulating the imagination of practitioners to apply lessons learned, experiences, and innovations to the design of future support and investment in the agriculture sector. The Sourcebook draws on a wide range of experience from World Bank, Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), and other donor agencies, governments, institutions, and groups active in agricultural development. The Sourcebook looks at: access to and control of assets; access to markets, information and organization; and capacity to manage risk and vulnerability through a gender lens. There are 16 modules covering themes of cross-cutting importance for agriculture with strong gender dimensions (Policy, Public Administration and Governance; Agricultural Innovation and Education; Food Security; Markets; Rural Finance; Rural Infrastructure; Water; Land; Labor; Natural Resource Management; and Disaster and Post-Conflict Management) and specific subsectors in agriculture (Crops, Livestock, Forestry, and Fisheries). A separate module on Monitoring and Evaluation is included, responding to the need to track implementation and development impact. Each module contains three different sub-units: (1) A Module Overview gives a broad introduction to the topic and provides a summary of major development issues in the sector and rationale of looking at gender dimension; (2) Thematic Notes provide a brief and technically sound guide in gender integration in selected themes with lessons learned, guidelines, checklists, organizing principles, key questions, and key performance indicators; and (3) Innovative Activity Profiles describe the design and innovative features of recent and exciting projects and activities that have been implemented or are ongoing.
This enlightening book brings together the work of gender and forestry specialists from various backgrounds and fields of research and action to analyse global gender conditions as related to forests. Using a variety of methods and approaches, they build on a spectrum of theoretical perspectives to bring depth and breadth to the relevant issues and address timely and under-studied themes. Focusing particularly on tropical forests, the book presents both local case studies and global comparative studies from Africa, Asia, and Latin America, as well as the US and Europe. The studies range from personal histories of elderly American women’s attitudes toward conservation, to a combined qualitative / quantitative international comparative study on REDD+, to a longitudinal examination of oil palm and gender roles over time in Kalimantan. Issues are examined across scales, from the household to the nation state and the global arena; and reach back to the past to inform present and future considerations. The collection will be of relevance to academics, researchers, policy makers and advocates with different levels of familiarity with gender issues in the field of forestry.