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As functional elements in opto-electronic devices approach the singlemolecule limit, conducting organic molecular wires are the appropriate interconnects that enable transport of charges and charge-like particles such as excitons within the device. Reproducible syntheses and a thorough understanding of the underlying principles are therefore indispensable for applications like even smaller transistors, molecular machines and light-harvesting materials. Bringing together experiment and theory to enable applications in real-life devices, this handbook and ready reference provides essential information on how to control and direct charge transport. Readers can therefore obtain a balanced view of charge and exciton transport, covering characterization techniques such as spectroscopy and current measurements together with quantitative models. Researchers are thus able to improve the performance of newly developed devices, while an additional overview of synthesis methods highlights ways of producing different organic wires. Written with the following market in mind: chemists, molecular physicists, materials scientists and electrical engineers.
Functional Materials Processing for Switchable Device Modulation focuses on the advances of nanofabrication that underpin emerging technologies, including electronic devices. The book provides readers with a broad view of the materials’ perspectives, including historical context and background, along with future opportunities for smart electronic and switchable devices. A major focus in the book is on the research and development of synthetic materials for spectroscopic analysis which broadly deals with science and technology of materials on the atomic and molecular scale. The book reviews the materials and advances in research for switchable electronics for bioelectronic, sensing and optoelectronic applications. In addition, key challenges and emerging opportunities in innovations in surface modification and novel functional materials device implementation for industrial scale reproducibility are discussed. The book covers the applications and market potential for a variety of media, including mirrors, glazing/coatings, and display products. The physics, electrochemistry, device design and materials are detailed, with performance compared between the most relevant and emerging switchable technologies. Addresses the most interesting advances in switchable devices for bioelectronics, electronics, optoelectronics and sensing applications Includes a special emphasis on materials design, processing and fabrication of switchable devices to realize large-scale industry applications Compares the performance of existing innovative switchable devices Reviews the remaining barriers to commercialization, along with opportunities to address these challenges
This book presents an in-depth discussion on molecular electronics in an easy-to-understand manner, aiming at chemists, computer scientists, surface scientists, physicists, and applied mathematicians. Lighter overviews are provided for the science-minded layperson and the high tech entrepreneur in this nanoscale science. The author has included a detailed synthetic chemistry treasure chest, protocols of self-assembling routes for bottom-up fabrication atop silicon platforms, representative current-voltage and memory readouts from molecular devices, and overviews of present architectural and mathematical approaches to programming molecular computing machines. The investment and commercial insertion landscape is painted along with a ?Who's Who? in the molecular electronics business space. Advice and forewarnings are provided in a practical yet witty manner for the aspiring academic corporate founder and the business CEO wannabe seeking to establish a high tech company while wading through the idiosyncratic morass of university personalities and university-owned intellectual property.
"Ever since Aviram and Ratner's revolutionary paper in 1974 that proposed that molecules could conduct electrical current molecular electronics has attracted a great deal of interest as a potential replacement for silicon technology. Using molecules in electronic devices offers many advantages including high device density due to their small size and the ability to integrate new functions into devices with well-designed synthesis. One such example is sensing as the conduction in a molecular wire has been shown to be incredibly sensitive to its local environment. Proof-of-concept experiments have demonstrated that the conduction of oligophenylene vinylene (OPV), a well-studied molecular wire, is sensitive to nitroaromatic molecules. In order to be able use molecules in molecular electronic devices though it is necessary to be able to control their switching between the on and off state. Preliminary work has attempted to understand how voltage-induced switching works in bipyridyl-dinitro oligophenylene ethynylene dithiol (BPDN). The subsequent step is to look at integrating these molecules into functional devices. One proposed way for integrating conducting molecules into functional devices is to form networks of densely-packed gold nanoparticles and molecular wires between metal electrodes on insulating substrates. This design requires that nanoparticles be spaced closely enough together otherwise molecular wires will fail to bind between neighbouring nanoparticles thus decreasing device efficiency. Biomolecules have proven to be excellent templates for self-assembly and offer the advantage of being able to work under mild, aqueous conditions. Two examples are peptides and viruses. Peptides are known to provide excellent control over the size, shape and assembly of inorganic materials. Their activity can further be enhanced by fusing two different functional domains together to form a fusion peptide which is multifunctional in nature. Viruses are highly desirable templates for self-assembly for a variety of reasons including their monodispersity and well-defined shapes. The tobacco mosaic virus is one such example and its coat protein is capable of forming different assemblies depending on pH and ionic strength. One assembly of interest is the 20S disk which is 18 nm in diameter. In this work the Flg-A3 peptide was first used to form gold nanoparticles which can form stable aggregates upon interaction with metal ions. These aggregates are then bound in high density to silicon dioxide surfaces using the A3-QBP1 peptides. The Flg-A3 gold nanoparticles were also covalently bound to tobacco mosaic virus disks with the hopes of eventually being able to increase the size of the aggregates that it forms. The gold nanoparticles were covalently bound to the N terminus of this structure which is located on the circumference of the disk for further studies of their aggregation properties.The final step focused on making functional devices from oligophenylene vinylene and these gold nanoparticle networks formed using fusion peptides. The nanoparticle networks were plated on silicon dioxide substrates with lithographically-defined gold electrodes. They were treated with ultraviolet ozone cleaning in order to remove the peptide prior to using these films for electrical measurements with oligophenylene vinylene. " --
1. The birth of molecular electronics. 1.1. Why molecular electronics?. 1.2. A brief history of molecular electronics. 1.3. Scope and structure of the book -- 2. Fabrication of metallic atomic-size contacts. 2.1. Introduction. 2.2. Techniques involving the scanning electron microscope (STM). 2.3. Methods using atomic force microscopes (AFM). 2.4. Contacts between macroscopic wires. 2.5. Transmission electron microscope. 2.6. Mechanically controllable break-junctions (MCBJ). 2.7. Electromigration technique. 2.8. Electrochemical methods. 2.9. Recent developments. 2.10. Electronic transport measurements. 2.11. Exercises -- 3. Contacting single molecules: Experimental techniques. 3.1. Introduction. 3.2. Molecules for molecular electronics. 3.3. Deposition of molecules. 3.4. Contacting single molecules. 3.5. Contacting molecular ensembles. 3.6. Exercises -- 4. The scattering approach to phase-coherent transport in nanocontacts. 4.1. Introduction. 4.2. From mesoscopic conductors to atomic-scale junctions. 4.3. Conductance is transmission : heuristic derivation of the Landauer formula. 4.4. Penetration of a potential barrier : tunnel effect. 4.5. The scattering matrix. 4.6. Multichannel Landauer formula. 4.7. Shot noise. 4.8. Thermal transport and thermoelectric phenomena. 4.9. Limitations of the scattering approach. 4.10. Exercises -- 5. Introduction to Green's function techniques for systems in equilibrium. 5.1. The Schrodinger and Heisenberg pictures. 5.2. Green's functions of a noninteracting electron system. 5.3. Application to tight-binding Hamiltonians. 5.4. Green's functions in time domain. 5.5. Exercises -- 6. Green's functions and Feynman diagrams. 6.1. The interaction picture. 6.2. The time-evolution operator. 6.3. Perturbative expansion of causal Green's functions. 6.4. Wick's theorem. 6.5. Feynman diagrams. 6.6. Feynman diagrams in energy space. 6.7. Electronic self-energy and Dyson's equation. 6.8. Self-consistent diagrammatic theory : the Hartree-Fock approximation. 6.9. The Anderson model and the Kondo effect. 6.10. Final remarks. 6.11. Exercises -- 7. Nonequilibrium Green's functions formalism. 7.1. The Keldysh formalism. 7.2. Diagrammatic expansion in the Keldysh formalism. 7.3. Basic relations and equations in the Keldysh formalism. 7.4. Application of Keldysh formalism to simple transport problems. 7.5. Exercises -- 8. Formulas of the electrical current : exploiting the Keldysh formalism. 8.1. Elastic current : microscopic derivation of the Landauer formula. 8.2. Current through an interacting atomic-scale junction. 8.3. Time-dependent transport in nanoscale junctions. 8.4. Exercises -- 9. Electronic structure I: Tight-binding approach. 9.1. Basics of the tight-binding approach. 9.2. The extended Huckel method. 9.3. Matrix elements in solid state approaches. 9.4. Slater-Koster two-center approximation. 9.5. Some illustrative examples. 9.6. The NRL tight-binding method. 9.7. The tight-binding approach in molecular electronics. 9.8. Exercises -- 10. Electronic structure II : density functional theory. 10.1. Elementary quantum mechanics. 10.2. Early density functional theories. 10.3. The Hohenberg-Kohn theorems. 10.4. The Kohn-Sham approach. 10.5. The exchange-correlation functionals. 10.6. The basic machinery of DFT. 10.7. DFT performance. 10.8. DFT in molecular electronics. 10.9. Exercises -- 11. The conductance of a single atom. 11.1. Landauer approach to conductance: brief reminder. 11.2. Conductance of atomic-scale contacts. 11.3. Conductance histograms. 11.4. Determining the conduction channels. 11.5. The chemical nature of the conduction channels of oneatom contacts. 11.6. Some further issues. 11.7. Conductance fluctuations. 11.8. Atomic chains : parity oscillations in the conductance. 11.9. Concluding remarks. 11.10. Exercises -- 12. Spin-dependent transport in ferromagnetic atomic contacts. 12.1. Conductance of ferromagnetic atomic contacts. 12.2. Magnetoresistance of ferromagnetic atomic contacts. 12.3. Anisotropic magnetoresistance in atomic contacts. 12.4. Concluding remarks and open problems -- 13. Coherent transport through molecular junctions I : basic concepts. 13.1. Identifying the transport mechanism in single-molecule junctions. 13.2. Some lessons from the resonant tunneling model. 13.3. A two-level model. 13.4. Length dependence of the conductance. 13.5. Role of conjugation in [symbol]-electron systems. 13.6. Fano resonances. 13.7. Negative differential resistance. 13.8. Final remarks. 13.9. Exercises -- 14. Coherent transport through molecular junctions II : test-bed molecules. 14.1. Coherent transport through some test-bed molecules. 14.2. Metal-molecule contact : the role of anchoring groups. 14.3. Tuning chemically the conductance : the role of side-groups. 14.4. Controlled STM-based single-molecule experiments. 14.5. Conclusions and open problems -- 15. Single-molecule transistors : Coulomb blockade and Kondo physics. 15.1. Introduction. 15.2. Charging effects in transport through nanoscale devices. 15.3. Single-molecule three-terminal devices. 15.4. Coulomb blockade theory : constant interaction model. 15.5. Towards a theory of Coulomb blockade in molecular transistors. 15.6. Intermediate coupling : cotunneling and Kondo effect. 15.7. Single-molecule transistors : experimental results. 15.8. Exercises -- 16. Vibrationally-induced inelastic current I : experiment. 16.1. Introduction. 16.2. Inelastic electron tunneling spectroscopy (IETS). 16.3. Highly conductive junctions : point-contact spectroscopy (PCS). 16.4. Crossover between PCS and IETS. 16.5. Resonant inelastic electron tunneling spectroscopy (RIETS). 16.6. Summary of vibrational signatures -- 17. Vibrationally-induced inelastic current II : theory. 17.1. Weak electron-phonon coupling regime. 17.2. Intermediate electron-phonon coupling regime. 17.3. Strong electron-phonon coupling regime. 17.4. Concluding remarks and open problems. 17.5. Exercises -- 18. The hopping regime and transport through DNA molecules. 18.1. Signatures of the hopping regime. 18.2. Hopping transport in molecular junctions : experimental examples. 18.3. DNA-based molecular junctions. 18.4. Exercises -- 19. Beyond electrical conductance : shot noise and thermal transport. 19.1. Shot noise in atomic and molecular junctions. 19.2. Heating and heat conduction. 19.3. Thermoelectricity in molecular junctions -- 20. Optical properties of current-carrying molecular junctions. 20.1. Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy of molecular junctions. 20.2. Transport mechanisms in irradiated molecular junctions. 20.3. Theory of photon-assisted tunneling. 20.4. Experiments on radiation-induced transport in atomic and molecular junctions. 20.5. Resonant current amplification and other transport phenomena in ac driven molecular junctions. 20.6. Fluorescence from current-carrying molecular junctions. 20.7. Molecular optoelectronic devices. 20.8. Final remarks. 20.9. Exercises -- 21. What is missing in this book?
With contributions by numerous experts