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GAO-05-674 Public Transportation: Opportunities Exist to Improve the Communication and Transparency of Changes Made to the New Starts Program
The New Starts program is an important source of new capital investment in mass transportation. The Fed. Transit Admin. (FTA) must prioritize transit projects for funding by evaluating, rating, and recommending projects on the basis of specific financial commitment and project justification criteria, such as cost-effectiveness, economic dev¿t. effects, land use, and environ. benefits. To be eligible for fed. funding, a project must advance through the different project dev¿t. phases of the New Starts program, including alternatives analysis, preliminary engineering, and final design. This testimony discusses the: (1) key challenges associated with the New Starts program; and (2) options that could help expedite project dev¿t. in the New Starts program.
The New Starts program -- admin. by the Fed. Transit Admin. (FTA) -- is an important source of new capital investment in mass transport., providing grants to project sponsors, for the construction of major transit facilities. FTA uses contractors ¿ known as project mgmt. oversight contractors (PMOC) and financial mgmt. oversight contractors (FMOC) -- to help oversee the planning, construction, and financing of major capital projects. This report discusses: (1) how FTA uses PMOCs and FMOCs to oversee New Starts projects and how the agency procures, monitors, and evaluates the contractors¿ services; and (2) the benefits of FTA¿s oversight approach and the challenges FTA faces in conducting its oversight. Illus. A print on demand report.
Through the New Starts program, the Fed. Transit Admin. (FTA) evaluates and recommends new fixed guideway transit projects for funding using the evaluation criteria identified in law. In Aug. 2007, FTA issued a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM), in part, to incorporate certain provisions within the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient, Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU) into the evaluation process. SAFETEA-LU requires an annual review of FTA¿s New Starts process. This report discusses: (1) the information captured by New Starts project justification criteria; (2) challenges FTA faces as it works to improve the New Starts program; and (3) options for evaluating New Starts projects. Includes recommend. Illus.