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This book includes full-color illustration, personality traits and descriptions of the genealogy races, it is the companion book to a Galactic Genealogy Chart, also included in the book. The Chart and booklet are designed to help you find out what your Galactic Genealogy origins are. I have listed them in alphabetical order. Since photographs are not taking of the Extraterrestrials, both the drawings from the experiencer's and the other illustrations are meant to be an example of the different races and beings that are in our Universe. Some of them have the ability to appear in your mind and memory as whatever they want, and this induced "image" has nothing to do with their real appearance. They may have you see and remember them as a human celebrity or family member. A ball of light, a gray, a dwarf or even animals such as deer, owl, dog, monkey, because they want you to remember that. Most of the time they may want you to completely forget anything about you're experience with them, so you think it's just a dream. So, we can never be sure that they really look the way we see them. I was asked in by my galactic family, in downloads and channeling to put this information together with full-color illustrations, descriptions of our family and special traits about ourselves. The illustrations and info have been accumulated from many people and sources. Dare to find out what you Galactic Genealogy is!
• Presents in-depth teachings and channeled wisdom from the six star nations--the Pleiades, Sirius, Andromeda, Centaurus, Epsilon Eridani, and Lyra • Reading about your cosmic lineage will trigger the awakening of ancient memories of your star origin and activate your spiritual DNA • Includes energy exercises and guided meditations specific to each star nation to help awaken the light codes embedded within you, accelerate your vibrational intelligence, and embrace your inherited starseed gifts You are a starseed. You carry within you the spiritual DNA of your cosmic family. Eons ago the Pleiadians, along with other star nations, seeded the Earth, and their energy is still present. By recognizing your starseed lineage, you can activate your spiritual DNA and awaken the soul attributes that resonate with your star nation. In this book, Eva Marquez explains how to discover your starseed lineage and activate your cosmic DNA. She presents in-depth teachings and channeled wisdom from the six star nations: the Pleiades, Sirius, Andromeda, Centaurus, Epsilon Eridani, and Lyra. You will learn about your cosmic family’s lives in the stars, their home worlds, and who they are. As you read about the star nations, you will automatically attune to their energies. When you connect with your ancestral star nation, you may experience the sudden awakening of ancient memories, and your spiritual DNA will be activated. Marquez includes energy exercises and guided meditations specific to each star family to help activate your spiritual DNA and awaken the light codes embedded within you. By activating your starseed ancestry and reconnecting to your soul family, you help transform the frequencies of fear into love and reignite the cosmic ascension process.
This book is about the origin questions, the questions of how the planets, the stars, the galaxies, and the universe itself were formed.
The Galactic Heritage Cards were first introduced in Japan, where hundreds of Lyssa's students have since used them with profound results. USING THE CARDS: The overall concept of the cards is to explore the journey from unity to fragmentation/polarity and back to reintegration. Since each of us is part of the same one consciousness, this is a holographic "journey" that unifies us all. The card system uses the holographic concept that we are experiencing both unity and separation simultaneously. The components of the cards explore this journey in a variety of ways, including: SPECIES or STAR SYSTEM: Twenty-one different species or star systems are represented in the four suits (or time streams) of cards to symbolize the main archetypal groups who have influenced the development of our galactic family. THEME: Each card has a theme or lesson that is connected to the civilization it depicts. Contemplative text and deeper commentary are presented for each card to help users understand how to apply this wisdom in their current lives. ARTWORK: The architect of these cards, the multidimensional consciousness Germane channeled through Lyssa, also assisted Hong Kong artist David Cow in the channeling of the images. Contemplating the artwork allows more information and energy to be transmitted that goes beyond the text for each card. The art works deeply with the subconscious and adds a powerful dimension to the user's inner work with the cards. In addition to the individual card art, an underlying image spans all the cards when they're laid out on a grid with 18 cards per row. This image represents our journey back to integration, and thus each card carries an embedded energy of unity even within the uniqueness and "separate journey" of each card. When the final card was channeled, the total number was 108 -- a sacred number in many traditions that reflects the idea of wholeness and completion. GETTING STARTED: In the accompanying booklet we offer more information, the text and commentary for each card, and several recommended spreads to help you get started.
In 1957, as Americans obsessed over the launch of the Soviet Sputnik satellite, another less noticed space-based scientific revolution was taking off. That year, astrophysicists solved a centuries-old quest for the origins of the elements, from carbon to uranium. The answer they found wasn’t on Earth, but in the stars. Their research showed that we are literally stardust. The year also marked the first conference that considered the origin of life on Earth in an astrophysical context. It was the marriage of two of the seemingly strangest bedfellows—astronomy and biology—and a turning point that award-winning science author Jacob Berkowitz calls the Stardust Revolution. In this captivating story of an exciting, deeply personal, new scientific revolution, Berkowitz weaves together the latest research results to reveal a dramatically different view of the twinkling night sky—not as an alien frontier, but as our cosmic birthplace. Reporting from the frontlines of discovery, Berkowitz uniquely captures how stardust scientists are probing the universe’s physical structure, but rather its biological nature. Evolutionary theory is entering the space age. From the amazing discovery of cosmic clouds of life’s chemical building blocks to the dramatic quest for an alien Earth, Berkowitz expertly chronicles the most profound scientific search of our era: to know not just if we are alone, but how we are connected. Like opening a long-hidden box of old family letters and diaries, The Stardust Revolution offers us a new view of where we’ve come from and brings to light our journey from stardust to thinking beings.
Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute, The Physics of Star Formation and Early Evolution-II, held in Crete, Greece, 24 May-5 June, 1998
Starseeds Remembering their Celestial Selves Amanda Jane DeMarco 'IndigoAngel' provides a unique methodology for easily determining one's Starseed Origins in accordance to their synergistic relationship with the Moon and the Original Earth Template. Following the Celestial markers of the Lunar Mansions. Starseeds being the Celestial progression of ascension into the Galactic and Quantum realms of Cognition and Spirituality. This Comprehensive How-to Book is written through a Multi-Dimensional Lense, giving one deeper intro-spectrum into the galactic framework of Celestial self-awareness. Discover your Starseed Origins and be able to give Readings to your Family and Friends
This book looks at answers to the biggest questions in astronomy – the questions of how the planets, stars, galaxies and the universe were formed. Over the last decade, a revolution in observational astronomy has produced possible answers to three of these questions. This book describes this revolution. The one question for which we still do not have an answer is the question of the origin of the universe. In the final chapter, the author looks at the connection between science and philosophy and shows how new scientific results have laid the groundwork for the first serious scientific studies of the origin of the universe.
"The Prism of Lyra is an exploration of Human Galactic Heritage. The Prism of Lyra is a book that examines the idea of creation in a different light. In contrast to the notion that humans are the result of creation, it explores the idea that the collective humanoid consciousness (or soul) created our universe for specific purposes. What are those purposes? Who is involved? These questions and many more are addressed, resulting in startling possibilities. The Prism of Lyra then traces various off-planet races (Lyra, Vega, the Pleiades, Orion, Zeta Reticuli, and more) through their own evolution and ties them into the developing Earth. Highlighted is the realization of our galactic interconnectedness . . . and our shared desire to return home. Explore with us the passage through . . .The Prism of Lyra."
The study of the origin and evolution of the universe encompasses many of the most fascinating questions in science. What is our place in the universe? How did everything in it get started, from galaxies and stars, to planets and people? And what does the future hold, for our star, and our universe? Recently, scientists have made remarkable advances in providing concrete answers to these profound questions. The new technologies of observational astronomy, with its ground- and space-based gamma-ray, X-ray, ultraviolet, infrared and radio telescopes, is truly producing a new golden age of discovery. This book presents the excitement of these new discoveries in the larger context of cosmic evolution. The distinguished contributors are leading researchers at the cutting edge of these fields, and they also excel in explaining these subjects to the broader public. They offer the latest insights into these rapidly advancing fields, covering the origin and evolution of the universe, the chemical elements, galaxies, the evolution of stars, planets, and biological life. Essential physical concepts are clearly and carefully explained at the introductory college level. Related concepts from chemistry, geology, and biology are organized and integrated into the discussions. An extensive glossary is provided, and mathematical detail has been deliberately kept simple, to make the chapters accessible to anyone with an appreciation of science. The result is stimulating exploration of the frontiers of modern science that will intrigue both amateurs and professionals.