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Gaussian Markov Random Field (GMRF) models are most widely used in spatial statistics - a very active area of research in which few up-to-date reference works are available. This is the first book on the subject that provides a unified framework of GMRFs with particular emphasis on the computational aspects. This book includes extensive case-studie
Accurate statistical analysis of spatial data is important in many applications. Failing to properly account for spatial autocorrelation may often lead to false conclusions. At the same time, the ever-increasing sizes of spatial datasets pose a great computational challenge, as many standard methods for spatial analysis are limited to a few thousand data points. In this thesis, we explore how Gaussian Markov random fields (GMRFs) can be used for scalable analysis of spatial data. GMRFs are closely connected to the commonly used Gaussian processes, but have sparsity properties that make them computationally cheap both in time and memory. The Bayesian framework enables a GMRF to be used as a spatial prior, comprising the assumption of smooth variation over space, and gives a principled way to estimate the parameters and propagate uncertainty. We develop new algorithms that enable applying GMRF priors in 3D to the brain activity inherent in functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data, with millions of observations. We show that our methods are both faster and more accurate than previous work. A method for approximating selected elements of the inverse precision matrix (i.e. the covariance matrix) is also proposed, which is important for evaluating the posterior uncertainty. In addition, we establish a link between GMRFs and deep convolutional neural networks, which have been successfully used in countless machine learning tasks for images, resulting in a deep GMRF model. Finally, we show how GMRFs can be used in real-time robotic search and rescue operations, for modeling the spatial distribution of injured persons. Tillförlitlig statistisk analys av spatiala data är viktigt inom många tillämpningar. Om inte korrekt hänsyn tas till spatial autokorrelation kan det ofta leda till felaktiga slutsatser. Samtidigt ökar ständigt storleken på de spatiala datamaterialen vilket utgör en stor beräkningsmässig utmaning, eftersom många standardmetoder för spatial analys är begränsade till några tusental datapunkter. I denna avhandling utforskar vi hur Gaussiska Markov-fält (eng: Gaussian Markov random fields, GMRF) kan användas för mer skalbara analyser av spatiala data. GMRF-modeller är nära besläktade med de ofta använda Gaussiska processerna, men har gleshetsegenskaper som gör dem beräkningsmässigt effektiva både vad gäller tids- och minnesåtgång. Det Bayesianska synsättet gör det möjligt att använda GMRF som en spatial prior som innefattar antagandet om långsam spatial variation och ger ett principiellt tillvägagångssätt för att skatta parametrar och propagera osäkerhet. Vi utvecklar nya algoritmer som gör det möjligt att använda GMRF-priors i 3D för den hjärnaktivitet som indirekt kan observeras i hjärnbilder framtagna med tekniken fMRI, som innehåller milliontals datapunkter. Vi visar att våra metoder är både snabbare och mer korrekta än tidigare forskning. En metod för att approximera utvalda element i den inversa precisionsmatrisen (dvs. kovariansmatrisen) framförs också, vilket är viktigt för att kunna evaluera osäkerheten i posteriorn. Vidare gör vi en koppling mellan GMRF och djupa neurala faltningsnätverk, som har använts framgångsrikt för mängder av bildrelaterade problem inom maskininlärning, vilket mynnar ut i en djup GMRF-modell. Slutligen visar vi hur GMRF kan användas i realtid av autonoma drönare för räddningsinsatser i katastrofområden för att modellera den spatiala fördelningen av skadade personer.
An important treatment of the geometric properties of sets generated by random fields, including a comprehensive treatment of the mathematical basics of random fields in general. It is a standard reference for all researchers with an interest in random fields, whether they be theoreticians or come from applied areas.
Introduces the theory and application of Markov random fields in image processing/computer vision. Modelling images through the local interaction of Markov models produces algorithms for use in texture analysis, image synthesis, restoration, segmentation and surface reconstruction.
Markov random field (MRF) theory provides a basis for modeling contextual constraints in visual processing and interpretation. It enables us to develop optimal vision algorithms systematically when used with optimization principles. This book presents a comprehensive study on the use of MRFs for solving computer vision problems. Various vision models are presented in a unified framework, including image restoration and reconstruction, edge and region segmentation, texture, stereo and motion, object matching and recognition, and pose estimation. This third edition includes the most recent advances and has new and expanded sections on topics such as: Bayesian Network; Discriminative Random Fields; Strong Random Fields; Spatial-Temporal Models; Learning MRF for Classification. This book is an excellent reference for researchers working in computer vision, image processing, statistical pattern recognition and applications of MRFs. It is also suitable as a text for advanced courses in these areas.
In this book we study Markov random functions of several variables. What is traditionally meant by the Markov property for a random process (a random function of one time variable) is connected to the concept of the phase state of the process and refers to the independence of the behavior of the process in the future from its behavior in the past, given knowledge of its state at the present moment. Extension to a generalized random process immediately raises nontrivial questions about the definition of a suitable" phase state," so that given the state, future behavior does not depend on past behavior. Attempts to translate the Markov property to random functions of multi-dimensional "time," where the role of "past" and "future" are taken by arbitrary complementary regions in an appro priate multi-dimensional time domain have, until comparatively recently, been carried out only in the framework of isolated examples. How the Markov property should be formulated for generalized random functions of several variables is the principal question in this book. We think that it has been substantially answered by recent results establishing the Markov property for a whole collection of different classes of random functions. These results are interesting for their applications as well as for the theory. In establishing them, we found it useful to introduce a general probability model which we have called a random field. In this book we investigate random fields on continuous time domains. Contents CHAPTER 1 General Facts About Probability Distributions §1.
Modeling spatial and spatio-temporal continuous processes is an important and challenging problem in spatial statistics. Advanced Spatial Modeling with Stochastic Partial Differential Equations Using R and INLA describes in detail the stochastic partial differential equations (SPDE) approach for modeling continuous spatial processes with a Matérn covariance, which has been implemented using the integrated nested Laplace approximation (INLA) in the R-INLA package. Key concepts about modeling spatial processes and the SPDE approach are explained with examples using simulated data and real applications. This book has been authored by leading experts in spatial statistics, including the main developers of the INLA and SPDE methodologies and the R-INLA package. It also includes a wide range of applications: * Spatial and spatio-temporal models for continuous outcomes * Analysis of spatial and spatio-temporal point patterns * Coregionalization spatial and spatio-temporal models * Measurement error spatial models * Modeling preferential sampling * Spatial and spatio-temporal models with physical barriers * Survival analysis with spatial effects * Dynamic space-time regression * Spatial and spatio-temporal models for extremes * Hurdle models with spatial effects * Penalized Complexity priors for spatial models All the examples in the book are fully reproducible. Further information about this book, as well as the R code and datasets used, is available from the book website at The tools described in this book will be useful to researchers in many fields such as biostatistics, spatial statistics, environmental sciences, epidemiology, ecology and others. Graduate and Ph.D. students will also find this book and associated files a valuable resource to learn INLA and the SPDE approach for spatial modeling.