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Seeks to assist governments and other organizations in advancing gender equality and equity in the agriculture and rural development sector. The key gender issues in agriculture explored are: equal access to resources and services (land and water; credit, training and other support services); gender differences in roles and activities; gender and agricultural extension and research; gender and the commercialization of agriculture; and empowerment and access to decision-making.
The 'Gender in Agriculture Sourcebook' provides an up-to-date understanding of gender issues and a rich compilation of compelling evidence of good practices and lessons learned to guide practitioners in integrating gender dimensions into agricultural projects and programs. It is serves as a tool for: guidance; showcasing key principles in integrating gender into projects; stimulating the imagination of practitioners to apply lessons learned, experiences, and innovations to the design of future support and investment in the agriculture sector. The Sourcebook draws on a wide range of experience from World Bank, Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), and other donor agencies, governments, institutions, and groups active in agricultural development. The Sourcebook looks at: access to and control of assets; access to markets, information and organization; and capacity to manage risk and vulnerability through a gender lens. There are 16 modules covering themes of cross-cutting importance for agriculture with strong gender dimensions (Policy, Public Administration and Governance; Agricultural Innovation and Education; Food Security; Markets; Rural Finance; Rural Infrastructure; Water; Land; Labor; Natural Resource Management; and Disaster and Post-Conflict Management) and specific subsectors in agriculture (Crops, Livestock, Forestry, and Fisheries). A separate module on Monitoring and Evaluation is included, responding to the need to track implementation and development impact. Each module contains three different sub-units: (1) A Module Overview gives a broad introduction to the topic and provides a summary of major development issues in the sector and rationale of looking at gender dimension; (2) Thematic Notes provide a brief and technically sound guide in gender integration in selected themes with lessons learned, guidelines, checklists, organizing principles, key questions, and key performance indicators; and (3) Innovative Activity Profiles describe the design and innovative features of recent and exciting projects and activities that have been implemented or are ongoing.
Gender equality is gaining global recognition as a catalyst for sustainable development, and a proven stratagem for alleviating poverty and enhancing food security in developing countries of Africa, where agriculture is the main economic stay. The book Gender and Rural Development: Volume 1 introduces gender discussions into key topics in the curriculum for Nigerian university agricultural undergraduate studies, with the purpose of enhancing gender responsive agricultural and rural development programs, projects, policies and budgets required for sustainable development. (Series: Spektrum. Berliner Reihe zu Gesellschaft, Wirtschaft und Politik in Entwicklungsl�¤ndern/Berlin Series on Society, Economy and Politics in Developing Countries - Vol. 106)
This is one of the sectoral guides that are part of the Gender Management System (GMS) resource kit, a series of publications presenting GMS. GMS is an innovative system developed by the Commonwealth Secretariat for gender mainstreaming. The system is a comprehensive network of structures, mechanisms and processes for bringing a gender perspective to bear on all government policies, plans, programmes and projects. The kit consists of a handbook, which presents the GMS in detail; sectoral guides to gender mainstreaming in specific sectors; and resource documents to assist the user in gender analysis, monitoring, evaluation and other aspects of gender mainstreaming. Each sectoral guide also has a corresponding Quick Guide a short, userfriendly publication presenting the essential points. It is designed for policymakers, planners, field staff and other government personnel involved in gender mainstreaming, as well as for academic users, NGOs, the private sector and others who have a stake in advancing gender equality and equity.This guide seeks to assist governments and other organisations in advancing gender equality and equity in the agriculture and rural development sector. The key gender issues in agriculture explored are: equal access to resources and services (land and water; credit, training and other support services); gender differences in roles and activities; gender and agricultural extension and research; gender and the commercialisation of agriculture; and empowerment and access to decisionmaking.
While the digital revolution is reaching rural areas in many developing countries, the rural digital divide continues to present considerable challenges. The problem is even more acute for women, who face a triple divide: digital, rural and gender. This publication looks at the benefits of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) when placed in the hands of men and women working in agriculture and in rural areas. It examines the challenges to be overcome and makes recommendations so that rural communities can take full and equal advantage of the technologies. FAO’s E-agriculture 10 Year Review Report on implementation of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) of the Action Line C7. ICT Applications: e-agriculture concludes that while substantial progress has been made in making ICTs available and accessible for rural communities, challenges remain with respect to the following seven critical factors for success: content, capacity development, gender and diversity, access and participation, partnerships, technologies, and finally, economic, social, and environmental sustainability. This publication analyses with the gender lens the seven factors of success, followed by an overview of the general existing barriers to women’s access to, control and use of ICTs. Finally, it offers a series of recommendations for better integration of gender in ICT initiatives, based on gender mainstreaming throughout the seven critical factors of success, illustrated with concrete examples
The Country Gender Assessment (CGA) was commissioned by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) from October 2017 to February 2018 as a way to gauge Viet Nam’s progress in achieving gender equality in agriculture and the rural sector and as a mechanism to guide FAO’s strategic mission in Viet Nam. Its objective is to inform FAO country-level planning and programming in line with national development priorities and FAO’s mandate and strategic framework. The Assessment is also aimed at facilitating FAO’s contribution to the UN Country Team report on the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) with up-to date and objective information on the situation of rural women in the country. The methodology of the CGA included a desk review of policies and programmes on agriculture, food and nutrition security and gender equality, a quantitative analysis of national statistics, in-depth interviews with FAO Viet Nam partners and qualitative surveys and focus group discussions (FGDs) conducted in two provinces (Ninh Thuan and Lao Cai).
"The FAO Policy on Gender Equality provides a framework that guides the Organization's efforts to achieve gender equality in all its technical work and assesses results. The policy outlines FAO's goal and objectives related to gender equality and delineates an accountability structure for ensuring policy oversight and achievement of results."--Publisher's description.
This Country gender assessment of agriculture and the rural sector provides in-depth insights into the gendered dimensions of agriculture and rural development in Fiji. The policy environment in rural sector ministries is supportive of gender mainstreaming, with clear paths to link policy direction on gender equality to programmes. Recommendations are formulated to progressively advance gender equality and support the empowerment of rural women through policy. In the short term, recommendations are oriented toward community programming that is more equitable, practical and beneficial for women. Developing infrastructure to reduce women’s workloads and facilitate their ability to engage in the cash economy could enhance women’s economic opportunities and contribute to improved family welfare. Promoting the use of radio, texts and social media to allow women to share information on weather, prices, economic opportunities and savings and banking can empower women to make more informed decisions about their activities. Building the gender analysis capacity of civil society organizations (CSOs) working in rural sectors on climate change, disaster management and sustainable development will support the engagement of women in community-based decision making. To address gender inequalities in the rural sector and support the empowerment of rural women, a set of concrete recommendations is given. These range from promotion of policy research and analysis to inform policies and strategic planning on gender equality and rural women’s empowerment in ARD to putting in place concrete measures for the improvement of rural women’s access to services, technology, finance, markets and resources.
The National Gender Profile of Agriculture and Rural Livelihoods Cambodia provides findings of an assessment of men’s and women’s roles, gender division of labour and gender gaps, including women’s needs and constraints in the agriculture and rural development sectors in Cambodia. It also presents findings from the assessment of policies and frameworks pertaining to gender equality in agricultural and rural development. The assessment reveals that girls and women farmers have been more recognized and given opportunities in Cambodian political and economic activities compared to the past two decades. However, it also unveils the fact that gender inequalities still remain. These include the persisting gender and social norms that place men and boys as superior to women and girls, limited representation and opportunities in leadership tasks and roles and limited educational access to agricultural skills and related technologies. Rural women in particular face limited access to and control over productive and natural resources, services, and to markets and other opportunities to scale up their businesses. It also uncovers that there are still few women holding high-ranking positions at government level, with lower representation in decision-making positions as compared to men.Through a detailed analysis of the various sub-sectors, the policy framework and the main national stakeholders, concrete recommendations are provided for Government, FAO and other relevant partners for strengthening the integration of gender equality dimensions in agricultural and rural development policies and programmes.
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has continuously demonstrated within its work that gender equality is not simply a matter of human rights, but is key to eliminating poverty and hunger. It is only by closing the gender gap that sustainable agriculture and rural development can reach their full potential. Consequently, FAO is committed to promoting gender equality in all of its interventions, as well as by building knowledge, identifying promising practices and widely disseminating these among member states and national partners. This publication focuses on case studies from five member countries of the European Union (EU). These illustrate how gender equality issues can be addressed in agriculture and rural development policies (including fisheries and aquaculture, forestry and livestock), programmes and practices. This publication forms part of FAO’s wider efforts to collect, analyse and disseminate promising practices on gender mainstreaming.