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This textbook provides a careful treatment of functional analysis and some of its applications in analysis, number theory, and ergodic theory. In addition to discussing core material in functional analysis, the authors cover more recent and advanced topics, including Weyl’s law for eigenfunctions of the Laplace operator, amenability and property (T), the measurable functional calculus, spectral theory for unbounded operators, and an account of Tao’s approach to the prime number theorem using Banach algebras. The book further contains numerous examples and exercises, making it suitable for both lecture courses and self-study. Functional Analysis, Spectral Theory, and Applications is aimed at postgraduate and advanced undergraduate students with some background in analysis and algebra, but will also appeal to everyone with an interest in seeing how functional analysis can be applied to other parts of mathematics.
In an elegant and concise fashion, this book presents the concepts of functional analysis required by students of mathematics and physics. It begins with the basics of normed linear spaces and quickly proceeds to concentrate on Hilbert spaces, specifically the spectral theorem for bounded as well as unbounded operators in separable Hilbert spaces. While the first two chapters are devoted to basic propositions concerning normed vector spaces and Hilbert spaces, the third chapter treats advanced topics which are perhaps not standard in a first course on functional analysis. It begins with the Gelfand theory of commutative Banach algebras, and proceeds to the Gelfand-Naimark theorem on commutative C*-algebras. A discussion of representations of C*-algebras follows, and the final section of this chapter is devoted to the Hahn-Hellinger classification of separable representations of commutative C*-algebras. After this detour into operator algebras, the fourth chapter reverts to more standard operator theory in Hilbert space, dwelling on topics such as the spectral theorem for normal operators, the polar decomposition theorem, and the Fredholm theory for compact operators. A brief introduction to the theory of unbounded operators on Hilbert space is given in the fifth and final chapter. There is a voluminous appendix whose purpose is to fill in possible gaps in the reader's background in various areas such as linear algebra, topology, set theory and measure theory. The book is interspersed with many exercises, and hints are provided for the solutions to the more challenging of these.
This Research Note addresses several pivotal problems in spectral theory and nonlinear functional analysis in connection with the analysis of the structure set of zeroes of a general class of nonlinear operators. Appealing to a broad audience, it contains many important contributions to linear algebra, linear functional analysis, nonlinear functional analysis, and topology. The author gives several applications of the abstract theory to reaction diffusion equations and systems. The results presented cover a thirty-year period and cut across a variety of mathematical fields.
This textbook offers a concise introduction to spectral theory, designed for newcomers to functional analysis. Curating the content carefully, the author builds to a proof of the spectral theorem in the early part of the book. Subsequent chapters illustrate a variety of application areas, exploring key examples in detail. Readers looking to delve further into specialized topics will find ample references to classic and recent literature. Beginning with a brief introduction to functional analysis, the text focuses on unbounded operators and separable Hilbert spaces as the essential tools needed for the subsequent theory. A thorough discussion of the concepts of spectrum and resolvent follows, leading to a complete proof of the spectral theorem for unbounded self-adjoint operators. Applications of spectral theory to differential operators comprise the remaining four chapters. These chapters introduce the Dirichlet Laplacian operator, Schrödinger operators, operators on graphs, and the spectral theory of Riemannian manifolds. Spectral Theory offers a uniquely accessible introduction to ideas that invite further study in any number of different directions. A background in real and complex analysis is assumed; the author presents the requisite tools from functional analysis within the text. This introductory treatment would suit a functional analysis course intended as a pathway to linear PDE theory. Independent later chapters allow for flexibility in selecting applications to suit specific interests within a one-semester course.
This book is dedicated to the spectral theory of linear operators on Banach spaces and of elements in Banach algebras. It presents a survey of results concerning various types of spectra, both of single and n-tuples of elements. Typical examples are the one-sided spectra, the approximate point, essential, local and Taylor spectrum, and their variants. Many results appear here for the first time in a monograph.
This textbook provides a graduate-level introduction to the spectral theory of linear operators on Banach and Hilbert spaces, guiding readers through key components of spectral theory and its applications in quantum physics. Based on their extensive teaching experience, the authors present topics in a progressive manner so that each chapter builds on the ones preceding. Researchers and students alike will also appreciate the exploration of more advanced applications and research perspectives presented near the end of the book. Beginning with a brief introduction to the relationship between spectral theory and quantum physics, the authors go on to explore unbounded operators, analyzing closed, adjoint, and self-adjoint operators. Next, the spectrum of a closed operator is defined and the fundamental properties of Fredholm operators are introduced. The authors then develop the Grushin method to execute the spectral analysis of compact operators. The chapters that follow are devoted to examining Hille-Yoshida and Stone theorems, the spectral analysis of self-adjoint operators, and trace-class and Hilbert-Schmidt operators. The final chapter opens the discussion to several selected applications. Throughout this textbook, detailed proofs are given, and the statements are illustrated by a number of well-chosen examples. At the end, an appendix about foundational functional analysis theorems is provided to help the uninitiated reader. A Guide to Spectral Theory: Applications and Exercises is intended for graduate students taking an introductory course in spectral theory or operator theory. A background in linear functional analysis and partial differential equations is assumed; basic knowledge of bounded linear operators is useful but not required. PhD students and researchers will also find this volume to be of interest, particularly the research directions provided in later chapters.
This book gives an introduction to Linear Functional Analysis, which is a synthesis of algebra, topology, and analysis. In addition to the basic theory it explains operator theory, distributions, Sobolev spaces, and many other things. The text is self-contained and includes all proofs, as well as many exercises, most of them with solutions. Moreover, there are a number of appendices, for example on Lebesgue integration theory. A complete introduction to the subject, Linear Functional Analysis will be particularly useful to readers who want to quickly get to the key statements and who are interested in applications to differential equations.
This book presents the basic tools of modern analysis within the context of the fundamental problem of operator theory: to calculate spectra of specific operators on infinite dimensional spaces, especially operators on Hilbert spaces. The tools are diverse, and they provide the basis for more refined methods that allow one to approach problems that go well beyond the computation of spectra: the mathematical foundations of quantum physics, noncommutative K-theory, and the classification of simple C*-algebras being three areas of current research activity which require mastery of the material presented here.
It begins in Chapter 1 with an introduction to the necessary foundations, including the Arzelà–Ascoli theorem, elementary Hilbert space theory, and the Baire Category Theorem. Chapter 2 develops the three fundamental principles of functional analysis (uniform boundedness, open mapping theorem, Hahn–Banach theorem) and discusses reflexive spaces and the James space. Chapter 3 introduces the weak and weak topologies and includes the theorems of Banach–Alaoglu, Banach–Dieudonné, Eberlein–Šmulyan, Kre&ibreve;n–Milman, as well as an introduction to topological vector spaces and applications to ergodic theory. Chapter 4 is devoted to Fredholm theory. It includes an introduction to the dual operator and to compact operators, and it establishes the closed image theorem. Chapter 5 deals with the spectral theory of bounded linear operators. It introduces complex Banach and Hilbert spaces, the continuous functional calculus for self-adjoint and normal operators, the Gelfand spectrum, spectral measures, cyclic vectors, and the spectral theorem. Chapter 6 introduces unbounded operators and their duals. It establishes the closed image theorem in this setting and extends the functional calculus and spectral measure to unbounded self-adjoint operators on Hilbert spaces. Chapter 7 gives an introduction to strongly continuous semigroups and their infinitesimal generators. It includes foundational results about the dual semigroup and analytic semigroups, an exposition of measurable functions with values in a Banach space, and a discussion of solutions to the inhomogeneous equation and their regularity properties. The appendix establishes the equivalence of the Lemma of Zorn and the Axiom of Choice, and it contains a proof of Tychonoff's theorem. With 10 to 20 elaborate exercises at the end of each chapter, this book can be used as a text for a one-or-two-semester course on functional analysis for beginning graduate students. Prerequisites are first-year analysis and linear algebra, as well as some foundational material from the second-year courses on point set topology, complex analysis in one variable, and measure and integration.
A signi?cant sector of the development of spectral theory outside the classical area of Hilbert space may be found amongst at multipliers de?ned on a complex commutative Banach algebra A. Although the general theory of multipliers for abstract Banach algebras has been widely investigated by several authors, it is surprising how rarely various aspects of the spectral theory, for instance Fredholm theory and Riesz theory, of these important classes of operators have been studied. This scarce consideration is even more surprising when one observes that the various aspects of spectral t- ory mentioned above are quite similar to those of a normal operator de?ned on a complex Hilbert space. In the last ten years the knowledge of the spectral properties of multip- ers of Banach algebras has increased considerably, thanks to the researches undertaken by many people working in local spectral theory and Fredholm theory. This research activity recently culminated with the publication of the book of Laursen and Neumann [214], which collects almost every thing that is known about the spectral theory of multipliers.