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The purpose of this study was to survey the chief development officers in selected Mississippi community colleges in order to ascertain the fundraising efforts in which they are engaged. The community colleges were selected based on the Aspen Institute College Excellence Program. The institute identified the community colleges based on an assessment of institutional performance, improvement, student retention and measures of completion. The program selected the top 150 United States community colleges out of over 1000 public community colleges for the Aspen Prize for Community College Excellence 2015. Of Mississippi’s community colleges, 7 were among the top 150 in the nation. Resource Dependency Theory guided this investigation by considering factors, goals, implementation and activities involved in fundraising at the selected community colleges. In order to respond to the problem of this study 4 research questions were generated and a 7-question survey was administered. The results of this study showed that all of the selected Mississippi community colleges are engaging in fundraising. The results also showed that the colleges have goals and they are evaluating their goals at least yearly. Personal letters, personal phone calls, invites to campus and special events were rated as successful fundraising techniques with special events as the method used extensively to obtain donations. The foundation office was rated highly successful for fundraising functions success. Satisfaction with fundraising performance ranked the highest as the method of determining success with gift solicitation as a meaningful effort in obtaining funds.
The purpose of this study was to examine the planned giving activity in the 15 community and junior colleges in the state of Mississippi. As all community colleges become increasingly dependent on private funds to offset cuts in government support, they must explore all avenues of fundraising. One avenue that has not been embraced as readily as others is planned giving; however, research has shown that this type of giving can contribute to the overall fundraising effort, and community colleges should make it a part of their basic fundraising platforms. This study consists of a review of available literature on community college planned giving and a survey of the 15 chief fundraising professionals in the community and junior colleges in Mississippi. The survey examined the overall characteristics of the colleges’ fundraising and planned giving programs, the amount of planned gifts raised, and the reporting measures for counting planned gifts. It also explored deterrents to planned giving and the support of the planned giving effort by presidents and boards of the colleges. The findings revealed that community colleges in Mississippi are not actively pursuing planned giving in a manner that could benefit their overall fundraising operations. While several responses reflected the current research that suggests that community colleges consider planned giving a low priority, other data suggest that the successful implementation of a planned giving program at these colleges may be easily attainable.
This book explores resource development at Mississippi’s Community and Junior Colleges. It determines whether revenue generated from fundraising adequately serves the colleges’ needs. It looks at the various types of fundraising activities used to raise funds as well as the operational integration and organizational structure of resource development at Mississippi’s Community and Junior Colleges. Fundraising in a recession is not fun, but is necessary. As bad as this economic downturn has been for community and junior colleges in Mississippi, those who survive will have learned lessons that will prove invaluable later, whether times are good or times are bad. Community and junior colleges will have to compare strategies used by four year colleges for developing sufficient revenues from fundraising.
Welch (2003) believed that one of the most significant challenges facing community colleges is generating enough revenue to promote the mission, goals, and objectives of the community college. According to Kenton (2005), community colleges thrive on revenue generated from tuition and fees, federal and state programs and endowments. Resource development is income generated activities established by community colleges (Glass & Jackson, 1998b). This dissertation explores resource development at Mississippis Community and Junior Colleges. Secondly, it determines whether revenue generated from fundraising serves the colleges needs. Thirdly, it distinguishes the various types of resource development activities the colleges and junior colleges used to raise funds. Lastly, this research explores the operation integration and organizational structure of resource development at Mississippis Community and Junior College. The results of this study demonstrated how the community and junior colleges in Mississippi operate their grants office while in concert with their foundation office. This study revealed the connection between grants functions and grant development at the community and junior college level. The trend has shifted from capital campaigns to cooperative funding in conjunction with community based organizations affiliated with the colleges. Community colleges have to initiate annual fund drives, capital campaigns, special events, and business partnerships in order to secure the necessary resources to survive in the competitive educational environment.
Recently, the Mississippi community college system has experienced significant budget cuts. Although fundraising has long historical significance, it has not been fully embraced by the community college system. With the transfer of wealth estimated to be $41-$136 trillion over the next 40 years, there has never been a better time for community colleges to tell their story. Studies reveal that planned giving is a key strategy for fundraising and that new innovative ideas must be developed to take advantage of private sources of funding. Planned giving in the form of forestland donations is an innovative avenue that can benefit the institution and the potential donor through charitable estate planning. Although there are examples of planned giving through donations of forestland, there is not any extensive research on this subject involving community colleges. The purpose of this study was to use the concept of the Bulldog Forest at Mississippi State University to determine if the idea of the community college foundation forest would be feasible and valuable to implement within the Mississippi community college system. Holmes Community College (HCC) alumni, who fall into the non- industrial private forest landowner category, were surveyed to determine their interest in donating their forestland to the institution through charitable estate planning options. Through the use of growth-and-yield models, hypothetical management regimes were employed on hypothetical forestland donations to produce long-term cash flow scenarios for a specific rate of return for a specific rotation. These scenarios determined the level of funding that could be generated through a planned giving program involving forestland. The findings revealed that HCC alumni do not have an immediate interest in donating their forestland to the HCC foundation. It is recommended that personal connection(s) be established with these alumni along with the facets of planned giving explained by a trained professional. The findings also revealed that the donation of forestland can be very profitable for a community college foundation. However, further research is needed to explore the other charitable estate planning options since it was assumed that all of the hypothetical forestland donations were outright gifts.
This book is a co-publication with CASE.Fundraising Strategies for Community Colleges is a hands-on, step-by-step guide to building a million-dollar-a-year development office.Community colleges educate nearly half the undergraduates in America yet receive as little as two percent of all gifts to higher education. Private philanthropy is now essential to the mission of community colleges. In order to gain a fair share, community colleges can rely on this book to deploy strategies effectively used by 4-year colleges. The author, Steve Klingaman, has raised over $40 million dollars for two-year and four-year colleges over a 25-year development career.With its emphasis on planning the work and working the plan, Fundraising Strategies for Community Colleges offers practical advice and concrete steps on how to build a strong advancement team with robust Annual Fund, grants, major gifts, planned giving programs.Topics include:* Strategies used at one two-year college that raised $50 million over ten years* 75 boxed tips on the details that matter most* How to create an institutional commitment to advancement* How to enhance the advancement function* How to build an effective foundation board that gives* How to grow the Annual Fund with sustainable, repeatable gifts* Secrets top universities use to close major gifts* Continuous quality improvement techniques to improve results year after year.Fundraising Strategies for Community Colleges is the only comprehensive development guide to focus on community college fund raising. Written for development professionals, college presidents, board members, trustees, faculty leaders, and other college leadership, this book is an essential, practical guide that fills a critical gap in the market.
This book is a co-publication with CASE.Fundraising Strategies for Community Colleges is a hands-on, step-by-step guide to building a million-dollar-a-year development office.Community colleges educate nearly half the undergraduates in America yet receive as little as two percent of all gifts to higher education. Private philanthropy is now essential to the mission of community colleges. In order to gain a fair share, community colleges can rely on this book to deploy strategies effectively used by 4-year colleges. The author, Steve Klingaman, has raised over $40 million dollars for two-year and four-year colleges over a 25-year development career.With its emphasis on planning the work and working the plan, Fundraising Strategies for Community Colleges offers practical advice and concrete steps on how to build a strong advancement team with robust Annual Fund, grants, major gifts, planned giving programs.Topics include:* Strategies used at one two-year college that raised $50 million over ten years* 75 boxed tips on the details that matter most* How to create an institutional commitment to advancement* How to enhance the advancement function* How to build an effective foundation board that gives* How to grow the Annual Fund with sustainable, repeatable gifts* Secrets top universities use to close major gifts* Continuous quality improvement techniques to improve results year after year.Fundraising Strategies for Community Colleges is the only comprehensive development guide to focus on community college fund raising. Written for development professionals, college presidents, board members, trustees, faculty leaders, and other college leadership, this book is an essential, practical guide that fills a critical gap in the market.
This issue outlines essential contextual issues in institutional advancement, provides strategies from institutions that have successfully addressed fundraising over the past ten years, and outlines major issues that must be considered in communitiy college fundraising. Looking at the fundraising picture for higher education over the past ten years, one would have to argue that there have been major successes in garnering support from the private sector for educational institutions. From billion-dollar capital campaigns to individuals donating millions for medial research and other educational activities, record support for higher education is at hand. Yet in the midst of this community largesses, community colleges have not fared as well. Their traditional funding streams have begun to dry up, and they are increasingly turning to fundraising as a major method to support their vital missions to provide open-access and high quality postsecondary education. Many community colleges are relative new to fundraising and are just beginning to develop tools, techniques, and strategies that make sense for them. This is the 124th issue of the quarterly higher education journal New Directions for Community Colleges.
Community colleges generate only 2% of the total charitable funds raised by higher education institutions in the United States. In an era when America needs its community colleges to be active public sector partners in economic development and workforce training, state funding has been drastically cut, and other traditional funding sources are not making up for the much-needed funds. Forward thinking community college leaders must turn to their foundations as an important revenue source to offset the impact of budget cuts and sustain educational excellence and accessibility. But with limited resources for each institution to employ a professional fund raising staff, it is unclear if state system foundations can create programs to help bridge the gap for individual community colleges. The purpose of this study, guided by the organizational theory of examining an organization's performance as part of an entire system and not individual factors, was to examine multi-year trends of public community colleges in the states of Virginia and Maryland that have participated in the Voluntary Support for Education (VSE) survey between the years of 2007-2012. The study was limited in scope, but could be the foundation for a broader framework of study to determine the fundraising significance and impact of state-level system community college foundations and the vice presidents of institutional advancement that lead them. The study consists of a review of available literature on institutional advancement in higher education and the quantitative study of data collected over a 5 year period through the VSE survey. Independent sample t-tests were used to determine if the mean difference on a particular group characteristic was statically significant for each dependent variable. The findings of the study did not affirm that having an experienced vice president of institutional advancement leading a state-level foundation leads to greater success in terms of private funds raised by community colleges of various sizes and resources within the system. However, this is the first known study to compare community college fund raising from a state-level approach, therefore the researcher concludes that increased emphasis on building a state-wide culture of philanthropy for community colleges is needed.