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The Fundamentals of Corporate Communications gives professionals and students in marketing a comprehensive and incisive overview of what modern corporate communications is, and what it can achieve. The author has drawn on extensive business experience in the area and wide ranging research in major corporations to produce an authoritative account of best practice - backed by numerous cases and examples. The book demonstrates how corporate communications affects today's marketing mix and explains how it can support wider marketing objectives. The key elements are covered in depth: * Who are the key audiences in the present business climate * The role of Corporate Image and Identity in the communications process * How communications informs and affects corporate strategy development * What are the tools of modern communications- from lobbying to brand building * Using communications in a crisis * Who should be communicator and why The book is both highly practical, it is grounded in real business issues, and rigorous in covering the concepts accessibly. It will be an essential text and reference for practitioners and students of marketing.
The Fundamentals of Corporate Communications gives professionals and students in marketing a comprehensive and incisive overview of what modern corporate communications is, and what it can achieve. . The author has drawn on extensive business experience in the area and wide ranging research in major corporations to produce an authoritative account of best practice - backed by numerous cases and examples. The book demonstrates how corporate communications affects today's marketing mix and explains how it can support wider marketing objectives. 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This lively and engaging new book addresses a topical and important area of study. Helping readers not only to understand, but also to apply, the most important theoretical notions on identity, identification, reputation and corporate branding, it illustrates how communicating with a company’s key audience depends upon all of the company’s internal and external communication. The authors, leading experts in this field, provide students of corporate communication with a research-based tool box to be used for effective corporate communications and creating a positive reputation. Essentials of Corporate Communication features original examples and vignettes, drawn from a variety of US, European and Asian companies with a proven record of successful corporate communication, thus offering readers best practice examples. Illustrations are drawn from such global companies as Virgin, IKEA, INVE and Lego. Presenting the most up-to-date content available it is a must-read for all those studying and working in this field.
This lucid book is a compelling introduction to corporate communications and its practical application in the modern organization. Joseph Fernandez makes a case for corporate communications as the cornerstone of any corporate growth strategy. He does this by highlighting communication approaches drawn from the worlds of advertising, journalism and public relations. Among the topics discussed are: - The evolution and nature of the new era and its unique communication needs. - The role of advertising and public relations as potent tools to build corporate brands and nurture them in global environments. - The advantages of the complementary use of traditional and new media in reaching the entire targeted audience. - The importance of subscribing to healthy corporate citizenship practices for both businesses and non-profit outfits.
This work provides up-to-date, scientifically based models to analyze corporate image and corporate identity, plus techniques to improve the effectiveness of corporate communication programmes, planning and implementation. The book features a cross functional perspective, integrating theory from the public relations tradition, and marketing communications, and focuses on the interdependent relations between corporate strategy, corporate identity and corporate image. This work is intended for use on MBA and Masters-level corporate communications courses, and also for public relations, marketing communications and advertising courses.
Communication becomes more complex as businesses compete in a global environment. The complexity brought on by an explosion in the number of tools for communication -- computers, digital media, interactive corporate television, faxes, e-mail, the Internet -- fuels the need for a corporation to consider its communications as central to its strategic plans. Corporate Communications for Executives looks closely at the professional practice of corporate communication. It offers numerous perspectives on ethics, science and society, employee motivation, corporate social responsibility, internal communication, global corporate communications, and communicating corporate cultures.
The field of corporate communications describes the practices organizations use to communicate as coherent corporate `bodies′. Drawing on the metaphor of the body and on a variety of theories and disciplines the text challenges the idealized notion that organizations can and should communicate as unified wholes. The authors pose important questions such as: - Where does the central idea of corporate communications come from? - What are the underlying assumptions of most corporate communications practices? - What are the organizational and ethical challenges of attempting truly `corporate′ communication? Clearly written with international vignettes and executive briefings, this book shows that in a complex world the management of communication needs to embrace multiple opinions and voices. Rewarding readers with a deeper understanding of corporate communications, the text will be a `must read′ for advanced undergraduates, graduate students, and scholars, in the arenas of corporate communications, organizational communication, employee relations, marketing, public relations and corporate identity management. Practitioners in these areas will be provoked to re-examine their assumptions and habits.
Oliver presents an academic commentary and literature review on theoretical concepts of integrated corporate communication, stressing the importance of two way communication and of developing a better understanding of the priorities of others.
This accessible book discusses the role of journalism, advertising and public relations in corporate communications. It highlights key issues corporations need to consider when planning their strategies and stresses the critical importance of communication in brand and organization perception. Peppered with numerous examples and anecdotes, it makes an engaging read.
Used by nearly 25,000 students in over 50 countries, this book incorporates current thinking and developments on corporate communication from both the academic and practitioner worlds. Combining a comprehensive theoretical foundation with numerous practical guidelines, insights will assist managers (or soon to be managers) in their day-to-day work and in their strategic and tactical communication decisions. With cases and examples from across the globe including Apple, BMW, Uber, L’Oréal and Starbucks, the new edition is updated to include more material on social media, employee communication, leadership communication and anti-corporate activism. The Fifth Edition of Corporate Communication is supported by a Companion Website and includes Full text SAGE journal articles, glossary, web links for each chapter, author-selected videos relevant to the key themes and hot topics, an authors’ blog and author videos for students as well as case study notes, PowerPoint slides, and additional case studies for lecturers. Suitable for students at advanced undergraduate and postgraduate levels on business management, marketing, corporate communication, public relations or business communications programmes as well as practitioners in the field.