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This book considers the gendered dimensions of climate change. It shows how gender analysis has been widely overlooked in debates about climate change and its interactions with poverty and demonstrates its importance for those seeking to understand the impacts of global environmental change on human communities.
Although climate change affects everybody it is not gender neutral. It has significant social impacts and magnifies existing inequalities such as the disparity between women and men in their vulnerability and ability to cope with this global phenomenon. This new textbook, edited by one of the authors of the seminal Women and the Environment in the Third World: Alliance for the Future (1988) which first exposed the links between environmental degradation and unequal impacts on women, provides a comprehensive introduction to gender aspects of climate change. Over 35 authors have contributed to the book. It starts with a short history of the thinking and practice around gender and sustainable development over the past decades. Next it provides a theoretical framework for analyzing climate change manifestations and policies from the perspective of gender and human security. Drawing on new research, the actual and potential effects of climate change on gender equality and women's vulnerabilities are examined, both in rural and urban contexts. This is illustrated with a rich range of case studies from all over the world and valuable lessons are drawn from these real experiences. Too often women are primarily seen as victims of climate change, and their positive roles as agents of change and contributors to livelihood strategies are neglected. The book disputes this characterization and provides many examples of how women around the world organize and build resilience and adapt to climate change and the role they are playing in climate change mitigation. The final section looks at how far gender mainstreaming in climate mitigation and adaptation has advanced, the policy frameworks in place and how we can move from policy to effective action. Accompanied by a wide range of references and key resources, this book provides students and professionals with an essential, comprehensive introduction to the gender aspects of climate change.
This book addresses how sustainability discourse and advocacy can translate to impactful policies especially when bridging the divide between sustainability, climate change and gender. The book explores various areas, such as conservation, climate action, sustainable fashion, and corporate sustainability, and defines the existing sustainability gaps in the selected cases (country/sector/region). It highlights the value of sustainability science and climate change on innovative approaches to research, education, capacity-building, and practice to transform rhetoric into impact sustainability while encompassing cases from various industries, sectors, and geographical contexts. While emphasizing SDG 5, the book chapters also show the transboundary implications of gender equality and inclusivity to other sustainable development and climate change goals and targets. The contributions are exemplary in highlighting the relation of gender inclusivity in strengthening efforts to protect and safeguard the world’s cultural and natural heritage and making cities and human settlements inclusive and safe (Goal 11), protecting, restoring, and promoting sustainable management of terrestrial ecosystems and reverse land degradation (Goal 15), ensuring access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all (Goal 7), promoting sustainable and inclusive economic growth with productive and decent employment for all (Goal 8), promoting inclusive and sustainable industrialization (Goal 9), adopt policies to reduce inequalities (Goal 10), ensure sustainable consumption and production pattern (Goal 12), addressing climate change impacts and building resilience (Goal 13), and ensuring availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all (Goal 6).
This publication is the first Asia-Pacific report that comprehensively maps out the intersections between gender and environment at the levels of household, work, community and policy. It examines gender concerns in the spheres of food security, agriculture, energy, water, fisheries and forestry, and identifies strategic entry points for policy interventions. Based on a grounded study of the reality in the Asia-Pacific region, this report puts together good practices and policy lessons that could be capitalized by policymakers to advance the agenda of sustainable development in Asia and the Pacific.
Gender equality and environmental goals are mutually reinforcing, with slow progress on environmental actions affecting the achievement of gender equality, and vice versa. Progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) requires targeted and coherent actions. However, complementarities and trade-offs between gender equality and environmental sustainability are scarcely documented within the SDG framework. Based on the SDG framework, this report provides an overview of the gender-environment nexus, looking into data and evidence gaps, economic and well-being benefits, and governance and justice aspects. It examines nine environment-related SDGs (2, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12 and 15) through a gender-environment lens, using available data, case studies, surveys and other evidence. It shows that women around the world are disproportionately affected by climate change, deforestation, land degradation, desertification, growing water scarcity and inadequate sanitation, with gender inequalities further exacerbated by COVID-19. The report concludes that gender-responsiveness in areas such as land, water, energy and transport management, amongst others, would allow for more sustainable and inclusive economic development, and increased well-being for all. Recognising the multiple dimensions of and interactions between gender equality and the environment, it proposes an integrated policy framework, taking into account both inclusive growth and environmental considerations at local, national and international levels.
This open access book explores the intersection of gender and climate change, suggests ways in which innovative technologies can accelerate climate relief actions, and offers strategies for integrating climate change initiatives into national policies and planning. By examining the devastating consequences of climate change on women and girls throughout the continent, the authors pose a crucial question: Does gender matter in climate change discussions in Africa? Political and social traditions have burdened women with greater vulnerability to the impacts of climate-related natural disasters, including violence, displacement, poverty, famine and lack of access to clean water. However, women are also key to effective and inclusive climate mitigation, adaptation, and decision-making. The authors provide a compelling discourse that identifi es the social and economic benefi ts for all citizens when genderinclusive policies shape equitable and targeted action plans, from mitigationto adaptation and funding. The UN’s SDG 13 calls for urgent action and commitment to combat climate change. The implementable and action-oriented propositions presented in this book will be of interest to students, educators, practitioners, third-sector actors, and policymakers committed to gender equality, sustainable development and climate action in Africa.
Does gender matter in global climate change? This timely and provocative book takes readers on a guided tour of basic climate science, then holds up a gender lens to find out what has been overlooked in popular discussion, research, and policy debates. We see that, around the world, more women than men die in climate-related natural disasters; the history of science and war are intimately interwoven masculine occupations and preoccupations; and conservative men and their interests drive the climate change denial machine. We also see that climate policymakers who embrace big science approaches and solutions to climate change are predominantly male with an ideology of perpetual economic growth, and an agenda that marginalizes the interests of women and developing economies. The book uses vivid case studies to highlight the sometimes surprising differential, gendered impacts of climate changes.
This book considers how gender issues are entwined with people's vulnerability to the effects of climate change. Vivid case studies show how women and men in developing countries are experiencing climate change and describe their efforts to adapt their ways of making a living to ensure survival, often against extraordinary odds.
Climate change affects everyone, independent of race, nationality or gender status. Nevertheless, there are countries and people that are more affected: In many ways, women exceptionally suffer from climate change’s effects. But how are climate change and women’s rights connected with each other? To what extent do G7 nations provide developing countries with funds for climate change activities? How do they promote gender equality? Do the G7 nations correctly report their aid activities? This book shows the unsatisfying quality of the nations’ self-reporting and explains the possible reasons for as well as the consequences of the deviations. It detects to what extent gender equality is promoted in climate change projects and recommends improvements concerning women’s rights. Keywords: - Feminism; - Global Warming; - Emissions; - Adaptation; - Sustainable Development Goals; - Inequality