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This guidance note aims to enhance the quality of poverty and social analysis for the design of country partnership strategies and programs in South Asia. The guidance note outlines approaches for conducting Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) analysis at the country, sector, and project levels to determine the GESI elements within ADB's country partnership strategies and projects in South Asia. It emphasizes the need to enhance the analysis of intersectional dimensions of exclusion and vulnerability experienced by individuals with intersecting disadvantaged identities.
This guidance note outlines how sector agencies in South Asia can develop gender equality and social inclusion (GESI) strategies, highlights their key elements, and shows how to effectively integrate them into projects and policies. Explaining how GESI strategies can help sector agencies tackle the barriers women and vulnerable groups face, it offers tips on how to adopt participatory processes to help develop and implement inclusive frameworks. It explains why sector agencies need to adapt strategies to their local norms and practices, allocate budgets, and adopt institutional policies to ensure GESI is effectively mainstreamed into organizations.
This gender equality and social inclusion (GESI) framework the Asian Development Bank’s (ADB) operations in South Asia serves as a guide for effectively fulfilling GESI-related mandates as outlined in ADB’s Strategy 2030. Developed through an extensive 2-year consultative process from 2020 to 2022, the GESI framework highlights the various dimensions of exclusion and vulnerability, including their intersections with gender inequality and each another. By adopting an intersectionality lens, the GESI framework spotlights the diverse experiences of women and disadvantaged groups, recognizing that the impacts of gender inequality and social exclusion vary based on intersecting identities. The GESI framework promotes context-sensitive and integrated actions to advance GESI goals.
ADB's South Asia Department conducted a study to assess the status and responses to the needs of disadvantaged groups in its member countries and identify entry points for greater gender equality and social inclusion impacts in its operations. This publication presents the results, providing an analysis of nine dimensions of exclusion and vulnerability- gender inequality; old age, disability, social identity, diverse sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, and sex characteristics; geographic location; income poverty; young age; and migrant status-and how these dimensions overlap in the lives of people with intersecting disadvantaged identities. Drawing from the good practices of governments, civil society organizations, and ADB-financed projects in South Asia, the publication provides SARD a 10-point guide for designing and operationalizing programs for gender equality and social inclusion.
Rapid gender assessments of 12 projects in four countries were undertaken as part of the Asian Development Bank's commitment to improving aid effectiveness. The assessment of loans in Indonesia, Mongolia, Sri Lanka, and Viet Nam found that positive gender equality results were achieved due to the implementation of gender action plans and provisions. Gender action plans were effective tools for ensuring that both women and men participated in and benefited from projects. Gender equality results and gender action plans contributed directly to achieving loan outcomes and improved project effectiveness in microfinance, rural water supply, urban environmental sanitation, health, education, multisectoral rural development, and infrastructure loans. This report details the approach taken to address gender inequalities and the gender equality results achieved for each sector, discusses the challenges to addressing gender issues in each sector, summarizes factors that enhanced the quality of project design and implementation, and makes recommendations to maximize gender equity as a driver of change.
Over the last two decades, Bangladesh has made progress in women's participation in the labor force, gender parity in primary education, and women's political representation. Areas of concern include the high prevalence of violence against women, obstacles to women's access to resources and assets, unequal terms of their labor engagement, and impact of their overwhelming responsibility for care work. The Government of Bangladesh has made policy commitments toward gender equality and established an institutional framework to fulfill these. This publication intends to support the government in its attempt to address persisting gender inequalities and gaps through a multisector approach across policies, programs, and projects. It provides insights into gender issues in urban; transport; energy; and skills, vocational, and tertiary education, and gives suggestions for strengthening gender mainstreaming in projects.
Rapid gender assessments of 12 projects in four countries were undertaken as part of the Asian Development Bank’s commitment to improving aid effectiveness. The assessment of three loans in Mongolia found that positive gender equality results were achieved due to the implementation of a gender action plan in one project and a gender mainstreaming approach in another. Comparing approaches between the three projects demonstrated that paying attention to gender differences during design and implementation produced better results for women, enhanced the quality of project implementation, and contributed directly to achieving loan outcomes and improved project effectiveness. This report discusses the gender equality results achieved for each project, summarizes factors that enhanced the quality of project design and implementation, and makes recommendations to maximize gender equity as a driver of change.
This framework outlines how to integrate gender equality and social inclusion (GESI) into ADB's operations in South Asia to help close the gender gap, combat exclusion, and bolster equitable economic growth. It highlights the experience of women and disadvantaged groups and assesses the impact of pervasive gender inequality and social exclusion. It includes practical guides and tools that can be integrated throughout project design and implementation. It underscores the need to improve data collection showing how women and vulnerable groups are excluded and increase financial and technical support to better target inclusive and sustainable development.
This tool kit assists staff and consultants of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and partner governments in conceptualizing and designing gender-responsive programs and projects in transport sector operations. It aims to help users identify gender equality issues and to develop practical design elements into transport operations. It guides users on key questions to be asked and data to be collected during project preparation, and provides a menu of entry points for designing gender-inclusive transport projects. The tool kit presents the rationale for why gender equality issues are important in transport sector operations and provides guidance and suggestions for integrating gender in key transport subsectors. Case studies from ADB projects have been included to illustrate good practices in mainstreaming gender concerns in transport sector operations.
This tool kit was designed to help development practitioners incorporate gender perspectives into development initiatives, and to monitor and evaluate gender equality results. It was written with development policy makers, planners, implementers, and evaluators in mind. The tool kit provides a menu of gender equality outcomes, results, and indicators across different sectors that can be adapted to suit different contexts. It is intended to be read selectively based on the sector and nature of the program or project although it is not expected that every indicator will be relevant to all programs and projects.