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Gandhi And Truth: An Approach To The Theology Of Religion Addresses The Long-Felt Need To Have A Sound Basis For Developing A Theology Of Religions For Harmonious Co-Existence Of Various Religions. Set In The Background Of Religious Pluralims, The Book Examines The Paradigm Shift In The Study Of Religions In Detail Like Exclusivism, Inclusivism And Pluralism With Individual Exponents And Their Contributions From The Historical Point Of View. It Looks At The Weaknesses Of These Models In The Present Day Theology Of Religions And Then Identifies An Alternative Model In The Gandhian Concept Of Truth.
Short, easy-to-read essays revealing Gandhi’s most important teachings on love, meditation, service, and prayer—with profound wisdom and inspiration for readers of every faith. Mahatma Gandhi became famous as the leader of the Indian independence movement, but he called himself “a man of God disguised as a politician.” The Way to God demonstrates his enduring significance as a spiritual leader whose ideas offer insight and solace to seekers of every practice and persuasion. Collecting many of his most significant writings, the book explores the deep religious roots of Gandhi’s worldly accomplishments and reveals—in his own words—his intellectual, moral, and spiritual approaches to the divine. First published in India in 1971, the book is based on Gandhi’s lifetime experiments with truth and reveals the heart of his teachings. Gandhi’s aphoristic power, his ability to sum up complex ideas in a few authoritative strokes, shines through these pages. Individual chapters cover such topics as moral discipline, spiritual practice, spiritual experience, and much more. Gandhi’s guiding principles of selflessness, humility, service, active yet nonviolent resistance, and vegetarianism make his writings as timely today as when these writings first appeared. A foreword by Gandhi’s grandson Arun and an introduction by Michael Nagler add useful context.
Truth is God by M. K. Gandhi: Truth is God delves into the profound philosophical and spiritual teachings of Mahatma Gandhi, the iconic leader of India's nonviolent independence movement. Through his essays and speeches, Gandhi expounds on the transformative power of truth, nonviolence, and the pursuit of justice for societal transformation. Key Points: Gandhi's core belief in Satyagraha, the force of truth and nonviolence, serves as the foundation of his philosophy, advocating for peaceful resistance against injustice and oppression. The book explores Gandhi's personal journey of self-discovery and his unwavering commitment to the principles of honesty, simplicity, and communal harmony, offering profound insights into his moral and ethical framework. Truth is God serves as a guidebook for individuals seeking to create positive change in the world through self-reflection, spiritual growth, and the practice of nonviolent resistance.
The twenty-first century has seen violence thunder back onto the stage of history. Religious, political, social, cultural, and economic constituents and interests thus contribute to the local and global manifestations of violence in our interconnected and contracting global world. Firmly embedded within the field of religion, the authors of this volume concede that religious motifs and impulses are alive and well in this unfolding of bloodshed. It is no wonder then that in our volatile historical age, religious fundamentalism and illiberal nationalism have emerged as dominant contemporary movements. Against this backdrop, the contributors to this edited book look back in order to move forward by reflecting upon the truth-force (Satyagraha) that grounded and guided Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (1869-1948). On the heels of several commemorations in 2019 of the 150th anniversary of Gandhi's birth, we reexamine the truths of his philosophy and nonviolent strategy to resist religious and political fundamentalisms. Embracing truth was, for Gandhi, the only way to achieve complete freedom (poorna Swaraj). The goal of freedom, which Gandhi conceptualized as profoundly personal, expansively communitarian, and organically ecological, emanates from a firm grasp of truth.
At a time when so many insist on countering violence with violence, this exploration of the life of Jesus and the (often misunderstood) teachings of Gandhi puts nonviolent action at the very heart of Christian salvation.
This book seeks to give a coherent account of Gandhi's basic ideas, demonstrating the importance of Hindu thought and the centrality of his concept of Truth.
Gandhiji was born a Hindu. But his Hinduism was his own. It had its roots firm in ancient Hinduism, but it grew and developed in the light of his contact with other religions, more especially Christianity, as will be seen from Section Two of this volume. He sought to drink at the spring of all religions, and therefore he felt that he belonged to every religion. And yet, if he had to have a label, the label he preferred and which was his not only by right of birth but also intrinsically, was Hinduism, the religion of his forefathers.